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Home Canada Remembers Features A Year-End Message from the Minister

A Year-End Message from the Minister

The Holiday Season is a time when we gather with family and friends to look back at the past year, to think about the future and to count our many blessings.

The tragic events in the United States on September 11 reminded us of the value of our peace and freedom and caused us to reflect on what was really at stake when earlier generations of Canadian men and women left the security of their families and homes to fight on foreign soil. The many thousands of Canadians who participated in this year's Remembrance Day services and Veterans' Week ceremonies showed a strong appreciation for the sacrifices and achievements of our Veterans in times of armed conflict and peacekeeping missions. We have a special mandate at Veterans Affairs Canada, to serve those who have so ably served us.

We accept this unique responsibility with an abiding commitment to provide the best possible care to Veterans. We are mindful of the ever-changing needs of our veterans and we are constantly working with our partners to adjust our programs and services in line with current requirements and emerging trends. Our progress can be seen in some of the key initiatives undertaken during the past 12 months:

  • delivering an additional $34.5 million under the Merchant Navy Veteran Special Benefit, bringing the total package for veterans and surviving spouses to $104.5 million;

  • enhancing pension benefits and extending home care services under the Veterans Independence Program, to our still serving Canadian Forces veterans and their families;

  • extending veterans' benefits and services including the awarding of the Canadian Volunteer Service Medal to civilian groups who served overseas in the Second World War (e.g Ferry Command, Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit, Overseas Fire Fighters and the Red Cross);

  • increasing pension benefits for all Hong Kong veterans who suffer from Avitaminosis, a debilitating condition associated with long periods of malnutrition;

  • assisting Buchenwald POWS in their successful claims for compensation from the German Government;

  • ensuring that 93 per cent of veterans reside in facilities duly accredited by the Canadian Council of Health Services Accreditation;

  • extending the term "Veteran" to include former Canadian Forces members and Reserve forces personnel, subject to certain service criteria, in recognition of their important contribution to Canada's peace and security;

  • allocating significant funds for modernizing long-term care facilities in Moncton, Winnipeg, and Quebec City, and including $68 million to Ste. Anne's Hospital in Montréal;

  • launching Salute!, Veterans Affairs' new client newsletter; and

  • 23 Canadian soldiers who were executed during the First World War were recognized in a special House of Commons statement and their names will be added to the Book of Remembrance.

We are committed to ensuring that the service and sacrifice of our veterans and Canadian Forces members are preserved for all generations. April 2002 marks the 85th anniversary of the historic Vimy Ridge victory which earned our young nation a place at the table of nations. I am enormously pleased that $30 million in new funding has been allocated for the repair and restoration of the Canadian National Vimy Memorial in France and 12 other First World War memorials throughout Europe. Our staff will work closely with veterans' associations to achieve even greater public awareness and recognition of the sacrifices made by those who have served Canada in times of war and peace.

The Department's future directions are clearly set out in our Five Year Strategic Plan which was developed in consultation with our clients and stakeholders. Achieving those goals will rest on continued close collaboration with our veterans' organizations, all united in our common vision of providing the best quality of care to our veterans. Our shared commitment will be more important than ever as we strive to address the key challenges that lie ahead.

In reviewing our achievements of this past year and reflecting on our future directions, I would like to acknowledge the outstanding dedication of Veterans Affairs' employees. Their exceptional commitment to our veterans and other clients has been, and will continue to be, the most critical element in sustaining the Department's progress. Providing them with the right tools and the right skills is critical to delivering the best service possible. The completion of the on-line Client Service Delivery Network is an important step in our Client Centred Service Approach.

I look forward to working with our clients and stakeholders in the new year. On this festive occasion, I would like to extend my personal best wishes to you and yours during this Holiday Season.

Respectfully yours,

The Honourable Ron J. Duhamel

Updated: 2003-6-17