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Manitoba Transportation & Government Services

Divisions, Branches, and Boards

Administrative Services

Administrative Services Branch monitors and evaluates management policies, and develops systems and procedures to ensure effective and efficient operations of departmental functions.

Occupational Safety, Health and Risk Management

The Branch provides occupational health, safety and risk management services to the Department. Services provided include development of policies, work procedures and educational/training programs.

Human Resource Services

The Human Resource Services function for Manitoba Transportation provides leadership support in Human Resources Management and Pay and Benefit Services.  The services include human resource planning and management, recruitment and staffing, compensation and benefits, job classification, labour and employee relations, training and development, performance management, and employment equity.

Financial Services

Financial Services provides executive management direction, policy and program development, and administrative support to all divisions of the Department. It provides central accounting, budgetary, and financial services for the Department, as well as personnel administration, payroll services, system co-ordination and data processing services, management support, and occupational health and safety programs.

Information Technology Services

The Information Technology Services Branch provides the Department with automated information systems and services in support of the business functions of the Department.

Construction & Maintenance

Construction & Maintenance Division ensures the effective, efficient, and uniform delivery of the Construction and Maintenance programs through the monitoring of the application of standards and specifications, and selective post audit procedures.

Operational Services

Operational Services provides management, direction, technical support and control in the delivery of the highway construction and maintenance programs. Services provided to the Regions by Operational Services include provision of management systems and training for effective project and program control, the delivery of special projects, the provision of Contracts services, the provision of expert quality control advice and assistance, asset management along with road information services.

Standard Construction Specifications
Work Zone Traffic Control Manual

Bridges & Structures

Bridges and Structures provide the design, construction, and maintenance of bridges, grade separation structures, overhead sign structures, weigh scale structures, protective guardrail installations, and large culverts on highways and roads under the jurisdiction of the Department.


The Regional Offices provide management, administration, and field engineering services to deliver such programs as the construction and maintenance of the Provincial Trunk Highways and Provincial Roads networks, winter roads, roads in former Local Government Districts, and Grant-in-Aid Programs to municipalities, cities, towns and villages.

Engineering & Technical Services

Mechanical Equipment Services

Mechanical Equipment Services central office provides fleet management assistance, including developing policies, standards and specifications for the purchase, maintenance, repair and disposal of the Department's equipment fleet.

Materials Engineering

Materials Engineering provide specialized standards and design, research, testing and evaluation services toward the development and maintenance of structurally competent highway embankments and pavements.

Traffic Engineering

Traffic Engineering ensures that all traffic control devices are designed, installed and maintained to established standards on the provincial highway system to achieve the safe and efficient movement of people and goods.

Northern Airports & Marine Operations

Northern Airports provides for the operation of maintenance of provincial airports and all auxiliary facilities in remote and isolated communities of northern Manitoba in consideration of communities' transportation and emergency needs.  The Airports Branch also administers two Airport Assistance Programs for non-provincial airports.

The Department also owns and operates seven ferries (four cable ferries and three motor vessels) to provide a transportation link to the provincial road system for the movement of people and goods to and from several remote communities.

Highway Planning & Design

Highway Planning and Design provides management direction to the Engineering & Technical Services Division; plans and protects the existing highway system; and provides for its future needs by comprehensive and integrated consideration of the traffic demand, engineering factors, social economic factors, and environmental issues.

Transportation Policy, Planning & Development

Transportation Policy, Planning and Development Division advises and supports government in the development of transportation policies, plans, programs and legislation, and facilitates departmental corporate planning.

Transportation Policy & Service Development

Policy and Service Development provides policy advice and options on transportation issues; promotes and defends Manitoba's interests before the federal government and its agencies; facilitates and assists public and private sector transportation initiatives is support of economic and social development, and responds to requests for information and help on transportation issues.


Manitoba International Gateway Strategy (MIGS)

Manitoba Transportation and Government Services have developed an overarching strategy to advance Manitoba’s position as a sustainable transportation and distribution gateway of choice for North American mid-continent global commerce and international travel.  This is an overview of the Manitoba International Gateway Strategy that encompasses six inter-related initiatives:  

  • Manitoba International Gateway Council
  • Winnipeg Inland Port
  • Inland Marine Container Terminal
  • Winnipeg Global Air Traffic Development
  • Churchill Gateway Development
  • International Mid-Continent Trade and Transportation Corridor

Transportation Minister’s Presentation to the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (PDF, 11.6 MBs)

Transportation Systems Planning & Development

Systems Planning & Development develops a strategic highway infrastructure and systems plan that meets present and future transportation needs and contributes to the Province's sustainable economic development.

Corporate Services

The Corporate Services group provides a wide range of professional management support services to the Department.

Transportation Regulation

Compliance & Regulatory Services

Compliance & Regulatory Services provides uniform inspection of motor carriers and related permit services to ensure compliance with The Highway Traffic Act, The Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Act, The Motive Fuel Tax Act, and The Gasoline Tax Act.

Transportation Safety & Regulation

Transportation Safety & Regulation (TSR) is responsible for the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of minimum safety standards federally and provincially for commercial vehicles, drivers and motor carriers at the corporate level.  Additionally, TSR is responsible for the safety compliance monitoring and enforcement issues respecting short line Intra-Provincial Railways.

Highway Traffic Board

The Highway Traffic Board schedules public hearings to consider applications for permits for access driveways onto, and structures adjacent to, limited access highways. The Board is also responsible for controlling the erection of advertising signs in accordance with the Board's Advertising Sign Policy. The Board also deals with the removal or establishment of control lines lying adjacent to limited access highways and the designation of limited access highways. It is also responsible for the administration of all speed limits throughout the Province, including the City of Winnipeg. The board also is responsible for the approval of traffic control devices and their design, municipal weight by laws, bridge closures and restrictions, and by-laws for parking in alley-ways.

Licence Suspension Appeal Board / Medical Review Committee

The Licence Suspension Appeal Board hears appeals of individuals who have had their driver's licences suspended by the Courts or the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. The board hears appeals for suspensions, cancellations, or denials of Driving School Permits, Driving School Instructor Permits, Automobile Dealers Permits, and Salesmen's Permits.

Motor Transport Board

The Motor Transport Board is an independent economic regulatory tribunal established under Part VIII of The Highway Traffic Act. The Board ensures Manitobans are provided adequate transportation service at reasonable cost.

Taxicab Board

The Taxicab Board is an independent quasi-judicial administrative tribunal established under the authority of The Manitoba Taxicab Act.


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