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Manitoba Healthy Living

May 30 - June 5, 2005

During the summer, children love to bike, walk, swim and play at the playground. But did you know that thousands of Canadian children are seriously injured or killed each year while participating in these popular activities?

These injuries are not accidents. Most are predictable and can be prevented.

This is Safe Kids Week and this year’s theme is “Summer Safety”. If you are a parent or a caregiver, you have an important role to play in protecting the safety of your children.

Here are some “Summer Safety Tips” that will help keep your children safe: 

  • Check all family safety equipment (e.g. bicycle helmets, lifejackets, swimming pool safety aids, etc.) to make sure it is in good condition.
  • Assess your children’s abilities, provide appropriate direction and only allow them to participate in activities when they can demonstrate that they can do them safely. This assessment should be repeated on a regular basis.
  • Revisit your family safety rules and make sure that all family members understand them.
  • Reinforce these safety rules by regularly practicing them with your children.
  • Create an environment that is safe for your children.

This summer, we encourage all parents to be active with their children. It’s fun and it helps kids to develop strong, healthy bodies. But while you are enjoying your favourite activities, please make safety a priority. By taking simple precautions, you can help to prevent many injuries and minimize their effects.

Safe Kids Fact Sheets

Here's are some great safety fact sheets courtesy of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA).

Note:  you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer in order to open this file.  If you require a free copy of the Reader, click here.

Bicycle Safety - Bike riding is a terrific activity for children and a great opportunity for families to be active together. It’s fun, it gets us outdoors, and it builds strong, healthy bodies. However, before your children put foot to pedal, parents need to make sure that they have the skills to do so safely. Find out what you need to know to keep your children safe on their summer bike ride.

Pedestrian Safety - Walking is a great way for children to have fun, get exercise and simply to get around. It’s a great family activity too. But before your kids lace up their shoes, you need to discuss pedestrian safety with them. Here are some facts about child pedestrian injuries and some tips that will help your children to get out and walk safely this summer.

Playground Safety - Playgrounds offer children the chance to explore, be active, develop their skills and learn to play with other children. However, injuries can occur at the playground. Parents have an important role to play in creating a play environment that is both challenging and safe. This sheet tells you the facts about playground injuries and discusses ways to prevent these injuries.

Swim Safety - Children love to be around water. Playing at the beach, the local water park or even in the bathtub can be great fun, especially on a hot summer day. However, water can also be dangerous. Before your kids put on their swimsuits or get in the tub, there are things you need to know to keep your children safe.

For more information, visit the Safe Kids Canada web site at

Have a great Safe Kids Week and a safe, active summer! 


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