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To use the GIS Map Gallery, you must disable the Pop-up Blocker on your browser. Click for instructions


  • To use this site you must agree to the terms in the Map Gallery Disclaimer.
  • All maps in the Map Gallery are in Universal Transverse Mercator projection, zone 14, North American Datum 1983.

If you encounter any problems, please contact the GIS Administrator.


Mineral Disposition Maps

Mineral Dispositions

Maps portraying mineral dispositions, assessment & mineral disposition history and drill hole locations in Manitoba.
Includes Nov. 1, 2005 release of previously confidential assessment files.



Geoscientific Maps

Geoscientific Maps

Maps at various scales portraying the geology, geophysics, geochronology and mineral occurrences for Manitoba. Includes new geophysical datasets.


Petroleum Crown Oil and Gas Rights

Petroleum Maps

The map covers an area in southwestern Manitoba including Townships 1 to 22; Ranges 19 to 29 WPM and portrays provincial Crown oil and gas rights mineral ownership, Crown oil and gas rights dispositions, batteries/associated facilities, wells, oilfield boundaries and orthophotos showing topography.

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