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Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade

Hydro Northern Training Initiative

Training and Employment Opportunities | About The Initiative | Goals of the Initiative | The Northern Development Strategy

Training and Employment Opportunities:

Hydroelectric Generating Station Construction in Northern Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro has announced plans for two new hydroelectric generating stations (GS) in Northern Manitoba: Wuskwatim GS on the Burntwood River and Gull (Keeyask) GS on the Nelson River. The proposed hydroelectric projects represent approximately $4.0B in construction costs. Over 2,000 jobs are projected at peak construction. It is estimated that the effort will contribute up to $2.0B to the national Gross Domestic Product with one half of this amount accruing to Manitoba.

These projects (and possibility a third major project, Conawapa), have the potential for up to 20 years of direct/indirect employment for northern Aboriginal Manitobans and for other economic spin-offs.

About The Hydro Northern Training and Employment Initiative:

In order to capture employment and economic opportunities for northern Aboriginal people, and in particular those First Nations in proximity of the two proposed projects, funding to support the Initiative is being provided as follows:

Break Down of Funding ChartChart Legend:

WED - Western Economic Diversification
INAC - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
HRSDC - Human Resources Skills Development Canada


This $60.3M multi-year Initiative will train and prepare over 1,000 Aboriginal residents for 800 hydro construction and related employment opportunities. The Initiative will run from 2001/02 – 2008/09.

$22.0M of the federal contribution is through the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership (ASEP).

It is the first large scale Aboriginal human resource strategy in northern Manitoba to be planned, designed and implemented by northern Aboriginal Partners to prepare their members for employment opportunities on the projects and related opportunities.

Goals of the Initiative:

  • prepare northern Aboriginals with the knowledge and skills needed for employment on the construction projects planned in northern Manitoba and on other major Manitoba construction projects
  • lever opportunities on hydroelectric projects for long term community development
  • support the development of northern businesses and community ventures by providing products and services to the hydroelectric projects


The Northern Development Strategy:

The Hydro Northern Training and Employment Initiative is a key platform of the government’s Northern Development Strategy - a long term plan to develop the human and natural resources of northern Manitoba. The education and training objectives of the strategy are to (a) increase high school completions (b) better align training to northern labour market opportunities and (c) ensure that Northerners get jobs in the North.

Through other priority areas such as health, housing, transportation and economic development, the Strategy seeks to create opportunities for social and economic changes to benefit all northern Manitobans.


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