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Kindergarten to Grade 12
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth

Information For Administration

Minister's Awards
Manitoba’s Celebration of Excellence in Teaching

Department Contacts
Whom Do I Call? brochure, Search for Department contacts

K-12 School Programs
Assessment and Evaluation, Curriculum Development and Implementation, English Program, Français Program (French only), French Immersion Program, Technology Education Program (Senior Years)

Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements, Mature Students

Aboriginal Education
Aboriginal Identity Field, Aboriginal Perspectives, Publications

Distance Learning
Independent Study Option, Policy Handbook, Teacher Mediated Option, Web-Based Courses

Information Technology
IMYM Model, Literacy with ICT, Web-Based Course Development

International Education Partnerships
Affiliated Schools Overseas

Learning Resources
Learning Resources Reviews, Libraries, Manitoba Text Book Bureau, Publications Catalogue

MET Number Requests
Student Records

Professional Learning
Education for Sustainable Development, Event Calendar, Grants in Education, Professional Certification, STAPLE, Workshop Registration

School Finance and Statistics
Educational Funding/Grants, FRAME Reports, French Second Language Revitalization Program, Public Schools Enrolment, Schools' Reporting Forms

School Policy and Planning
Going to School in Manitoba, Healthy Foods in Schools, K-S4 Agenda for Student Success , Legislation and Regulation, Planning in Education, Pupil File Guidelines, Pupil Transportation

School Support
Appropriate Educational Programming (Bill 13), Blind/Visually Impaired, Categorical Funding, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Planning in Education, Safe and Caring Schools

Other Topics

Find below additional topics that may be of interest. Click on a topic's title for more information.

Administrative Handbook for Schools
This handbook serves as a reference and resource guide providing basic administrative information for educators in Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 12 levels.

A Self-Managed Career Portfolio Guide
The portfolio offers a framework for individuals to guide and capture all aspects of their career development, including self-assessment, goal-setting, skill identification, career and educational transition, getting and keeping work, and lifelong personal development. As an ongoing developmental process, the career portfolio provides documentation of the past and offers a guide to the future.

Career Development
The new realities of the contemporary workplace and the contemporary worker have changed our perception and use of the concept of career. Career development is now viewed as complex and multidimensional, involving growing through life and work - an interweaving of learning, experiencing, living, working, changing, and identifying and discovering pathways. Thus career development can be seen as the creation of an individual's life/work designs.

Curriculum Information for Parents
This area of the website provides parents with information about what children are learning in Kindergarten to Grade 12 compulsory subject areas.

Diversity and Equity in Education
Information about Aboriginal Education, Anti-Racism/Anti Bias, English as a Second Language, International and Heritage Languages, Special Education, and Special Language credit Option.

Educational Links
A collection of annotated online resources (hyperlinks) for parents, students, teachers, and educational administrators.

Education Manitoba: Online News
This online newsletter updates schools on current and new initiatives being undertaken by the department of Education, Training and Youth.

French Immersion in Manitoba
A publication for parents that explains the French Immersion Program in Manitoba schools.

Independent Together: Supporting the Multilevel Learning Community
This project provides a resource to support teachers in the implementation and management of provincially mandated student learning outcomes in multilevel classrooms.

K-12 Subscription Updates
Subscribe to an enhanced mailing list that offers personalized updates sent to your email address.

Manitoba Text Book Bureau
The Manitoba Text Book Bureau is responsible for providing Manitoba schools with educational learning resources and related products to support teaching and learning and to ensure availability of all Department recommended learning resources in a cost-effective manner.

Schools, Families and Communities
Information about parent and community involvement in Manitoba's education system.

School Partnerships: A Guide for Parents, Schools and Communities
This is a collaborative response to a request to update Advisory Councils for School Leadership: A Handbook for Parents, Teachers, and Administrators (1996).

Strategic Technology-Assisted Professional Learning Environment (STAPLE)
The purpose of STAPLE is to expand the range of professional learning environments for Manitoba educators by researching, developing, and implementing integrated technology-assisted professional learning models.

Subject Table Handbook
The Subject Table Handbook reflects changes to course codes, credits, etc. that apply to the Manitoba school year for both the English and the Technology Education programs.

Supporting Inclusive Schools: School-Based Planning and Reporting
This document provides a framework for educators when working with planning teams, creating school plans, and reporting to the Department, division/district, and community.

Working Together: A Guide to Positive Problem Solving for Schools, Families, and Communities
The purpose of this guide is to give everyone¿parents, educators, and community members alike¿the information to take part in the co-operative, creative problemsolving process of informal dispute resolution. It is intended to serve as a resource support to local school and school division dispute resolution policies and practices. Many schools and school divisions have dispute resolution policies in place, and for them it will serve as supplemental material.

Working Together: A Handbook for Parents of Children with Special Needs in School
This document highlights the importance of the diverse and changing learning needs of students with special needs. It also offers support and encouragement to parents and families of students with special needs. This handbook describes some of the services and activities that might be used to meet individual student needs at school.