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Date modified 2006-09-10                                                                             Important Notices

Frequently Asked Questions on the Selection Process for Members of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board

Q. How can I apply to be a Member of the VRAB?

A. The positions will be advertised in several Canadian French and English newspapers and through the VRAB’s website at You can also call the Board at 1-866-840-4244 to request an application.

Q. When do I need to have my application submitted?

A. For the current selection process, you should have your application submitted to the Veterans Review and Appeal Board by November 30, 2006. Applications received after that date will be maintained in an inventory for a period of two years for future selection processes that may be conducted during this two year period.

Q. I have already been through the selection process and been found qualified. Do I need to apply again? What is the status of my candidacy in view of the fact that a national recruitment campaign is underway?

A. If you have been advised that you have been found qualified, your name remains for three years (from the date that you were advised in writing that you have been found qualified) in the group of qualified candidates and there is no requirement to reapply. The current recruitment campaign is to further enrich the group of qualified candidates for future appointments, particularly in regions where the Board has appointment needs. Your candidacy will not be affected by this.

Q. Why are other names being added to the pool now when there are already several names in it, including mine, particularly since there are only a few appointment opportunities?

A. The Board requires Members with a well rounded range of backgrounds including medical health professions and military backgrounds, and also has appointment needs in locations where there may have been little or no response to previous advertisements. This selection process will ensure that these needs are filled for the future. Individuals currently in the pool will continue to be eligible for consideration for upcoming appointments for a period of three years from the date they were advised in writing that they have been found qualified.

Q. What does a Member do after appointment to VRAB?

A. VRAB Members work full-time and are required to adjudicate review and appeal applications made to the VRAB under the Pension Act, the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act, and other related Acts of Parliament. Members provide an independent review of disability pension/award and War Veterans Allowance decisions by hearing and adjudicating cases. This involves conducting hearings in numerous locations across the country in person and via video or teleconference; deciding cases and ensuring the related statutes are properly interpreted; and, writing clear reasons for decisions within specified time frames. Some Members are required to travel 3 out of 4 weeks to conduct hearings and some may be required to travel up to 35 weeks a year.

Q. How much are Members of VRAB paid?

A. Members’ salaries are fixed by an Order-in-Council upon appointment and paid within a salary range of $91,200 to $107,300.

Q. How long are Members’ appointment terms?

A. Terms range from 1 to 10 years and may be eligible for reappointment. All Members serve on good behaviour.

Q. How many Members are on the Veterans Review and Appeal Board?

A. There are currently 21 Members. The number of Members required is based on workload.

Q. Where are Members located?

A. Roughly half the Members work out of major cities across Canada and conduct review hearings, while the other half work in Head Office Charlottetown and conduct appeal hearings.

Q. What is the Mandate of VRAB?

A. The VRAB was created by an Act of Parliament in 1995 and provides Veterans, current and former members of the Canadian Forces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and certain civilians and/or their dependents with the opportunity to request a review or appeal of disability pension/award decisions made under the Pension Act, the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act and other Acts of Parliament, and final appeals on War Veterans Allowance cases under the War Veterans Allowance Act. The Board, is a quasi-judicial agency and operates independently from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VAC).


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