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Date modified 2006-09-20                                                                                Important Notices

Interested in becoming a Member of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board?

Members of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board are appointed by the Governor in Council to adjudicate review and appeal applications which may provide financial compensation to eligible veterans, civilians, Canadian Force and RCMP members as well as their dependants for death and/or disability related to war, peacekeeping or peacetime service.  Members are also required to interpret and apply The Pension Act, Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-Establishment and Compensation Act, and other related statutes.  All members are appointed for fixed terms of varying lengths

If you are interested in becoming a Member of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board, please forward your application to VRAB.  All applications received will be maintained in an inventory for consideration in upcoming selection processes.  Further information on the selection process can be found here.



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