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Triple P – Positive Parenting Program

On March 21, 2005, the Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet announced support of $1.4 million to implement the Triple P - Positive Parenting Program in Manitoba. Over the next year, Healthy Child Manitoba will be looking for community agencies, regional health authorities, child care centres, family resource centres, school divisions, pediatricians, and others to partner on this new approach to supporting Manitoba’s parents.


What is Triple P?

Triple P is a world-renowned parenting program which promotes positive, caring relationships between parents and their children and helps parents learn effective management strategies for dealing with a variety of childhood developmental and behavioural issues. Triple P suggests simple routines and small changes that can make a big difference for families. It helps parents understand the way their family works and uses what they already say, think, feel and do in new ways. Positive parenting includes:

  • Ensuring a safe, engaging environment
  • Encouraging positive behaviour
  • Creating a positive learning environment
  • Having realistic expectations
  • Taking care of yourself as a parent

Research shows that positive parenting is the single most important factor in building a strong foundation for a child’s life. The Triple P approach strengthens parent’s knowledge, skills and confidence to better meet the needs of their children, increases the parent’s sense of competence in their parenting ability and reduces parenting stress.

Triple P is a population level prevention strategy, which means that the program is for all parents. Twenty-five years of research and evaluation have demonstrated that Triple P is very effective in supporting families. The program has been implemented in a dozen countries around the world.


How will Triple P work in Manitoba?

Triple P is designed as a training program to increase skills within the current service delivery system, including health, social services and education. Triple P training will be provided to staff of interested organizations and agencies across Manitoba. This will give parents the opportunity to access supports when they need them from trained professionals in their community.

The Triple P training model assumes that the differing needs of parents will require differing levels of support. As shown in The Triple P Model of Parenting and Family Support, below, Triple P is based on a flexible system of 5 levels of increasing intensity from the universal support level (general information for all parents) to mid-range (tip sheets, parenting advice, workshops) to the clinical level (for parents who experience significant problems with their children).

At level 1, universal parenting messages are provided through the media. Levels 2, 3, and 4 are provided through professionals already in contact with families, such as public health nurses, day care staff, general practitioners, and home visitors. The intervention ranges from one meeting to attending a brief community program. Level 5 is provided by clinical professionals to families facing significant behavioural issues with their children.


Learn more about Triple P

Have a look at the Triple P Model of Parenting and Family Support, below, to find out more about levels of support.

You can also visit the Triple P website, which provides information about the program, including background, testimonials from parents and experts, frequently asked questions, and resources like "Top 10 Tips for Parents".


Organizations: Find out how to partner in the program

If your organization is interested in partnering with Healthy Child Manitoba on Triple P, please e-mail us at


The Triple P Model of Parenting and Family Support

Level of Intervention

Target Population

Intervention Methods


Level 1

Universal Triple P

Universal prevention strategy including media-based parenting information campaigns

All parents interested in information about parenting and promoting their child’s development.

Coordinated media and health promotion campaign raising awareness of parent issues and encouraging participation in parenting program. May involve electronic and print media (e.g. community service announcements, talk-back radio, newspaper and magazine editorials).

Typically coordinated by area media liaison officers or mental health or welfare staff.

Level 2

Selected Triple P

Health promotion / brief selective prevention strategy

Parents interested in parenting education or with specific concerns about their child’s development or behaviour.

Health promotion information or specific advice for a discrete developmental issue or minor child behaviour problem. May involve group seminars or brief (up to 20 minutes) telephone or face-to-face clinician contact.

Parent support during routine well-child health care (e.g., child and community health, education, allied health and childcare staff).

Level 3

Primary Care Triple P

Narrow focus parenting skills training

Parents with a specific concern/s about their child’s behaviour or development who require consultations or active skills training.

A brief program (about 80 minutes over 3–4 sessions) combining advice with rehearsal and self-evaluation as required to teach parents to manage a discrete child problem behaviour. May involve face-to-face or telephone contact with a practitioner.

As above.

Level 4

Standard Triple P

Group Triple P

Self-Directed Triple P

Broad focus parenting skills training

Parents wanting intensive training in positive parenting skills. Typically targets with behaviour problems such as aggressive or oppositional behaviour.

A broad focus program (about 10 hours over 8–10 sessions) focusing on parent-child interaction and the application of parenting skills to a broad range of target behaviours. Includes generalization enhancement strategies for transfer of skills across settings and children. Program variants include individual, group or self-directed (with or without telephone assistance) options.

Intensive parenting interventions (e.g., mental health and welfare staff and other allied health and education professionals who regularly consult with parents about child behaviour).

Stepping Stones Triple P

Broad focus parenting skills training targeting child disabilities.

Families of children with disabilities who have or are at risk of developing behavioural or emotional disorders.

A parallel 10-session individually tailored program with a focus on disabilities. Sessions typically last 60–90 minutes (with the exception of 3 home practice sessions which last 40 minutes).

As above.

Level 5

Enhanced Triple P

Behavioural family intervention

Parents of children with concurrent child behaviour problems and family dysfunction such as parental depression or stress or conflict between partners.

An intensive individually tailored program for families with child behaviour problems and family dysfunction. Program modules include practice sessions to enhance parenting skills, mood management and stress coping skills, partner support skills, and attribution retraining (for parents at risk of child maltreatment).

Intensive family intervention work (e.g. mental health and welfare staff).


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219 - 114 Garry Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4V6
Phone: (204) 945-2266
Toll Free: 1-888-848-0140

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