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Flood Report for Southern Manitoba---April 11, 2006


Water Information

Flood Report for Swan River & The Pas

April 11, 2006.

A flood sheet showing present conditions and an updated forecast for the Saskatchewan River and the Carrot River in the vicinity of The Pas is attached. This will be updated daily until the crest has occurred.

The forecast is still uncertain as rivers are choked with ice and flow data is not available this early in the runoff period. However based on trend and the stage at which ice usually begins to move, it appears that the crest stage at the Pas could occur by this weekend and possibly a little earlier. Levels should decline when the ice moves out. There could be a crest later without ice but there is a good chance it could be lower than the first crest with ice.

Crests and crest dates for the Carrot River upstream from Mile 9 will be added when more information on conditions in Saskatchewan becomes available.

Manitoba Water Stewardship staff will be setting up a gauge at Bracken Dam in the near future.




Hydrologic Forecast Centre,
Water Branch,
Manitoba Water Stewardship

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