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Information for Educators and Trainers

Adult Educators

Learn about professional development workshops for literacy practitioners and adult learning centre teachers. Get information on curriculum and resource support, advice regarding program development and issues, program accreditation, and career information.

Apprenticeship Trades

Learn how students can obtain high school credits while learning an apprenticeship trade. Instructors can apply for program accreditation in apprenticeship trade areas.

College Expansion Initiative

The College Expansion Initiative was created to remedy the chronic underdevelopment of Manitoba's four public colleges. CEI is intended to be a catalyst for the growth and evolution of Manitoba's college-system, such as Red River College's new Princess Street campus.

Council on Post-Secondary Education

The Council on Post-Secondary Education is the provincial agency that works to promote excellence and cooperation within the post-secondary education sector to meet the diverse educational needs of Manitobans. The Council facilitates the coordination and integration of post-secondary services and facilities, reviews and approves university and college programming, develops policy, and promotes fiscal responsibility and accountability in the post-secondary system.

Post-Secondary Institutions

Manitoba has many options for post-secondary education at Universities, Colleges, Private Vocational Schools, and Vocational/Technical Training Institutions. In addition, there are a number of vocational programs offered through religious schools and high schools. Continuing Education, Distance Education, and International Education are available at several institutions throughout the Province.

Private Vocational Institution Registration

Programs exceeding 40 or more hours or a total cost of $250.00 or more and are listed as a vocation in the National Occupation Classification Index of Titles are required to be registered. All private vocational institutions in Manitoba are governed by the Private Vocational Institutions Act and Manitoba Regulation 237/02.

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