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Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth

MB4Youth Division


All Employers:

Aboriginal Youth Internship Program - A partnership program that provides secondary Aboriginal students with internships in the business sectors to assist them in their transition from school to work.

Black Youth Internship Program - A partnership program that provides high school students who are of African-Caribbean origin with internships in the financial and business sectors to encourage them to stay in school and assist them in their transition from school to work.

Manitoba Mentorships - Provides a wage incentive to employers to create meaningful part-time career-related positions for post-secondary students.

CareerFocus - Provides students with opportunities to receive career-related work experience. Provides support to educational instructors in helping students make a successful transition from school to work.

Manitoba Youth Job Centres/Student Youth Human Resource Centres (MYCJ/SYHRC) - Matching and referral service of students and youth to vacant positions.

Partners for Careers - Provides placement and pre-employment training and mentoring for Aboriginal youth.

Partners With Youth - Partners with rural organizations to deliver projects that will improve participants' general employability, prepare them for further training, job search or result in employment.

Youth NOW - Partners with Winnipeg organizations to deliver projects that will improve participants' general employability, by providing employability skills training, work experience and job placements.

Youth Transition - Enables recent grads who lack the resources to continue their education the opportunity to enroll in post-secondary education.

Not-for Profit Employers:

Hometown Green Team - Encourages municipal/civic governments and non-profit organizations to hire youth to work on projects that will result in benefits to the local community.

Urban Green Team - Provides funding to Winnipeg non-profit organizations who initiate a variety of community development projects which employ Winnipeg youth.

Youth Serves Manitoba - Provides bursaries to post-secondary students to encourage community service work with non-profit organizations.

Trade Employers:

Apprenticeship - Manitoba's apprenticeship training system is industry-driven and is designed to enhance the competitive position of Manitoba business by providing skills training that is timely and relevant for employees and employers. Learn how apprenticeship training can give your employees the skills they need to keep your company competitive, to maintain product quality and to enhance customer satisfaction.

Senior Years Apprenticeship Option - Combines academic study and on-the-job apprenticeship training. Students can earn up to eight supplemental academic credits towards graduation and apply on-the-job work time towards continued apprenticeship training hours after graduation.

Skills Canada Manitoba - Skills Canada Manitoba is a provincial, not-for-profit organization that works with employers, educators, labour groups and governments to reposition skilled trade and technology careers as a "first choice" option for Manitoba youth.

Emerging Businesses:

Young Entrepreneurs - Encourages youth to start their own full-time business.

Skill Development for Young Entrepreneurs - designed to enhance the skills of Manitoba's young people who have started, or plan to start, their own full-time business. Approved training will provide youth with the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills to run a successful business.

Links for Employers

Links Page - Provides employers with links to information related to employment standards, work place safety, labour board, and much more.

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