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November 15, 2006

Summary of Throne Speech

(Highlights from the Original News Release)

  • $4-billion plan to modernize highways over the next 10 years, the largest commitment ever made in Manitoba.

  • New measures introduced to retain graduates. University and college graduates to receive 60 per cent tuition rebate.

  • Manitoba Hydro to build the Conawapa dam and grow its hydroelectric capacity in addition to the Wuskwatim dam.

  • A new tax credit to be introduced to promote development and manufacture of clean energy technology.

  • A new $2,000 rebate on the purchase of hybrid vehicles.

  • A new immigration target to double the current levels.

  • Manitoba to guarantee a producer vote on changes to the Canadian Wheat Board.

Tax Cuts for 2007

  • Manitoba seniors to save $11 million annually through pension splitting.

  • The middle, personal income tax rate to drop to 13 per cent.

  • Corporate tax rates to fall to 14 per cent

  • Small business rates reduced to three per cent, the second lowest in Canada.

  • Legislative changes to modernize the Employment Standards Code to reflect today’s economy, labour force and the needs of families.

Health Care

  • 200 more doctors, 1,300 more nurses, 150 more specialists and 190 more technologists practicing in Manitoba today than in 1999.

  • Nurse training opportunities to be expanded throughout Manitoba.

  • More training for emergency medicine physicians and initiatives to recruit oncologists.

  • Continuing moves forward on additional wait-list priorities including pediatric dental, pain management and sleep therapy.

  • A review of the 10-year old regional health authority model.

  • Handi-transit service to be upgraded for every community in Manitoba with new funding to replace vans.

  • Manitoba to present a strategy at the upcoming national Summit on Aboriginal Health.

Green and Growing/Renewable Energy

  • Support to be provided for the expansion of biodiesel production and marketing.

  • A new phase of the successful Power Smart program to target specific communities including First Nations in the Island Lake area and the Centennial community in Winnipeg.

  • The third phase of Manitoba’s water protection plan underway to encourage all Manitobans do their part to protect the province’s lakes and rivers.

  • The Biofuels Act to be updated to ensure fuel quality for consumers.

Rural, Northern Manitoba and Major Cities

  • Commitment to continue to support producers in 2006, providing $60 million to the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) program to help producers overcome income losses from previous years.

  • Immigration settlement services to be enhanced and Manitoba’s entry program to be expanded to areas outside of Winnipeg.

  • Preservation of the regional supply role of the Port of Churchill to remain a priority.

  • The first leg of an all-weather road on the east side of Lake Winnipeg to begin this year.

  • New work to improve air access and the winter roads network for remote communities.

  • Northern Foods Project to be expanded from the initial 15 communities.

  • Increase in the northern food allowance to help families in remote communities pay for the higher costs of healthy food.

  • Expansion the Neighbourhoods Alive program – a program to help improve housing and communities – to other northern and rural communities.

  • $50 million to revitalize Winnipeg streets and create new bicycle routes, the largest provincial contribution ever made to urban infrastructure in Manitoba.

  • New funding support for transit to help restore the 50-50 cost-sharing formula with municipal governments that was cut in the 1990s.

  • Brandon to become a new model for cancer treatment in Manitoba, building on new chemotherapy centres in Neepawa, Deloraine and Pinawa.

  • A linear accelerator, a radiation therapy unit that destroys or shrinks cancer cells, to be installed in Brandon.

  • Additional funding for police officers in the next provincial budget.


  • New and upgraded teaching facilities to be provided to the University College of the North.

  • Increased resources for apprenticeship and co-op education programs, recruitment from colleges and universities, and new vocational options at the high-school level.

  • An alternative high-school diploma to be developed to recognize work experience and academic credentials.

  • A new flex fund to be created to deal with training needs in key areas.

Support for Seniors

  • SafetyAid – a program designed to assist seniors in upgrading home security features – to be expanded to more communities.

  • Better protections for seniors and consumers will be introduced through changes to the Payday Loans Act and new legislation to prevent identity theft, regulate pawn shops and provide RRSP creditor protection.

  • A new law to be introduced to ensure people are not misled by gift cards or certificates.

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