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Healthy Child Manitoba

Healthy Schools

Home > Community-Based Activities

Community-Based Funding

Since 2002, Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) and School Divisions have received funding to support local Healthy Schools plans and priorities. These funds have created an opportunity for School Divisions and local schools to work with RHAs, other community organizations and individuals to develop plans and activities consistent with the Healthy Schools Framework. Activities are to be selected based on identified needs within the school community. Activities should also follow these principles:

  • Encourage community, student, and family participation;
  • Build and strengthen partnerships among health providers, educators, parents, children, and the community;
  • Utilize a comprehensive and collaborative approach;
  • Incorporate best practices and evidence;
  • Encourage activities that support wellness and promote healthy environments in the community, home, and school;
  • Build capacity and provides evidence of sustainability; and
  • Support sharing of knowledge and expertise with others across the province.

Many school divisions implement division wide activities; others distribute funding to schools within the division, while still others implement a combination of both division wide and school-based activities.

The most common health topics selected by school divisions to date include:

  1. physical activity/active living
  2. healthy eating/nutrition,
  3. mental health;
  4. safety/injury prevention,
  5. sexual/reproductive health,
  6. substance use/addictions, and
  7. other (e.g. dental health, social skills, parenting, character development, and general wellness).

Examples of Healthy Schools community-based activities include:

  • Wellness promotion (e.g. workshops, fairs, days) on various health topics,
  • Purchase of equipment and/or materials (e.g. sports equipment, food, books, etc.),
  • Implementation of programs and staff training (e.g. Lions Quest, Friends for Life, FAST, Kids in the Know, Substance Use),
  • Distribution of kits (successful learners, kindergarten, healthy living, medicine bags, tobacco reduction),
  • presentations to students on various topics (e.g. bullying, Teen Talk, MADD), and
  • Development and implementation of division wide healthy living (e.g. nutrition) policy.
For more information about
Healthy Schools, please contact:

Healthy Schools
Phone:  (204) 788-6679




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