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Manitoba Water Directory
Second Edition 2005

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The Manitoba Water Directory lists government departments, organizations and agencies that have an interest in water and water stewardship in Manitoba. The Directory contains basic information under three basic headings: Who We Are, What We Do and How To Contact Us. The information contained in this document is based on information gathered from web sites, personal communications and submissions. Electronic versions of the Directory are available at the Manitoba Water Stewardship website at:

The first effort at assembling a Water Directory occurred in 2002 by Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs with funding from Health Canada in response to a growing interest in water stewardship. This initial effort met with considerable interest and since then Manitoba Water Stewardship updated the original work and published a first edition in June 2004 and now the Second Edition of the Directory.

The first edition of the Manitoba Water Directory was very well received resulting in additional organizations wanting to be added to the Directory. These additions have been made but still, the directory is considered an evolving document and is not seen as an exhaustive list of all organizations with an interest in water stewardship. If you know of agencies that would like to be included in the next edition of the directory or would like to have the information in this document modified to better reflect your organization, please contact Manitoba Water Stewardship at the address below

Manitoba Water Stewardship
Box 12, 200 Saulteaux Crescent
Winnipeg MB
R3J 3W3
Phone: 204-945-7487
Fax: 204-945-7419

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