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Flood Report for Southern Manitoba---April 16, 2006


Water Information

Flood Report for Manitoba

April 16, 2006.

                                                           Red River Crest Now at St. Jean

Flood sheets showing present conditions and an updated forecast for: Red River, Riding Mountain & Westlake Area, Pembina River, Assiniboine River and Swan River - The Pas Area are attached.

Red River

  • A slow-moving weather disturbance is expected to bring significant rainfall to most areas of Manitoba as far north as the Pas Tuesday to Wednesday.

  • Weather forecasts, based on an interpretation of Canadian and U.S. numerical weather models, call for 20-25 mm of rain over most of the Red River watershed Tuesday to Wednesday with localized higher amounts possible.

  • Areas of western Manitoba from the U.S. boundary to Swan River could receive 25-35 mm of rain from this weather system. There is still considerable uncertainty as to rainfall amounts but more will be known by tomorrow.

    • This storm has the potential to extend or increase flooding on many southern Manitoba waterways, especially on streams still very high from snowmelt runoff. Additional information will be provided during the next few days when the rainfall forecast becomes more reliable.

  • The Red River crest was at St. Jean this morning and is expected at Morris tomorrow and at the floodway inlet on Wednesday. Extensive flooding of agricultural lands continues along the Red River, especially from Letellier to Morris

  • Levels of the Red River rose a quarter foot at Morris during the 24-hour period ending this morning. Rises at other points were less than a tenth of a foot. The river fell very slightly from Emerson to Letellier.

  • The Red River level in downtown Winnipeg this morning was 18.16 feet, a decline of 0.2 feet since yesterday. The river level in downtown Winnipeg is expected to remain below 19 feet as the crest arrives from the south, but it could be higher if heavy rain develops.

  • The flow in the Red River Floodway this morning was 32,900 cubic feet per second (cfs) while the flow upstream of the floodway inlet was close to 76,500 cfs.

 Assiniboine River

  • Levels of the Assiniboine River are relatively stable and the river is expected to remain within its banks. A minor crest is occurring in the Virden area today due to runoff from the Riding Mountain area. The crest in Brandon is expected next weekend when the Little Saskatchewan River crest arrives there.  

  • The flow in the Portage Diversion this morning was 6,700 cfs while the inflow to Portage Reservoir was near 11,600 cfs.

  • The water level in Shellmouth Reservoir has risen to 1401.3 feet and is expected to crest near the spillway elevation of 1408.5 feet in early May. The outflow from the reservoir was increased to 1,000 cfs today and a further increase to 1,500 cfs is likely on April 18. Assiniboine River levels downstream of the reservoir to Miniota are declining, so these increases are not expected to cause downstream flooding provided that little rainfall occurs.

  • Flooding of low-lying agricultural lands is expected to develop along the Shell River early this week.

Souris River

  • Minor flooding of farmlands in the Souris River valley from Coulter to Melita will continue for two to three weeks. The river has crested at Melita and little further rise is expected at downstream points.  

Pembina River

  • Significant flooding continues on the Pembina River from Rock Lake to Windygates.

  • The crest moved through the Windygates area yesterday and is presently in the Walhalla area of North Dakota. Little additional rise is expected in the Neche area unless heavy rain develops.  

  • Flooding of valley lands from Rock Lake to past La Riviere is quite extensive but no buildings are threatened. Heavy flows across the boundary at the Aux Marais River crossing will continue for the next 10 days, causing some flooding of agricultural lands on the Manitoba side. It is expected that south winds and wave action will cause overtopping of the boundary road tonight and tomorrow. Residents along the Aux Marais River including those at Halbstadt have been advised to prepare for possible flooding starting tomorrow.

  • The Pembina River is high at Gretna, located just north of Neche N.D.  A partial dike closure has been made to protect Gretna. No further rise in the river is expected unless heavy rain develops. The effect of anticipated rainfall on Pembina River levels will be evaluated tomorrow.


  • Most streams in the Interlake, including the Fisher River, have crested with only minor flooding.

Whitemud and Turtle Rivers

  • The Whitemud River has crested at all points but considerable flooding continues, especially in the Woodside area. The duration of flooding would be extended in the even of rain next Tuesday.   

  • Extensive flooding continues on the Big Grass River although levels are declining. The Big Grass Marsh should experience peak levels similar to those of 2001 by the middle of next week.

Carrot and Saskatchewan Rivers

  • The Saskatchewan River crested near noon yesterday just as ice began to move. Levels have declined at least one foot from the crest and should continue to decline slowly.

  • Levels in the Carrot River west of The Pas will continue to rise until the crest, expected April 21-23. Rises from yesterday have been small due to ice moving out, but water levels will increase in the next few days. There will be flooding of some farmland near the river and a few homes may require diking. Levels at points within a few miles of The Pas are controlled by the Saskatchewan River and are not expected to rise further.

Swan River and Red Deer River

  • The river level at Swan River continues to decline and a second crest is no longer expected unless heavy rain develops. Many smaller roads in the Swan River region are still closed due to flooding.

  • The Red Deer River continues to rise and will reach record high levels. Landowners along the river in Manitoba are advised to prepare for levels up to 1.5 feet higher than for previous record floods. The crest is expected in Manitoba near the middle of this week.

Other Central and Northern Manitoba Waterways

  • Most streams flowing off the Riding and Duck Mountains and the Porcupine Hills are within their banks but some are rising due to recent rapid snowmelt in the high ground. Significant rainfall in the next few days could result in quick rise of these streams later this week with possible flooding in lowland areas.

Boating Safety

  • All operators of boats and personal watercraft should avoid flooded rivers and streams in Manitoba. Unpredictable currents, floating debris and submerged obstacles make flooded waterways unsafe for boating.

  • There are restrictions to navigation caused by the operation of the floodway gates south of Winnipeg as well as the potential for turbulent waters at or near the outlet structure north of Winnipeg. Caution should be exercised at all provincial water control structures.

Road Closures

  • PTH 23 just west of Morris is closed to all traffic. The road is signed and marked.

  • PTH 75 remains closed from the Perimeter Highway at Winnipeg to PTH 14 south of Morris. Alternate route detours for truck and through vehicle traffic traveling to I-29 is available online at:

  • Many provincial highways and roads in southeastern Manitoba are currently affected by overland flooding. Motorists are advised to check road conditions before travelling.

  • Road closure information is updated 24-hours-a-day and posted on the provincial website at or call 204-945-3704 or 1-877-MBRoads (1-877-627-6237).

General Information

  • People who live in flooded areas and rely on well water will be able to have water quality tested at no charge.  As a precautionary measure, the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health for Manitoba advises that all people using water from wells or other sources that may be affected by flooding should boil their water before using it or find alternative supplies of drinking water until flooding subsides.

  • For further information, visit .  




Hydrologic Forecast Centre,
Water Branch,
Manitoba Water Stewardship

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