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Flood Report for Manitoba - July 7, 2006


Water Information


July 7, 2006.

An updated flood sheet for the Assiniboine River for July 7, 2006 is attached.  

  • The water level of Shellmouth Reservoir is 1409.66 feet today and has declined half a foot since June 30. The spillway elevation is at 1408.5 feet and the normal July level is about 1403.5 feet. The level is beginning to decline faster due to recent dry weather in the area.

  • The conduit flow on Shellmouth Dam was increased from 500 cfs to 750 cfs early this afternoon, raising the total outflow back to the downstream bankfull capacity of 1500 cfs. The conduit will continue to be adjusted to maintain a total outflow of 1300-1500 cfs in order to lower the reservoir water level.

  • The Reservoir level is expected to decline to 1408.5 feet by July 21 based on normal weather conditions.

  • The Assiniboine River has been within its banks at all points from Shellmouth to Winnipeg since late June.

  • The record high levels on Shellmouth Reservoir continue to cause some problems for some cottage owners and campgrounds and other recreational interests on the reservoir. However conditions are gradually improving.

  • Unusually dry weather in most areas south of PTH #1 and in a few areas north of the highway is causing rapid declines in levels of smaller streams. Precipitation has been less than 25 percent of normal in some areas during May and June. Some difficulties with water intakes are already being experienced and more will develop if the dry weather continues. Water uses are very high due to stress on plants.

  • Flows on the Assiniboine River will remain well above average most of this summer. However flows on the Red River have declined to average and those on the Winnipeg River and the Souris River are well below average.

  • Water supplies in lakes and reservoirs are generally very good due to the high recharge this spring. However lakes in the Whiteshell are unusually low.

  • The weather forecast calls for scattered showers and thunderstorms in southern Manitoba this evening and Saturday. 



Hydrologic Forecast Centre,
Water Branch,
Manitoba Water Stewardship

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