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Including Gender in Health Planning:  A Guide for Regional Health Authorities

The Manitoba Women's Health Strategy

In matters of health, it matters whether you are a woman or a man.
  The realities of men's and women's lives are frequently different.

The Manitoba Women's Health Strategy provides a foundation on which to build a new approach to women's health and outlines a variety of action steps to achieve this end.  These steps are viewed as a starting point from which the women's health agenda can grow and develop.  The strategy's purpose is to ensure the health status of women is addressed in a co-ordinated, sustainable, equitable and gender-manner.


Manitoba Women's Health StrategyWomen make up 51 per cent of the Canadian population.  Women are frequently the guardians of the health of other family members and their communities.  Women also make up the largest number of health care providers and informal caregivers.

Women's health issues are different.  In addition to obvious issues related to reproductive health, women also face an increased rate of chronic illnesses as they age, as well as higher rates of mental illness such as depression.  Women experience diseases and illnesses, such as heart disease and stroke, differently from men.  Only five per cent of Canadian research funding deals exclusively with women's health issues.  Issues of violence, poor economic status and lower incomes affect more women than men.

The Women's Health Strategy recognizes the distinct health needs of women in the planning, implementation and delivery of health care services, and seeks to ensure awareness and responsiveness to gender differences in all aspects of health care delivery in Manitoba.


  • To reduce the risk factors that contribute to the poor health of many women

  • To support development of a health system that is sensitive and responsive to women's health

  • To establish an effective mechanism for women to influence the health care system

  • To promote a wellness model based on adequate public education and prevention of disease, in addition to the existing treatment model

  • To ensure that the continuum of care for women spans all life stages

  • To build broad understanding that women’s health status includes their physical, emotional and mental health
Manitoba Women's Health Strategy


  • Manitoba Women's Health StrategyGender, race, disability and sexual orientation have an impact on women's health status.
  • All Manitoba women, regardless of their place of residence, need access to health services.
  • Gender is a determinant of population health.
  • Gender is an issue in the delivery of health care services.  Gender analysis of all health policies and programs is an important part of service delivery.
  • A holistic approach that considers socio-economic factors is critical to improving women's health status.
  • Health strategies, programs and services must address all of women's life stages.
  • The representation of women in decision-making roles in health care is vital.
  • The participation of women in informing health policy and services is essential.
  • Research that forms the basis of treatment methods must include participation of both sexes.
  • Resources allocated for research must reflect an equitable distribution between the specific health concerns of women and men.
  • Addressing women's health issues requires the involvement of other levels of government and agencies.


The Women's Health Unit of taking the lead and co-ordinating the Strategy, in conjunction with the Manitoba Women's Directorate.

There are four main organizational components within which work will be done to implement the strategy:

  1. Manitoba Health
  2. The regional health authorities of Manitoba
  3. Communities across Manitoba
  4. Other levels of government, provincial government departments and organizations.

These four components are pivotal to increasing awareness and responsiveness to women's health issues.

The Minister of Health and the Minister responsible for the Status of Women have stated that gender is a determinant of health in Manitoba.

Identifying gender as a determinant of health – along with income, education, social support and other health determinants – is an important step in recognizing that the health needs of women and men are different.

Manitoba Women's Health Strategy

The initial steps of the implementation process include:

  • Increasing knowledge and understanding of women's health within Manitoba Health and the regional health authorities.
  • Identifying the indicators of women’s health, and collecting and analyzing the data related to Manitoba women.
  • Contributing to the efforts of other government departments and sectors to address women's health issues.
  • Involving women in the planning and delivery of health services by obtaining input from diverse groups of women throughout Manitoba.

Key actions to date:

  • Sessions have been held within Manitoba Health and with representatives of regional health authorities on gender-inclusive analysis to encourage including gender throughout the whole health planning process.
  • Materials are being developed to assist the regional health authorities to identify women's needs in their community needs assessments.
  • A project focusing on gender and health planning, in partnership with the Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence and the regional health authorities, has been approved and work is under way.
  • Manitoba’s regional health authorities have identified women's health representatives and are developing ways to ensure ongoing input and feedback from diverse groups of women.
  • Initial steps have been taken to develop a Manitoba Health internal working group as a mechanism to promote a comprehensive and co-ordinated approach to addressing women's health issues within the department.  A first task could be to develop a provincial profile of women's health.
  • The Women's Health Unit of Manitoba Health continues to work in close collaboration with the Manitoba Women's Directorate, the lead resource on interdepartmental issues related to women.
  • The Manitoba Women's Directorate will develop a public awareness campaign to highlight the importance of women's contributions to community health planning.  The campaign will also encourage women to apply or submit names for regional health authority board memberships, as positions become vacant.
  • The Minister responsible for the Status of Women is currently holding consultations with women throughout the province.  The issues raised will help to guide the development of future government policy and the delivery of health care services.


Click hereIncluding Gender in Health Planning:
A Guide for Regional Health Authorities

May 2003 | 25 pages
This tool has been developed by the Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence with funding and assistance from Manitoba Health, to assist Regional Health Authorities to include gender in their upcoming Community Health Assessments. The Guide is also being used to promote gender and health planning in Manitoba Health.  Audience:  Health care professionals.


 For more information about The Manitoba Women's Health Strategy:

 Health Programs - Women's Health Unit

 Manitoba Health
 300 Carlton St.
 Winnipeg MB  R3B 3M9

 Phone:  (204) 788-6661
 FAX:  (204) 948-2366

Manitoba Women's Health Strategy


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