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Capital Region - Bibliography

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ovides a basis for understanding the past opportunities and challenges within the Capital Region, it explores planning and land use development issues, and it depicts the evolution of regional planning practice in Manitoba. As well, it provides some lessons learned that can be used to help work toward our desired future.

The information in this bibliography includes published documents, reports, journal articles, discussion papers, newspaper and magazine articles, government policy and legislation. Some of these documents are for historic context purposes only, going back two or three decades or more. All of them are relevant to the Capital Region.

The bibliography has been divided into five sections for ease of review. They are:

The Capital Region section of the bibliography lists documents that have particular relevance to Manitoba's Capital Region specifically. The Provincial Matters section includes documents that would have relevance to all areas within Manitoba, including the Capital Region. The Related Documents section compares the Winnipeg region with other regional areas or issues that are being addressed elsewhere. The Newspaper and Magazine Article section references Capital Region topics and issues from local and national newspapers and magazines. The Development Plan section references the development plan by-laws for the Capital Region municipalities and Planning Districts and those adjacent to the Capital Region boundary.

Materials have been categorized alphabetically by author in each section. Documents listed in the bibliography that are available on this web-site are marked with a linked icon immediately following their description. Please feel free to review them. The bibliography will be reviewed and updated periodically. Suggestions for additional documents for inclusion in the bibliography are welcome.


This subsection provides a current and historical document list on land use planning and regional development related issues within Winnipeg’s Capital Region.

Arnott, Glenn A. A Landowner Survey In The Rural Municipalities of Argyle and Roblin. Prepared for Ducks Unlimited. n.d. [IAF]

August, Jim. St. Germain / Vermette Study Final Report. In association with DS-Lea Consultants Ltd., Colin/Barrows Chartered Accountants, Michael McCandless & Associates. June 1995. [IAF]

Ball, Timothy. "Commentary on Plan Winnipeg: Toward 2010." Institute of Urban Studies Newsletter, 38 (Spring 1992): 2-3.

Barber, Josh with the Assistance of Alan Whittle. Land Ownership in the Winnipeg Fringe Area. A Brief Submitted to the Winnipeg Land Prices Inquiry Commission by the Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1977.

Barber, Josh and S.A Hathout. Exurban Housing Development in the Winnipeg-Selkirk Corridor. Report No. 055. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, December 1977.

Bell, William and Keleher, J.J. Rural Land Use Conflicts: Some Solutions. Study 8. Manitoba Environmental Council, 1977.

Benell, Patricia and David Lettner. "Growth Management in Winnipeg's Fringe." Practicum University of Winnipeg, 1975.

Canada. Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. RM of Cartier — Info. Bulletin 99-1 — Soils and Terrain — An Introduction to the Land Resource. In association with Land Resource Unit, Brandon Research Centre; Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba; Manitoba Soil Resource Section, Soils and Crops Branch, Manitoba Agriculture. April 1999. [IAF]

Canada. Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. RM of East St. Paul — Info. Bulletin 99-6 — Soils and Terrain — An Introduction to the Land Resource. In association with Land Resource Unit, Brandon Research Centre; Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba; Manitoba Soil Resource Section, Soils and Crops Branch, Manitoba Agriculture. October 1999. [IAF]

Canada. Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. RM of Headingley — Info. Bulletin 99-2 — Soils and Terrain — An Introduction to the Land Resource. In association with Land Resource Unit, Brandon Research Centre; Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba; Manitoba Soil Resource Section, Soils and Crops Branch, Manitoba Agriculture. October 1999. [IAF]

Canada. Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. RM of Macdonald — Info. Bulletin 98-25 — Soils and Terrain — An Introduction to the Land Resource. In association with Land Resource Unit, Brandon Research Centre; Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba; Manitoba Soil Resource Section, Soils and Crops Branch, Manitoba Agriculture. April 1999. [IAF]

Canada. Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. RM of Ritchot — Info. Bulletin 98-26 — Soils and Terrain — An Introduction to the Land Resource. In association with Land Resource Unit, Brandon Research Centre; Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba; Manitoba Soil Resource Section, Soils and Crops Branch, Manitoba Agriculture. October 1999. [IAF]

Canada. Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. RM of Rosser — Info. Bulletin 99-4 — Soils and Terrain — An Introduction to the Land Resource. In association with Land Resource Unit, Brandon Research Centre; Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba; Manitoba Soil Research Section, Soils and Crops Branch, Manitoba Agriculture. October 1999. [IAF]

Canada. Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. RM of Springfield — Info. Bulletin 99-7 — Soils and Terrain — An Introduction to the Land Resource. In association with Land Resource Unit, Brandon Research Centre; Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba; Manitoba Soil Research Section, Soils and Crops Branch, Manitoba Agriculture. October 1999. [IAF]

Canada. Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. RM of St. Andrews — Info. Bulletin 99-10 — Soils and Terrain — An Introduction to the Land Resource. In association with Land Resource Unit, Brandon Research Centre; Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba; Manitoba Soil Research Section, Soils and Crops Branch, Manitoba Agriculture. October 1999. [IAF]

Canada. Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. RM of St. Clements — Info. Bulletin 99-9 — Soils and Terrain — An Introduction to the Land Resource. In association with Land Resource Unit, Brandon Research Centre; Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba; Manitoba Soil Research Section, Soils and Crops Branch, Manitoba Agriculture. October 1999. [IAF]

Canada. Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. RM of St. Francois Xavier — Info. Bulletin 99-3 — Soils and Terrain — An Introduction to the Land Resource. In association with Land Resource Unit, Brandon Research Centre; Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba; Manitoba Soil Research Section, Soils and Crops Branch, Manitoba Agriculture. October 1999. [IAF]

Canada. Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. RM of Tache — Info. Bulletin 98-27 — Soils and Terrain — An Int roduction to the Land Resource. In association with Land Resource Unit, Brandon Research Centre; Department of Soil Science, University of Maniotba; Manitoba Soil Resource Section, Soils and Crops Branch, Manitoba Agriculture. June 1999. [IAF]

Canada. Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. RM of West St. Paul — Info. Bulletin 99-5 — Soils and Terrain — An Introduction to the Land Resource. In association with Land Resource Unit, Brandon Research Centre; Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba; Manitoba Soil Research Section, Soils and Crops Branch, Manitoba Agriculture. October 1999. [IAF]

Capital Region Committee Minutes. 1990-1994. Attachments Included. [IAF]

Capital Region Committee Minutes. 1990-1999. [IAF]

Capital Region. Demographic Characteristics of Manitoba’s Capital Region. n.d. [IAF]

Capital Region. Submissions to the Capital Region Review Panel. Includes: Elie, Oakbank, Stonewall, and Selkirk. Discussion Document. November 30, 1998. [IAF]

Capital Region. Submissions to the Capital Region Review Panel. Includes: Winnipeg and Oak Bluff. 1998-1999. [IAF]

Capital Region Review. Final Report of the Capital Region Review Panel. Winnipeg, December 1999. [IAF]

Capital Region Review. Interim Panel Report. July 15, 1999. [IAF]

Carter, Tom. "Development in the Winnipeg Region: Robbing Peter to Pay Paul." Prairie Urban Report. 1, 1(May 1996): 1-2.

City of Winnipeg. Capital Region…the issue of services. January 1998.

City of Winnipeg. "The City of Winnipeg By-law No. 2960/81: A By-law of the City of Winnipeg to

Establish the Greater Winnipeg Development Plan for the City of Winnipeg and the Additional Zone." Winnipeg: City of Winnipeg, 1981.

City of Winnipeg. Strategic Infrastructure Reinvestment Policy (SIRP): Report and Recommendations. May 15, 1998.

City of Winnipeg Act Review Committee. Final Report. Winnipeg, 1986. (The Cherniack Report) [IAF]

City of Winnipeg Act Review Committee. Our City in Review: Issues Paper. Winnipeg, 1984.

City of Winnipeg Act Review Committee. Report and Recommendations. October 1986. [IAF]

City of Winnipeg Act Review Committee. Summary of the Report. Winnipeg, 1986. [IAF]

City of Winnipeg, Department of Environmental Planning. Background on the Additional Zone and the Ad-Hoc Committee. Winnipeg: Department of Environmental Planning. Winnipeg, 1983.

City of Winnipeg, Department of Environmental Planning. External Boundaries. A Background Report to the Long-Range Policy Review. Winnipeg, 1975.

City of Winnipeg, Department of Environmental Planning. The City of Winnipeg Population Projections, 1971 — 2001. Winnipeg, June 1977.

City of Winnipeg, Department of Environmental Planning, Research Branch. City of Winnipeg Property Tax and Land Use Planning in the Rural -Urban Fringe of Winnipeg. Winnipeg, February 1974.

City of Winnipeg, Planning Department. Plan Winnipeg…Toward 2010. Winnipeg: June 1993. [IAF]

City of Winnipeg, Streets and Transportation Division. A Summary of Transportation Planning Studies in Winnipeg. Prepared for the Winnipeg Tri-Level Committee on Urban Affairs, Winnipeg Development Plan Review, 1978.

Clean Environment Commission. Report on Public Hearings Solid Waste Management — Capital Region. September 1995. [IAF]

Clean Environment Commission Report on Public Hearings: Application of Water Quality Objectives for the Watershed Classification of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers and Tributaries Within and Downstream of the City of Winnipeg. Committee of Review. City of Winnipeg Act: Report and Recommendations. June 1992.[IAF]

Clean Environment Commission Report on an Environmental Land Use Conflict Balmoral, Man. Winnipeg, MB., November 1983. [IAF]

Clean Environment Commission Report Respecting Environmental Land Use Conflicts Between Residential Development and Livestock Operations At Balmoral, Manitoba. November 1983. [IAF]

DS-Lea Consultants Ltd. Working Paper on Population, Housing and Employment; Growth and Distribution Projections: The Winnipeg Capital Region. Prepared for TransPlan 2010. December 12, 1995. [IAF]

Etude sur la Region de la Capitale. Rapport Provisoire du Comite. Le 15 juillet 1999. [IAF]

Flyer Industries. "A Proposal for an Integrated Transit System Within the Metropolitan Winnipeg Area." Winnipeg, n.d.

Haque, Chowdhury Emdadul and Gordon Winder. Impact Assessment of Rural Water Systems: An Evaluation of Regional Water Services in Rhineland and Macdonald. Rural Development Institute Report Series (Manitoba Rural Development), 1995. [IAF]

Hildebrandt-Young and Associates Ltd. Impact of Energy Price Changes on the Preferred Winnipeg Development Plan. Prepared for the Winnipeg Development Plan Review, January 1980.

Hildebrandt-Young and Associates Ltd. Energy: A Background Paper on the Energy Crisis and the City of Winnipeg. Prepared for the Winnipeg Tri-Level Committee on Urban Affairs. Winnipeg Development Plan Review, 1978.

Hildebrandt-Young and Associates Ltd. The Energy Crisis and the City of Winnipeg. Prepared for the Department of Environmental Planning, City of Winnipeg, October 1977.

Hilderman Witty Crosby Hanna and Associates. Headingley Area Study. Prepared for the Department of Urban Affairs. Winnipeg: May 1988. [IAF]

I.D. Engineering Canada Inc. and DELCAN Western Ltd. Winnipeg — Selkirk Corridor Study. Summary Report. Prepared for Manitoba Highways and Transportation. February 1990. [IAF]

Institute of Urban Studies. Workshop Proceedings: Urban Limit Line (April 18, 1990). Occasional Paper 25. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1991.

Josephson. R.M. An Economic Evaluation of Land Use Changes in Southwest Manitoba. Prepared for the Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation. November 1992. [IAF]

Kastes, Wade G. "Planning the Urban Fringe: Prospects for Winnipeg's Additional Zone." M.C.P. Thesis, University of Manitoba, 1985.

Klos, Nancy, Christian Douchant and David Jopling. Winnipeg inSight: Compendium of Winnipeg Planning Literature. Bibliographica 8. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1996. [IAF]

Kozak, F. T. "Plan Winnipeg's Urban Limit Line Affect on Westwood and Southdale Single Detached Housing Prices." M.C.P. Thesis, University of Manitoba, 1989.

Jopling, David. "The Development and Evaluation of a Rural Environmental Planning Strategy for the Selkirk and District Planning Area." M.C.P. Practicum, University of Manitoba, 1998. [IAF]

Lennon, Richard and Christopher Leo. Stopping the Sprawl: How Winnipeg Could Benefit from Metropolitan Growth Management Strategies for a Slow-Growth Region. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. January 2001. [IAF]

Local Government Boundaries Commission. Provisional Plan For Local Government Units In The Greater Winnipeg Area. 1970. [IAF]

Lombard North Group Ltd. An Assessment of the Impact of Residential Development on the R.M. of St. Andrews. Winnipeg: Department of Municipal Affairs, Province of Manitoba, c. 1976 [IAF]

Loreth, Larry. "Urban-Rural Fringe Migration." Planning Today, 1, 1 (January 1993): 4.

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Intergovernmental Affairs. Planning Manitoba’s Capital Region: Next Steps. January 2001. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Mines, Resources, and Environmental Management. Drinking Water Advisory Committee Report. Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health Manitoba Health, 2000.

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Mines, Resources, and Environmental Management, Water Resources Branch. General Comments about Groundwater Development and Pollution Prevention in the Winnipeg Region. Prepared for Winnipeg Region Study Group, Municipal Planning Branch, c. 1973 [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal and Urban Affairs. Land Assessment and Fragmentation 1967-1977: A Case Study of the Rural Municipality of Springfield. 1979.

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs. Land Divisions in the R.M. of St. Andrews 1969-73. 1975. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs. Rural Land Value Study: A Summary. Selkirk District Planning Area. Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1977. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs, Municipal Planning Branch. "Rural land

Use Planning-Winnipeg Region Study (second article)." Municipal Planning, 2 (May 1974): 1-6.

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs. Winnipeg Region Land Use Policy Guidelines. Winnipeg, 1976. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs, Municipal Planning Branch. Winnipeg Region Planning Study: Demand Analysis. Winnipeg, July 1974. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs, Municipal Planning Branch. Progress Report on the Winnipeg Region Planning Study. Manitoba, May 1972.

Manitoba (Province of), Municipal Planning Branch. Winnipeg Region Study, Interim Report: Phase 1 ,Basic Research and Data Collection. Winnipeg, 1973.

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Natural Resources. Groundwater Resources in the Selkirk and Area Planing District. March 7, 1990. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Natural Resources. Groundwater Resources in the Rural Municipality of Springfield (A Synopsis). January 1990.

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Natural Resources. Groundwater Resources in the Southern Interlake Planning District. March 1980. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Natural Resources. Groundwater Resources in South St. Vital and Northern R.M. of Ritchot. December 1975. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Natural Resources. Groundwater Resources in the Municipality of West St. Paul. February 1978. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Rural Development and Urban Affairs. Partners for the Future, Working Together to Strengthen Manitoba’s Capital Region. October 1998. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Urban Affairs. "Population and Households in the Capital Region: Trends and Projections to 2011." Manitoba, October 1992.

Manitoba (Province of ), Department of Urban Affairs. Rural Residential Development in the Winnipeg Region. Winnipeg, May 1990. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Urban Affairs. "Capital Region Profile." June 1993.

Manitoba (Province of). "Proceedings — Manitoba Land Use Conference." 1981.

Manitoba (Province of). Proposals for Urban Reorganization in the Greater Winnipeg Area. White Paper, 1970. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of). Report of the Consultation on Sustainable Development Implementation (COSDI). June 1999. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of). Report and Recommendations of the Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg Review Commission. Winnipeg: Queen’s Printer for the Province of Manitoba, 1964.

Manitoba Round Table on Environment and Economy. Applying Manitoba’s Capital Region Policies: Capital Region Strategy, Partners for the Future. Sustainable Development. Manitoba, March 1996. [IAF]

Manitoba Round Table on Environment and Economy. Capital Region Strategy: Workbook: Partners for the Future. Manitoba, Sustainable Development Coordination Unit, 1995. [IAF]

Manitoba Round Table on Environment and Economy. What You Told Us. The Capital Region Strategy, January 1996. [IAF]

Medd, Ken D. "The Anticipated Effects of Land Use Policies on Rural Residential Development: A Case Study of the Rural Municipality of Springfield, Manitoba." Practicum, Natural Resource Institute, University of Manitoba, 1978. [IAF]

Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg, Planning Division, Development Plan Branch. "A Report on Urban Sprawl." May 1963.

Michalyna, W., W. Gardiner and G. Podolsky. Soils of the Winnipeg Region Study Area, 1975. Prepared for the Province of Manitoba, Department of Municipal Affairs, Municipal Planning Branch, 1975. [IAF]

Moses, Pat. Annexation Impact on the Winnipeg Additional Zone. March 1979.

Nasewich, Rod. "Urban Fringe Planning and Development." MACIP News, 7 (Summer 1989): 7-8.

Paetkau, Wes. "Form Versus Function: A Critique of Manitoba’s Capital Region Initiative, 1989 to 1996." M.C.P. Thesis, University of Manitoba, 1996.

Palubeskie, David. Preliminary Report of the Additional Zone Review Committee. Winnipeg: Department of Environmental Planning, City of Winnipeg, February 1977.

Palubeskie, David. Review of City By-Law 422/73, Planning Policies of the City of Winnipeg Additional Zone. Background Report to the Winnipeg Development Plan Review, 1979.

Palubeskie, David. Residential Development Planning Guidelines Lorette, Rural Municipality of Tache. Prepared for the Municipal Planning Branch, March 1974.

Paterson Planning and Research Ltd. Life Style Preferences of Rural Non-Farm Residents, R.M. Of Springfield, Manitoba: Analysis. Prepared for Municipal Planning Branch, Department of Municipal Affairs, Province of Manitoba. Toronto: April 1973. [IAF]

Rosnoski, Brent. "Background Paper on the Operation of the City of Winnipeg Act: The Additional Zone." Winnipeg: Manitoba Department of Urban Affairs, 1984. [IAF]

Sawka, Bill. Analysis of the South Interlake Planning District Subdivision and Building Activity 1976-1986. Winnipeg: Manitoba Department of Municipal Affairs, Municipal Planning Branch, April 1988.

Selwood, H.J., D. Lettner and P. Bennell. "Planning Winnipeg's Fringe." In K. Beesley and L. Russwurm, eds., The Rural-Urban Fringe: Canadian Perspectives. North York, ON: Department of Geography, York University, 1981, pp.401-411.

TransPlan 2010 Steering Committee. Community Involvement Team Phase 1 Report: What We Heard from the Public. Winnipeg, July 1995.

TransPlan 2010 Steering Committee. Winnipeg TransPlan 2010 — Moving Toward Solutions. January 1998. [IAF]

Toupin, Claudette. "Outside the Urban Limit Line." SPeCifics, 2, 1 (September 1990): 8.

University of Manitoba, Faculty of Architecture, Planning Research Centre. Transformation: The Ecological Development Potential of Greater Winnipeg. Report Prepared for the Planning Division of the Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg, November 1966.

University of Manitoba, Department of City Planning. "Rural Non-Farm Residential Survey." A supplementary analysis, prepared as a supplement to the report "The Nature of Demand for Exurbia Living." August 1974. [IAF]

University of Manitoba, Department of City Planning. "The Nature of Demand for Exurbia Living: The Winnipeg City Region." Report Prepared by Students in the Department of City Planning, under Professor M. Carvalho, for the Winnipeg Region Study, February 1974. [IAF]

Water Resources Branch. Water Resources in the Winnipeg Region. Winnipeg: Municipal Planning Branch, 1974. [IAF]

Winnipeg Additional Zone Review Committee. Preliminary Report of the Additional Zone ReviewCommittee on Planning and Decision-Making in the Urban-Rural Fringe of Winnipeg. Winnipeg: Department of Environmental Planning, 1977.

Winnipeg Region Committee. "Managing the Groundwater Resource in the Winnipeg Region." Discussion paper, January 1991.

Winnipeg Region Planning Study. Winnipeg Region Planning Study Demand Analysis. July 1974.

Winnipeg Regional Municipalities Committee. Report on Land Use Policies and an Administrative Structure for Planning in the Winnipeg Region Study Area. April 1975. [IAF]

Winnipeg Region Study Group. An Historic and Present Land Use and Open Space Inventory of the Winnipeg Region. Prepared for the Manitoba Department of Municipal Affairs by R.P.C. Ltd. Winnipeg, 1975. [IAF]

Winnipeg Region Study Group. Community Infrastructure and Growth Constraints. Winnipeg: Manitoba Department of Municipal Affairs, Municipal Planning Branch, 1975. [IAF]

Winnipeg Region Study Group. Farm Residential Survey. Municipal Planning Branch. 1973. [IAF]

Winnipeg Region Study Group. Land Use Policy Proposals. Municipal Planning Branch: 1975. [IAF]

Winnipeg Region Study Group. Rural Non-Farm Residential Survey: A Supplementary Analysis. Department of Municipal Affairs. August 1974. [IAF]

Winnipeg Region Study Report. Cost/Revenue Analysis of Residential Development in Selected Rural Municipalities of Manitoba. Riddel Stead and Associates Ltd. May 1973. [IAF]

Winnipeg Region Study Report. Water Resources in the Winnipeg Region. 1974. [IAF]

Winnipeg Tri-level Committee on Urban Affairs. Winnipeg Commutershed Analysis. Prepared for the Winnipeg Development Plan Review, December 1978.

Wintrup, John S. Manitoba’s Capital Region: New Form of Governance. University of Toronto, Planning Programme. December 1998. [IAF]

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This subsection identifies documents on land use planning and regional development related issues within and beyond the Capital Region and generally does not include documents that reflect topics beyond the Province of Manitoba.

Association of Manitoba Municipalities. 2000 Annual Report. September 2000.

Aziz, Abdul, Richard C. Rounds, Michael Baron and Richard Gagnon. A Review of the Economics of Regional Waste Management Systems in Manitoba. Prepared for and funded by Manitoba Rural Development. By The Rural Development Institute Brandon University. 1994. [IAF]

Bessant, Ken, Richard C. Rounds, Erasmus Monu. Off-Farm Employment in Agro-Manitoba. Prepared for and funded by Manitoba Rural Development. By The Rural Development Institute Brandon University. 1993. [IAF]

Brierly, J.S. and D. Todd. "Agriculture and Urban Interaction in Southern Manitoba: A Canonical Analysis." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 26 (July 1978): 43-54.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Large- Scale Hog Production and Processing: Concerns for Manitobans. Commissioners’ Report on the Citizens’ Hearing on Hog Production and the Environment. Brandon, MB. May 2000. [IAF]

Csapo, Sheila, Dr. Richard C. Rounds and Dr. C. Emdad Haque. Resolving Issues Related to Cooperative Water Infrastructure A Case Study Approach. Prepared for and Funded by Manitoba Rural Development. 1998.

Dillon Consulting Limited. Transportation Issue Paper Demographic Trends. May 15, 1998.

Johnston, Frank. Settlement Strategies in Manitoba: An Examination of the Intentions of the Government of Manitoba. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1979.

Lew How, Kean and Kai Han, Jeannette Montufar, Josh Drury, Errol Tan, Alan Clayton. Development of a Road Network Management System for Rural Municipalities: Pilot Project. University of Manitoba Transport Information Group, Civil Engineering Department. Winnipeg: September 1999. [IAF]

Levin, Earl A. Comedy in Three Acts: Municipal Policy and District Planning in Manitoba. Research and Working Paper 31. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1987.

Maki, Wilbur R. and James A. MacMillan. Regional Systems for Development Planning in Manitoba. Research Bulletin 70-1. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, 1970.

Manitoba (Province of). Applying Manitoba’s Policies for Aboriginal People Living in Winnipeg. 1990 [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of). Applying Manitoba’s Forest Policies. Sustainable Development Coordination Unit. 1994[IAF]

Manitoba (Province of). Applying Manitoba’s Mineral Policies. Sustainable Development Coordination Unit. 1994 [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of). Applying Manitoba’s Natural Lands and Special Places Policies. Sustainable Development Coordination Unit, 1995 [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of). Applying Manitoba’s Water Policies. Sustainable Development Coordination Unit. 1994. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Agriculture. Farm Practices Guidelines for Hog Producers in Manitoba. Agricultural Guidelines Development Committee. Revised and Reprinted, 1998. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Conservation. Towards A Sustainable Landscape — Sustainable Land Development Legislation in Manitoba. October 1993.

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Conservation. Water Use and Allocation: 1999 Public Consultation Summary and Conclusions. January 31st, 2000. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Culture, Heritage and Citizenship. Designating Municipal Heritage Sites in Manitoba. n.d. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Culture, Heritage and Citizenship. Managing Our Heritage Resources Impact Assessment. 1995 [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Environment. Odour Nuisance Management Strategy. December 1998.

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Intergovernmental Affairs. Annual Report 1999-2000. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs. Loss of Manitoba’s Agricultural Resource By Non-Farm Subdivisions in 1976. Summer, 1977. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs. "Planning Administration: Adopting and Amending a Development Plan/B.P.S." Planning in Manitoba Series, n.d. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs. "Public Involvement and Information." Report 1 of the Planning in Manitoba Series, n.d. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs. "The Development Plan." Report 2 of the Planning in Manitoba Series, n.d. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs. "Subdividing Land." Report 4 of the Planning in Manitoba Series, n.d. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs. "The Zoning Bylaw." Report 3 of the Planning in Manitoba Series, n.d.

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs, Municipal Planning Branch. Land Division in Manitoba: Study of Selected Towns and Rural Municipalities. 1975. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs. Municipal Planning Branch. Community Infrastructure and Growth Constraints. May 1975.

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Municipal Affairs, Municipal Planning Branch. "Rural Land Use Planning: An Overview." Municipal Planning: An Occasional Newsletter. Issue One (November 1973): 1-6.

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Natural Resources. Land Drainage Review. Fall 1997 and Winter 1998 Open Houses Summary and Recommendations. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Rural Development. Community Choices: A Sustainable Communities Program for Manitobans. 1991. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of), Department of Rural Development. Manitoba’s Community Round Tables. Strong People Building A Stronger Tomorrow. 1998. [IAF]

Manitoba, (Province of), How to Form a Community Development Corporation. CDC Resource Guide. Winnipeg: Manitoba Rural Development. 1995.

Manitoba (Province of). Guidelines for the Seventies. Volume 3, March 1973.

Manitoba (Province of), Livestock Stewardship Panel. Finding Common Ground — Sustainable Livestock Development in Manitoba. December 2000. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of). Planning Districts in Manitoba. Proceedings of the Second Meeting of Planning District Boards. Department of Municipal Affairs, Province of Manitoba, October 1981.

Manitoba (Province of). "Provincial Land Use Policies Regulation." Manitoba Regulation 184/94 under The Planning Act, September 23, 1994. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of). "Pursuing a Three-way Approach to the Management of Growth." (Position Paper) Edmonton, Alberta, October 22-23, 1973.

Manitoba (Province of). The Planning Act. Manitoba, Canada. Chapter P80, L.R.M, 1987. [IAF]

Manitoba Round Table on Environment and Economy. A Discussion Paper for a Sustainable Development Act. 1990. [IAF]

Manitoba Round Table on Environment and Economy. Educating for Sustainable Development. Concept Paper: A Sustainable Development Education Strategy for the Province of Manitoba. [IAF]

Manitoba Round Table on Environment and Economy. Sustainable Development Strategy for Manitoba. (Final Strategy) Winnipeg, 1994. [IAF]

Manitoba Round Table on Environment and Economy. Towards a Sustainable Development Strategy for Manitobans. Winnipeg: Executive Council, Sustainable Development Coordination Unit, 1994.

Manitoba Rural Development Institute. Consolidation and the Small Municipality: A Commentary. 1996. [IAF]

Manitoba Rural Development Institute. A Review of the Economics of Regional Waste Management Systems in Manitoba. 1994-5. [IAF]

Manitoba (Province of). White Paper on the Sustainable Development Act. Includes Draft Law and Regulations. Manitoba, 1996. [IAF]

Mc Lellan, Underwood and Associates Ltd. Construction Criteria for Septic Tank Systems in Manitoba. Prepared for the Department of Municipal Affairs and Department of Mines Resources and Environmental Management. March 1973. [IAF]

Reid, Crowther and Associates. Province of Manitoba Municipal Planning Branch Engineering Design Assistance Planning Guide No. 4. February 1976. [IAF]

Riddell Stead & Associates Ltd. Cost / Revenue Analysis and Study of Residential Development in Selected Rural Municipalities of Manitoba. May 1973. [IAF]

Rounds, Dr. Richard C. and Dr. Alexis MacLean. An Analysis of the Major Issues in Agricultural and Municipal Water and Sewage Treatment Infrastructure in Rural Manitoba. Prepared for and funded by Manitoba Rural Development. By The Rural Development Institute Brandon University. 1990. [IAF]

Rounds, Dr. Richard C. A Preliminary Analysis of Selected Education Issues in Rural Manitoba. Prepared for and funded by Manitoba Rural Development. By The Rural Development Institute Brandon University. 1991. [IAF]

Sopuck, Robert. "Local Round Tables: Celebrating Success in Manitoba." National Round Table Review (Spring 1994): 13-14.

Table ronde du Manitoba. Guide de la Strategie pour la region de la capitale.1994.

University of Manitoba Transport Information Group (UMTIG). Traffic on Manitoba Highways. Fourth Annual Report. Prepared for the Manitoba Department of Highways and Transportation. 1998.

Walker, David, ed. Urban Growth: Choices for Manitobans. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1976.

Wichern, P. ed. "Background Papers on Winnipeg Government and Politics." Prepared for the Department of Urban Affairs. Winnipeg: Province of Manitoba, 1973.

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This subsection identifies documents on land use planning and regional development related issues where the Capital Region and/or the Province of Manitoba is mentioned, but is not the primary focus of the document.

Adkins, Bob and William Lyons. Land Use Control Applications Before Municipal Bodies. Winnipeg: Law Society of Manitoba, 1994.

Beesley, Kenneth. Sustainable Development and the Rural-Urban Fringe: A Review of the Literature. Issues in Urban Sustainability 4. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1994.

Bell, William and J.J. Keleher. Rural Land Use Conflicts: Some Solutions. Study 8, Manitoba Environmental Council, 1977.

Bish, Robert L. Amalgamation: Is it the Solution? Local Government Institute, University of Victoria, 1994.

Bryant, Christopher R. and Daniel Lemire. Population Distribution and the Management of Urban Growth in Six Selected Urban Regions in Canada. Toronto: Intergovernmental Committee on Urban and Regional Research Press, 1993. [IAF]

Hollis, Linda E. Regionalism Today: Background, Timeliness, and Current Practice. ULI —Urban Land Institute, January 1998.

ICURR Press. Managing Change in Canadian Communities. Proceedings of a National Policy Forum, May 1991.

Kaplan, Harold. Reform, Planning and City Politics: Montreal, Winnipeg, Toronto. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982.

Lyon, Deborah M. The Development of the Urban-Rural Fringe: A Literature Review. Research and Working Paper 3. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1983.

Maclaren, Virginia W. Developing Indicators of Urban Sustainability: A Focus on the Canadian Experience. Toronto: ICURR Press, January 1996.

Maclaren, Virginia W. Sustainable Urban Development: Operationalizing the Concept. Toronto: ICURR Press, June 1991.

Maclaren, Virginia W. Sustainable Urban Development In Canada: From Concept to Practice. Volume I: Summary Report. Toronto: ICURR Press, 1992.

Maclaren, Virginia W. Sustainable Urban Development In Canada: From Concept to Practice. Volume II: Annotated Bibliography. Toronto: ICURR Publications, February 1992. [IAF]

Magnusson, Janis Olof. "The Influence of Non-Resident Investment on Farm Land Prices in Manitoba and Saskatchewan." M.Sc. Thesis, University of Manitoba, 1979.

Marchand, Claude and Janine Charland. The Depopulation of Canadian Communities 1981-1986. Toronto: ICURR Press, 1991.

Marchand, Claude and Janine Charland. The Rural-Urban Fringe: A Review of Patterns and Development Costs. Toronto: ICURR Press, August 1992. [IAF]

Marshall, John A. and David J.A. Douglas. The Viability of Canadian Municipalities: Concepts and Measurements. Toronto: ICURR Press, August 1997.

Mathur, Brijesh. "Community Planning and Sustainable Urban Development," in Mary Ann Beavis, ed., Ethical Dimensions of Sustainable Development and Urbanization: Seminar Papers. Occasional Paper 23, Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1990, pp.19-37.

N.D. Lea and Associates. Urban Transportation Developments in Eleven Canadian Metropolitan Areas. Prepared for the Transportation Planning Committee of the Canadian Good Roads Association. Ottawa, 1966.

Ouellet, Paul. Environmental Policy Review of 15 Canadian Municipalities. Volume 2: Appendices. Toronto: ICURR Publications, 1993.

O’Brien, Allan. Municipal Consolidation in Canada and its Alternatives. Toronto: ICURR Press, May 1993. [IAF]

Pastor, Manuel Jr., Peter Dreier, J.Eugene Grigsby III, and Marta Lopez — Garza. Regions that Work: How Cities and Suburbs Can Grow Together. Globalization and Community / Volume 6. Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press, n.d.

Patterson, Jeffrey. Green City Views: Public Opinion and Urban Environments in Ten Canadian Cities. Research and Working Paper 39.Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1995.

Patterson, Jeffrey. The Prairie Urban Countryside: Urban /Rural Fringe Development in Prairie Regional Cities. Research and Working Paper 37.Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1993.

Patterson, Jeffrey. Sustainable Cities: Supplements 1-8 to the Institute of Urban Studies Newsletter. Occasional Paper 34. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1995.

Patterson, Jeffrey. "A Quarter Century of Canada’s Metropolitan Fringe Development." Sustainable Cities: IUS Newsletter Supplement. 4 (Autumn 1992): 1-6.

Patterson, Jeffrey. "Sustainable Cities and Settlement of the Urban Countryside." Sustainable Cities: IUS Newsletter Supplement. 7 (Autumn 1993): 1-5.

Patterson, Jeffrey. "The Regional City on the Canadian Prairie: Moving Backward?" Plan Canada. 36,1 (January 1996): 17-20.

Prevost, E.O. "The Option Demand Model: A Planning Technique for Resolving Conflict Between Rural Residential Development and Agricultural Land." M.C.P. Thesis, University of Manitoba, 1982.

Russworm, L.H. The Surroundings of Our Cities: Problems and Planning Implications of the Urban Fringe Landscapes. Ottawa: Community Planning Press, 1977.

Sancton, Andrew. "The Municipal Role in the Governance of Canadian Cities," In Canadian Cities in Transition. Edited by Pierre Filion and Trudi Bunting. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Skelly, Michael J. The Role of Canadian Municipalities in Economic Development. Toronto: ICURR Publications, April 1995.

Skelly, Michael J. Alternative Service Delivery in Canadian Municipalities. Toronto: ICURR Publications, January 1996.

Slack, Enid. The Land Use Implications of Alternative Municipal Financial Tools: A Discussion Paper. Toronto: ICURR Press, 1993.

St. Hilaire, France. Governing Canada’s City-Regions: Adapting Form to Function. Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP), 1994.

Tindaly, C.R. Structural Changes in Local Government: Government for Urban Regions. Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada, 1977.

Vojnovic, Igor. Municipal Consolidation in the 1990’s: An Analysis of Five Canadian Municipalities. Toronto: ICURR Press, August 1997. [IAF]

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This subsection identifies web sites related to land use planning and regional development related issues within the Capital Region, the Province of Manitoba and around the world. — The Canadian Urban Institute provides policy research, publications, seminars and conferences on governance, the environment, housing and urban intensification. — The Government of Manitoba provides detailed information on geographic, historical, economic, environmental, social and demographic characteristics of Manitoba Municipalities. Links can be made to additional information on Manitoba’s economy and related agencies, commissions, boards and other provincial departments. —The Government of Manitoba provides historical and current information on Manitoba’s Capital Region. This site includes publications, reports, news releases and a forum for discussion on the development of the Capital Region. — The Intergovernmental Committee on Urban and Regional Research provides research, publications, conference postings and ICURR library access to information on economic, environmental and planning issues affecting local governments in Canada. Information is available on urban, rural and regional issues. — The Canadian Institute of Planners is dedicated to the advancement of responsible planning throughout Canada. It is an on-line information service on planning in Canada and the web site provides links to other provincial planning affiliates. — This web site is a digital source for planning that provides information and access to publish on-line issues related to urban planning and community development. Editorials, newspaper articles, conference announcements and publications are listed on the web site. — Provides online access to the Planning Commissioner’s Journal, a guide to planning web sites, recent news on planning in the U.S and "tracking trends" on innovative planning ideas. - The American Planning Association (APA) web-site includes information on planning in the United States, APA publications, the APA Journal, current American legislative and policy issues, and provides access to current publication listings.

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Under The Planning Act in Manitoba a planning district board or municipal council may prepare and adopt a development plan (The City of Winnipeg adopts its development plan, Plan Winnipeg, under the City of Winnipeg Act). The development plan serves as a framework for relevant goals, objectives and policies of the area it serves and includes such things as designated land use, identifies critical problems and opportunities, and outlines the proposed pattern of development. Development plans are often amended. Please refer to your local municipal office or planning district office for the most up-to-date plan.

  • CTY = City
  • RM = Rural Municipality
  • VIL= Village
  • TWN = Town

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Planning Districts:

Brokenhead River Planning District. By-law No. 90.
Consists of: Brokenhead (RM), Garson (VIL), Beausejour (TWN).

Eastern Interlake Planning District. By-law No. 1-99.
Consists of: Bifrost (RM), Gimli (RM), Riverton (VIL), Arborg (TWN), Gimli (TWN).

Lac Du Bonnet Planning District. By-law No. 42-98.
Consists of: Lac du Bonnet (RM), Lac du Bonnet TWN).

Macdonald — Ritchot Planning District. By-law No. 3/99.
Consists of: Macdonald (RM), Ritchot (RM)

Selkirk and District Planning Area. By-law No. 122.
Consists of: St. Andrews (RM), St. Clements (RM), West St. Paul (RM), Selkirk (CTY).

South Interlake Planning District. By-law No. 1/89.
Consists of: Rockwood (RM), Rosser (RM), Stonewall (TWN), Teulon (TWN).

The Fisher Armstrong Planning District. In formation process.
Consists of: Armstrong (RM), Fisher (RM).

Western Interlake Planning District. By-law No. 2/91.
Consists of: Coldwell (RM), Eriksdale (RM), Siglunes (RM), St. Laurent (RM).

Whitemouth River Planning District. By-law No. 1/96.
Consists of: Reynolds (RM), Whitemouth (RM)

Winnipeg River Planning District. By-law No. 33/95.
Consists of: Alexander (RM), Powerview (VIL).

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Municipal Planning Statements and Development Plans:

  • D.P.= Development Plan
  • B.P.S.= Basic Planning Statement
Carman (TWN). By-law No. 89-1633. D.P.

Cartier (RM). By-law No. 960. B.P.S.

De Salaberry (RM). By-law No. 1891. B.P.S.

Dufferin (RM). By-law No. 1711. D.P.

Dunnottar (VIL). By-law No. 57. B.P.S.

East St. Paul (RM). By-law No. 93-7. D.P.

Hanover (RM). By-law No. 1631. B.P.S.

Headingley (RM). By-law No. 30/93. D.P.

La Broquerie (RM). By-law No. 2-95. D.P.

Morris (TWN). By-law No. — Planning Statement.

Morris (RM). By-law No. TBA

Niverville (TWN). By-law No. 176. B.P.S

Portage la Prairie (CTY). By-law No. 7123. D.P.

Portage la Prairie (RM). By-law No. 2882. D.P.

Springfield (RM). By-law No. 98-22. D.P.

Steinbach (CTY). By-law No. 918. D.P.

St. Francois Xavier (RM). By-law No. 20-94. D.P.

Ste. Anne (TWN). By-law No. 16-84. D.P

Ste. Anne (RM). By-law No. 10-93. D.P.

St. Pierre-Jolys (VIL). By-law No. 1991-3. D.P.

Tache (RM). By-law No. 4-2000. D.P.

Woodlands (RM). By-law No. 2158. B.P.S.

Winnipeg Beach (TWN). D.P.

Winnipeg (CTY). By-law No. 5915/92. D.P.

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Municipal Board Hearing Rulings

"Report and Recommendation: In the matter of objections to by-law No. 120 of the Selkirk and District Planning Area Board, being a by-law to review and repalce the develoment plan of the district adopted by By-law No. 15 and the Rural Municipality of West St. Paul community plan." Winnipeg: July 4, 1996.

"Report of the Manitoba Municipal Board (on the application of the R.M.'s of Macdonald and Ritchot to form a planning district)." Manitoba: Province of Manitoba, August 26, 1983.

Report and Recommendation Re Headingley Winnipeg Boundary. Winnipeg, March 6, 1992. [MUA],[UML]

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Newspaper Articles / Magazine Articles

This subsection identifies some recent newspaper and magazine articles on land use planning and regional development related issues.

Ayers, Tom. "NDP Hard to Pin Down." Headingley Headliner. January 8, 2001.

Ayers, Tom. "Developments Slowed by Plan." Headingely Headliner. May 28, 2001.

Carlyle-Gordge, P. "Sore Thumb on the Fringe [Headingley]." Maclean's, 95 (January 18,1982): 20b, 20d.

Davis, Tony. "Close-Up on Bedroom Communities" Winnipeg Free Press. January 16, 1994.

Delaurier, Donna. "Leaning on the Board: St. Clements reeve says time is running out for the review that has no end." The Selkirk Journal. October 14, 1996: 11.

Delaurier, Donna. "Plan Under Attack." The Selkirk Journal. May 13, 1996: 1, 6-7.

Delaurier, Donna. "Development Plan in the Can: Province Turfs Development Plan More than Three Years in the Making" The Selkirk Journal. July 22, 1996.

"Define the Principle." Winnipeg Free Press. April 3, 2001. (no cited author)

Editorial. "The Beast Within." Winnipeg Real Estate News. July 17, 1998.

Fleming, Elizabeth. "Province Must Tackle Urban Sprawl." Winnipeg Free Press. January 31, 2001.

Flood, Gerald. "Valley Needs Development Czar." Winnipeg Free Press. June 27, 2001.

Gleeson, John. "Unknown Quantity: Province Recommends Groundwater Study at Municipalities’ Expense." The Selkirk Journal. February 13, 1995: 9, 13.

"Groundwater Revisited: Critical Capacity: Groundwater Study Creates Doubt About District’s Ability to Sustain Continued Growth." The Selkirk Journal. (Editor) December 12, 1994: 1, 11-14.

Hall, Joseph. "Get ‘Smart." Toronto Star. January 8, 2001.

"Healthy City, Healthy Region." Real Estate News. January 26, 2001.

Hume, Christopher. "Think Like a Region." Toronto Star. January 6, 2001.

Leo, Christopher. "Bad Water, Worse Planning: Province must stop shirking its responsibility." Winnipeg Free Press. September 27, 2000.

Mitchell, John G. "Urban Sprawl." National Geographic. July 2001.

Owen, Bruce. "Capital Region Proposal Runs Out of Steam." Winnipeg Free Press. December 19, 2000.

Owen, Bruce. "NDP Wants More Study on City Sprawl." Winnipeg Free Press. January 24, 2001.

Redekop, Bill. "Houses in Harm’s Way." Winnipeg Free Press. May 8, 2001.

Russell, Frances. "Tories to City: Drop Dead." Winnipeg Free Press. February 6, 1998, A10

Samyn, Paul. "Super Board Put on Hold by Filmon." Winnipeg Free Press. March 20, 1997, A3.

Solmundson, Jeff. "Capital Region Needs Cooperation." Selkirk Journal. January 29, 2001.

"Think Regional." Winnipeg Free Press. January 24, 2001. (no author cited)

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