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Flood Report for Southern Manitoba - May 18, 2006


Water Information


May 18, 2006.

A flood sheet for the Assiniboine River for May 18, 2006 is attached. It also shows conditions and forecasts for the Red River in Winnipeg and for Red Deer Lake.

  • The Assiniboine River valley is still flooded from Shellmouth to Grand Valley, although flooding from the Oak Lake area to Grand Valley is limited to low lying portions only.

  • Levels from Russell to Virden are falling at 0.25 to 0.6 feet per day. The river should fall below bankfull at most points over the Victoria Day long weekend. The exception is the Shellmouth area where overbank flows will continue until the end of next week.

  • Portions of the Assiniboine Valley which are flooded may require a week to 10 days of dry weather to drain and dry after the river falls below bankfull. Rainfall during the next few weeks will be very important.  

  • The inflow to Shellmouth Reservoir continues to decline very slowly due to a resurgence in flows coming from the Sturgis area in Saskatchewan. However inflows should begin to subside faster within a few days based on continued dry weather. The Reservoir water level has been declining about one tenth of a foot per day.

  • The level of Red Deer Lake declined one tenth of a foot at the community of Red Deer Lake since yesterday. Some clean-up work has begun but the Lake will need to decline about one foot further before all the buildings will be clear of water.  

  • The level of the Red River in downtown Winnipeg will decline very slowly during the next week or so. With favourable weather the Forks walkways should emerge by May 29.

  • A shower of two may occur today and some light rain could fall Saturday night to Sunday. This precipitation should have little effect on river levels.  



Hydrologic Forecast Centre,
Water Branch,
Manitoba Water Stewardship

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