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February 2005






What is MARC 2005?
The Manure Application Rate Calculator (MARC) 2005 is manure management planning software for Manitoba and Saskatchewan.  MARC 2005 is a more advanced version of MARC98, which was adapted from NMan97 software for Ontario.  MARC 2005 has been created in Visual Basic 6.0 with data stored in Microsoft Access.  It is designed to:

  • provide improved record keeping for crop and livestock producers who use manure as a fertilizer;
  • give users more flexibility in the types of manure they apply and the methods of application they can use;
  • automatically fill out and print manure management plan reports; and
  • assist producers in fulfilling regulatory requirements.

MARC 2005 uses the programming features of Visual Basic to make it user-friendly and the Microsoft Access database features to improve record keeping capabilities.  MARC 2005 will automatically generate reports and provides the possibility of electronic submission of manure management plans to regulatory agencies.

MARC 2005 can contain land, crop, and manure information specific to Manitoba or Saskatchewan.  This provides the capability of developing manure management plans in both Prairie Provinces.

What's in it?
MARC 2005 integrates all of the extension recommendations developed by Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives to help producers and consultants determine sustainable manure application rates.  

Through a series of 13 screens, the user enters information on:

  • the farm location,
  • livestock inventory,
  • fields available for manure application,
  • manure volumes and nutrient content,
  • soil test levels,
  • crop nutrient requirements and realistic target yields, and
  • timing and method of manure and/or fertilizer application. 

Manure application rates can then be calculated for each field to meet the crop’s nutrient requirements for N or P2O5. 

If a manure analysis is not available, MARC 2005 contains a database of manure nutrient analyses for a variety of livestock species.  Individual farm manure databases can also be created. 

MARC 2005 automatically fills in and prints reports for the farm location and contact information, animal inventory, manure information and the crop and nutrient application summary for each field that received manure.  The field application summary should be used by the manure applicator to ensure that the appropriate rate of manure is applied to each field.
MARC 2005 also prints out the manure storage location form and the certification form for operations that are 300 AU in size or greater and that must submit land application plans to Manitoba Conservation.

Where is it Available?
MARC 2005 is available on the Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives home page (www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture). Anybody with high speed Internet access can download the software and the user manual, free of charge from this site. Alternatively, a hard copy of the user manual and a CD containing the software can be ordered from the address below.
Computer Requirements
MARC 2005 can be run on  NT 4.0 or later

Download the Program/Manual

Download the Program Now

User Manual in PDF Format (4.3 MB) Some of the files above are in PDF Format and require an Acrobat Reader to view them.  If you don't have Acrobat Reader click here to download now.

Contact Information
For information on MARC 2005 or to send in comments, please contact:
Petra Loro
Livestock Environment Specialist
Animal Industry Branch
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
545 University Cr.
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 5S6
Tel: 204-945-3869
E-mail: Contact Us


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