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Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives

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October 2005

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On-Farm Testing in Manitoba

What is an On-Farm Test?

An on-farm test (OFT) is a grower-directed, evaluation of new production techniques or products using field-scale equipment. On-farm testing utilizes the principles of modern scientific methods to evaluate a new practice, product, or innovative idea before applying the new system to the whole farm.


Table of Contents:

An OFT is NOT an unreplicated field demonstration. A demonstration only allows a local comparison of how a practice/product "looks". An example of a demonstration would be if you were to plant half a field with one variety, and the other half to a different variety. A demonstration of this type is useful to observe the different physical characteristics of the varieties but not yield. The reason why unreplicated demonstrations are not acceptable for measuring yield differences is because there is no measure of the variability within the field. Even in the most uniform field you will never get exactly the same yield from any 2 harvested areas. Therefore, if you compared the yields between the variety demonstration plots, you would not know if the results were due to variety differences or soil characteristics. A properly designed OFT will be able to separate the effects of natural field variability from the effects of treatments being compared, and will provide accurate, reliable information upon which a grower can base sound management decisions.

Replication and Randomization Are the Key

Statistically valid OFTs will have true replication and randomization. Replication, meaning repetition, allows you to determine if observed differences are due to treatments or natural field variability. Replication is based on the theory that if one practice/product is superior to another, it will become evident if you give it several chances. This is similar to a Formula-One racecar driver who may not win every race (and therefore receives less points), but will win more often than his/her competitors. By the end of the year, the superior driver (the one with the most points) is obvious.

Replications can be next to each other in one field (see Figure A), in different areas of a field, or even in neighboring fields (see Figure B).




Figure A

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Figure B
fbc10s00b.gif (26852 bytes)
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Repeating the whole test for several years is considered replication over time. By replicating over years, the new practice/product is subject to a variety of growing conditions and as such increases the reliability of the results. The minimum number of replications is three. However, the most accuracy for the least number of plots occurs with four replications. By having four replications, if you lose a replication for whatever reason, you will still have the minimum number of acceptable replications for a statistically valid test. By increasing the number of replications, you increase the precision of the test and you will be able to detect smaller differences between treatments. There usually is little benefit to having more than six replications. Harvesting several samples within field strips is not true replication because there is no randomization of treatments within the area where the samples were taken.

Randomization of the treatments assigned to field strips ensures that any one treatment is not favoured or biased in any way. Each product or practice is given an equal chance to perform to its full potential. If only two treatments are being compared, a simple coin toss can be used to assign treatments to plots (e.g. treatment A for heads, treatment B for tails). If there is more than two treatments, assign numbers to treatments and write the numbers on pieces of paper. Draw the numbers from a bag or hat. Repeat for each replication.

Seven Steps to a Successful On-Farm Test

The success of your OFT will depend on how well it is planned!


Why do you want to do an OFT? What idea do you want to test or question do you want answered? An OFT is suited to questions like what works better on my farm, not why does it work better. Objectives are usually met by measuring something and are used to obtain your goal. For example, your goal may be to improve crop yields on your farm. A possible objective may be to compare your current fertility practices with a new practice to improve yield. You would evaluate the differences by collecting yield data. Some questions are better answered by replicated small plot tests as conducted by researchers. It is important to evaluate current information that is available regarding a new product or practice. Someone else may have already answered your question for you.


An effective way to choose treatments is to select two or three treatments that represent significantly different production techniques or products. Remember that it is more difficult to compare products or practices where the difference is expected to be small. The smaller the differences expected between treatments, the more replication you will need to establish differences. An appropriate check or control plot must be included; the check may be the current practice or product. The check must be treated exactly the same as the other treatments in terms of crop management factors. On-farm tests can be used to evaluate single factors (different rates of herbicides) or systems (conventional vs. zero-tillage). Plot management will be different between treatments when evaluating a system approach because you will be comparing all aspects of crop production. For example, you may still use crop yield to measure differences between two crop production systems, however you may have to use different seeding equipment or methods of fertilizer application.

Note: When selecting fertilizer treatment rates:
           a) use rates that differ by equal intervals (e.g. 40, 80, 120 lb. N/acre) and
           b) ensure the full range of rates, minimum to optimum to excess, is used.



When selecting a site you must consider the uniformity of the field. It is very important to choose an area where all treatments have an equal opportunity to perform (see Figure C). When choosing a site consider the following:

  • previous crop management (fertilizer and herbicide rates, tillage)
  • drainage
  • soil texture and depth
  • topography (see Figure D)
  • bordering influences such as trees
  • run-off from adjacent fields
  • fencing

Avoid field corners and headlands. Access to the site should also be considered.


Figure C
fbc10s00c.gif (131265 bytes)
Click to expand

Figure D
fbc10s00d.gif (22380 bytes)
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The use of a randomized complete block design for OFTs is considered to be the standard. With this experimental design, all treatments are represented within a "block". Treatments are randomly applied to the plots (test strip) within the block (like a grouping). The blocks are then replicated three or more times. Blocks are often referred to as replicates. The area chosen for a block should be as uniform as possible, but the conditions between blocks do not have to be similar. For example, plots within the block should receive the same amount of sunlight, have similar soil characteristics such as soil type, depth, fertility, slope, and should have been treated in a similar fashion in the previous year (e.g. tillage, manure application). Different blocks may have a different soil type (see Figure C). Using this design allows all treatments to have an equal potential to perform while "blocking out" the variability between replications. Blocks can be next to each other, in different areas of the field, or even in different fields.

Plot Size

Plot size is determined by field size, uniformity of the field, equipment used, and area needed to carry out a particular treatment. On-farm test plots will be more reliable as the plot length is increased. There is no "optimum" plot length because each field varies in uniformity. The more uniform the field, the shorter the acceptable plot length. It is recommended that plots be as long as is practical. The width of the plots should be two to three times the width of the swather or combine straight cut header width. This will make it possible to harvest a full uniform width. Successful tests have been performed in strips as short as 300 feet (very uniform fields), but strips 1,000 feet or more will ensure that you will be able to detect true differences.


Who, what, when, why, and how measurements are taken should be decided before establishing the OFT. What you will measure depends on the objectives of the OFT. A map of field and plot locations is the first step, followed by a description of each of the treatments. Yield estimates are required to make production and economic comparisons between treatments and is almost always collected. To be valid, yield estimates should be measured from comparable areas within each treatment and the size of the harvested area must be determined. By having the width of the plot at least two to three times the width of the header, you will be able to harvest a full header width from the center of each treatment plot. This will ensure that yields are not affected by conditions bordering the treatment. All plots should be swathed and harvested in the same direction. Yields must be measured separately for each plot using a local truck scale, weigh wagon, or yield monitor. Record moisture content of the grain at harvest for each treatment plot.

Collecting and recording data throughout the growing season is also an important part of an OFT. Sometimes unexpected results can be explained by the conditions of the growing season. The following type of information should be collected in order to help in the interpretation of the results: field history, soil test and fertility program, seeding information (e.g. variety, rate, depth) and planting conditions (e.g. depth of soil moisture at seeding), all field operations and equipment used, weather, insect, weed, and disease problems, pesticide applications, and crop growth and development.


Although this step is one of the last, the method of evaluating your results should be planned before you start your OFT. This is one step where you may not have much experience. Request help from a professional agronomist or researcher. Analysis of the results will not be time-consuming or complicated once you know what to do. It is most likely that you will be able to do your data analysis using a calculator. The hardest part of the analysis will be to learn the statistical lingo and know what the numbers are telling you so you can make appropriate conclusions.


Sharing the results and conclusions from your OFT is an important part of the OFT process. By sharing your information with others, others will likely share theirs with you. You may develop new OFT research partners, which could reduce the number of plots you would have to maintain in the future. Keeping the flow of practical information and experience is an essential part of moving agricultural production and management ahead.


References and Resources

On-Farm Testing: A grower's Guide. Washington State University Cooperative Extension Bulletin EB 1706, 1997. A guide to designing and carrying out On-farm testing. Order from WSU Cooperative Extension Bulletin Office (509-335-2999).

On-Farm Research Guidebook. Dan Anderson, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Illinois. (217-333-1588)

Field Experimentation in Agriculture. Contact Dr. John C. Kons, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Edmonton, Alberta. (403-422-4385)


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