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Manitoba Finance

Treasury Division

The Treasury Division manages and administers the cash resources, borrowing programs, and all investment and debt management activities of the government. It further manages the borrowing programs and investment activities for all of its Crown corporations and government agencies. The Treasury Division assists in the financing of municipalities, schools and hospitals and it is the division’s responsibility to ensure that such financing is arranged.

Major changes are continually taking place in the world’s economic and financial markets. These changes have a significant impact on both short and long-term management strategies, as well as the day‑to-day decisions made by Treasury Division staff.

The division maintains contact with a large number of domestic and foreign financial institutions, as well as regulatory and rating agencies to inform them of the fiscal and economic performance of the province and its policies while at the same time obtaining information about the state of world financial markets, and financial products and opportunities available to the province.


Division Administration performs the following functions:

  • General management of the Treasury Division;

  • Advises Minister and Deputy Minister on all policy and program matters of a financial nature;

  • Contact with the world financial community;

  • Provision of management and financial advisory services to government departments, agencies and investment funds; and

  • Reviews policies, legislation and regulations, and recommends changes where necessary to achieve objectives.

Treasury Division is divided into the following functional areas:

Capital Markets Branch

The Capital Markets branch of the Treasury Division has been allocated nine staff positions for the performance of the following major functions:

  • managing the long term borrowing programs of the government, Crown corporations, government agencies and other loan programs;

  • developing and maintaining the debt management program of the government;

  • administering provincial investment in, and advances to, Crown corporations, government agencies and other loan programs;

  • establish strategies and manage sinking funds and other long term investment accounts of the province, Crown corporations and government agencies aggregating approximately $6.4 billion;

  • managing the government's monetary resources;

  • managing the short term investment and borrowing programs for the government;

  • administering trust money deposited with the Minister of Finance by Crown corporations, agencies and departments; and

  • advising Crown corporations, government agencies and managers of loan programs regarding policies and procedures related to capital financing.

Treasury & Banking Operations Branch

Risk Management & Banking

The Risk Management & Banking function of the Treasury Division has been allocated six staff positions for the performance of these major activities:

  • measure, monitor and report on the financial risks generated through the Division’s management of $6.4 billion in investments & $20 billion in debt;

  • develop and maintain Policies & procedures for approval;

  • work with the branches to ensure effective risk management practices, processes and compliance;

  • provide administrative support to the Treasury Division including the coordination of the division’s information technology functions; and

  • manage the banking operations of the government.

Treasury Services

The Treasury Services function of the Treasury Division has been allocated eight staff positions for the performance of the following major activities:

  • to service and administer the public debt of the province;

  • to service and safe keep the investments of the province and certain Crown corporations and government agencies;

  • to coordinate the preparation of Treasury Division and Public Debt estimates and analyses; and

  • to provide a controllership function to the Treasury Division.


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