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Workplaces That Work

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Workplaces That Work

Creating a Workplace Culture that Attracts, Retains and Promotes Women

There are important reasons for making sure that workplaces attract women. A workplace culture that is positive for women is good for all employees and the employer because it helps:

  • Attract the best people in a time of skills shortages;
  • Compete effectively for resources, investment, customers and market share;
  • Improve decision-making by having more diverse opinions around the table, and;
  • Earn higher return through lower turnover costs, less absenteeism and better results for training and incentive dollars.

An individual's career choice is determined by a number of factors, including socialization and the availability of role models. Despite an increase in the number of women in the labour force, women are often directed towards a university education and typically lack role models to encourage them to consider careers in skilled trades. As a result, women remain underrepresented in high-growth, high-paid areas such as engineering, technologies, and the trades. Talented and motivated women can represent a significant resource, if we can collectively find a way to encourage them to enter and remain in these occupations.

Even the most hospitable workplace cultures may not be immediately able to attract large numbers of women because the pool of available qualified women is still fairly small. Governments, training institutions and industry groups across the country have implemented many initiatives to encourage women to consider non-traditional occupations. These are important for increasing the numbers of women available to work in these fields. However, they must be complemented with employer-based initiatives to encourage these women to remain in those occupations.

Workplaces that Work presents a business case with evidence of the bottom-line benefits of workplace cultures that attract women. It also provides examples of success stories from across the country and tips for how employers can effectively promote change. These documents were developed for the use of Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers responsible for the Status of Women, within their mandates to encourage private sector employment leaders to create workplaces that will attract, retain and promote women in high-growth industry sectors that are facing serious skills shortages.

Business Case
( English .PDF )
Business Case
( French .PDF )
( English .PDF )
( French .PDF )

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For Employees & Employers

Note: Most links found on this page are external to the Women's Directorate and the Government of Manitoba site. The Government of Manitoba is not responsible for the content of these sites.

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For more information on recruitment and retention of women workers, or to download the report, "Workplaces That Work", please visit:

Provinces & Territories




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