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Office of Drinking Water
Water Well Information

Manitoba Flood 2006 Water Testing Program

A series of well water fact sheets are available through the Manitoba Health web site, and include procedures for testing and disinfecting private wells.

In addition, guidelines are available for the upgrading and abandoning of water wells.

Manitoba Private Drinking Water Supplies - Bacteriological Subsidy Program

Approximately 15% of Manitobans rely on private water supplies for their source of drinking water. The vast majority of private water systems are comprised of wells and cisterns. A small percentage of the private systems rely on surface waters (e.g. dugouts or reservoirs) as the water source and apply treatment processes to make the water suitable for consumptive purposes.

Regardless of the type of private water system, routine testing for the presence of microbiological contaminants is recommended. For wells or cisterns, the minimum recommended sampling frequency is once per year. Preferably, the sample should be taken when the system is most vulnerable to contamination e.g. during spring melt or following a period of heavy rainfall. Additional testing should be conducted if the well or cistern has been affected by flooding or if there is a noticeable change in the water's taste, colour, odour, or clarity.

Surface water sources require more frequent sampling than wells or cisterns because they are generally more vulnerable to contamination. The recommended frequency of sampling is dependent on the characteristics of the source water and the treatment processes being applied. If you own a private water system that relies on surface water as the water source, contact your local Drinking Water Officer to establish a suitable sampling frequency.

To encourage sampling of private water systems, the Province of Manitoba subsidizes 70% of the analysis costs associated with one bacteriological sample per year. The current cost to homeowners for the testing is $8.00. In the event that the analysis indicates that the water sample is contaminated, the province covers 100% of the analytical cost for an additional sample (re-sample) to confirm the initial sample results. Homeowners are responsible for any costs associated with transporting the samples to the lab.

Province of Manitoba has contracted with ALS Laboratory Group for its Bacteriological Subsidy Program. Contact the laboratory directly for sample containers, instructions for collecting samples, and the form that must accompany the sample. The laboratory also has copies of Manitoba's Well Water Fact Sheets that include information and advice on drinking water testing.

ALS Laboratory Group
(formerly Enviro-Test Laboratories)
1329 Niakwa Road, Unit 12
Winnipeg MB   R2J 3T4
Phone: 204-945-3705
Fax: 204-945-0763

If you have any questions, please contact your local Drinking Water Officer, the Manitoba Office of Drinking Water at 204-945-8315, or Health Links-Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or toll free at 1-888-315-9257.

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