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Manitoba Advanced Education and Literacy

Notice and Disclaimers

NOTICE: The mission of Manitoba Advanced Education and Literacy (MAE&L) is to provide relevant education and training that is of high quality, affordable, available, and responsive. Our goal is to enable Manitobans to develop their individual potential and contribute to the economic, social and cultural life of Manitoba in a global context. To this end, MAE&L maintains this web site to serve the educational needs of Manitobans, including teachers, administrators, parents, students, businesses, and other educational partners in Manitoba. This web site and the pages to which it is linked provide information about various educational programs, services, and publications. Information resides on computer servers administered by Manitoba Educational Research Learning Information Networks (MERLIN). To enhance service, information about the activity on the MAE&L website will be gathered.

DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY, HTML COMPATIBILITY, or ENDORSEMENT: While every effort is made to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the information and documents available from this website, MAE&T assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the completeness or usefulness of any information disclosed. Nor do we ensure compatibility with past, current or future versions of your favourite WWW browser. Please contact the Webmaster or the individual contact named on the Contact Us page to verify or correct any information.

Links to parties outside MAE&L are provided solely for the convenience of website users and do not constitute an endorsement of those parties or any representation as to the accuracy or otherwise of the information supplied by them. MAE&L assumes no liability for acts, errors, or omissions by off-site parties or the materials supplied by them.

COPYRIGHT STATUS: The Crown in Right of Manitoba as represented by the Minister of Advanced Education and Literacy has copyright on the documents found on this website. Accordingly, MAE&L retains a license to publish or reproduce these documents or portions thereof, or to allow others to download these documents to their screens, diskettes or paper for non-profit educational purposes. Permission to reproduce for other uses is required.

Every effort has been made to provide proper acknowledgement of original sources and to comply with copyright law. If cases are identified where this has not been done, please notify the Webmaster <> to correct any omissions.


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