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Take our Fraud Quiz and see what you know about frauds and scams in Canada.
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Are you a Target? On-Line Scams Credit/Debit Card Frauds Investment Scams Identity Theft Download the entire quiz in PDF form
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Fraud…can you Recognize It, Report It, Stop It? Become a tough target for frauds and scams in Canada. The ABCs of fraud® online quiz helps you evaluate and stop identity theft, online scams, credit & debit card frauds and investments scams. Fraud Awareness is the best prevention. Protect yourself. Protect your money.

The online fraud quiz can help you prevent yourself from becoming a victim of various frauds and scams in Canada. Take the quiz and test your self on credit & debit card fraud, online scams, identity theft and financial scams. Learn how you can protect yourself from con artists. Learn how to report scams, who to report frauds and scams to and how to locate fraud alerts. Protect yourself and protect your money. Take the online fraud quiz today.