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Flood Report for Manitoba - June 26, 2006


Water Information


June 26, 2006.

An updated flood sheet for the Assiniboine River for June 26, 2006 is attached.  

  • The water level of Shellmouth Reservoir has declined to 1410.42 feet, a decline of a quarter foot since last week Tuesday.

  • Flooding of some low-lying lands continues along the Assiniboine River in the Shellmouth area.

  • The record high level on Shellmouth Reservoir continues to cause problems for some cottage owners and campgrounds.

  • Reservoir inflows and levels should decline a little faster this week due to little precipitation in recent days and dry weather expected this week.

  • The conduit on Shellmouth Dam will likely be opened to 200 cfs this Friday to maintain an outflow of at least 1500 cfs which is the bankfull condition just downstream. Outflows will range between 1300 cfs and 1500 cfs for most of July as the reservoir level is drawn down.

  • The level of Red Deer Lake was at 863.90 on June 25. The normal summer level of the Lake is 860.0 feet. The lake should continue to decline unless heavy precipitation develops. 

  • The clean-up is nearly complete at the Community of Red Deer Lake. Aboriginal and Northern Affairs in Barrows report that all residents are expected to be back in their homes by the end of this week.

  • The weather forecast from Environment Canada calls for little or no precipitation in Manitoba this week. 

The next report will be about one week from now.


Hydrologic Forecast Centre,
Water Branch,
Manitoba Water Stewardship

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