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Program and Funding Guidelines for Community Groups

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Healthy Child Manitoba

Parent-Child Centred Approach

Bringing communities together for Manitoba's families

The Parent-Child Centred Approach promotes and supports community-based programs and activities for children, youth and their families. Parent-child centred activities focus on culturally appropriate parenting and family supports, nutrition, literacy and community capacity building.

In 12 community areas in Winnipeg and 11 regions across Manitoba, Parent-Child Coalitions are being formed to bring together local strengths and resources through partnerships between groups from different sectors.

Parent-Child Coalitions may include:

  • Parents / Extended Families
  • Early Childhood Educators
  • Friendship Centres
  • School Divisions / Districts
  • Regional Health Authorities
  • Child and Family Services agencies
  • Aboriginal people, organizations and bands
  • Faith organizations
  • Business community
  • Family Resource Centres
  • Francophone community
  • Police Services
  • Advocates for children with disabilities
  • Cultural organizations
  • Funding organizations
  • Other interested groups

The Parent-Child Centred Approach supports existing activities and helps groups start new activities that reflect each community's diversity and unique needs.

What are some examples of activities that are available?

Activities offered depend on your community. Some examples include:


  • parent education programs
  • parent support groups
  • information and referral services
  • parent-child groups and activities
  • toy and resource libraries
  • drop in activities


  • parent education programs
  • lifestyle counselling
  • nutrition guidance including food preparation and budgeting
  • breastfeeding promotion and support


  • creative play and recreation programs
  • reading, writing and storytelling activities
  • lending libraries

Capacity Building

  • skills training
  • education
  • networking
  • exchanging information on research and best practices

Parent-Child Coalition Program Criteria and Funding Guidelines

If you would like to know more about program criteria and funding guidelines for Parent-Child Coalitions, please visit our funding guidelines page.


For more information about the Parent-Child Centred Approach contact:

Healthy Child Manitoba Office
Phone:  (204) 945-2266
Toll Free: 1-888-848-0140

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