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Media Bulletin - Manitoba

October 19, 2006


In August 2006, the Public Health Agency of Canada announced that due to manufacturing problems, production of this year’s influenza vaccine has been delayed.
The delay in the arrival of vaccine does not mean there will be a shortage of vaccine, according to Manitoba Health.  This year, the province has purchased 350,000 doses of influenza vaccine which is enough to immunize eligible populations based on previous experience.  Approximately 50,000 doses have been received and are being shipped to regional health authorities for the immunization of high-risk individuals in long-term care facilities.
The remainder of the supply will be shipped to providers, including regional health authorities and doctors’ offices, when vaccine has arrived from the manufacturers.  It is anticipated that Manitoba’s 2006 influenza vaccination campaign will begin in early November.
Manitoba Health is urging Manitobans who are eligible for free vaccine to make appointments soon with their health-care providers.  Manitobans eligible for free vaccine include:
·         those aged 65 or older, individuals who have a chronic health condition and individuals who live in a personal care home;
·         infants aged six to 23 months and those in regular contact with infants from birth to 23 months; and
·         health-care workers and first responders such as police officers, firefighters and ambulance workers.
Influenza is spread from person to person by sneezing and coughing.  Symptoms may include a sudden onset of fever and chills, coughs, headaches, muscle aches, a runny nose, sore throat and exhaustion.
To date, there are no confirmed cases of influenza in Manitoba this year.
For more information on public health clinics, contact your regional health authority or call Health Links-Info Santé at 1-888-315-9257 or 788-8200 in Winnipeg.


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