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Home Youth & Educators Activities Courageous Canadians Quiz 

Courageous Canadians Quiz

1 The Second World War began at dawn on September 1, 1939, as the German armies swept into ________.
Hungary Belgium
Poland Holland
2 ________ was Britain's reigning Monarch at the time the War broke out.
George VI Henry IV
Henry VIII George V
3 Following the collapse of Poland a strange lull set in on the western front. This period from October 1939 to April 1940 became known as ________.
the "blitzkrieg" the "happy days"
the "Phony War" the "Anschluss"
4 On May 10, 1940, ________ became Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Neville Chamberlain Edward Heath
Winston Churchill Benjamin Disraeli
5 The Second World War's longest battle, ________, began on the first day of the hostilities in September 1939 and lasted to the very end of in May 1945.
the Battle of Britain the Battle of the Atlantic
the Battle of the Scheldt the Battle of the Bulge
6 Beginning the War with a mere 13 vessels and 3,000 men, the Royal Canadian Navy ended it with ________ fighting ships and more than ________ men.
97 - 42,000 45 - 8,500
256 - 76,000 373 - 90,000
7 The Canadian Merchant Navy played a key role in the transport of supplies, fuel and troops overseas. As a consequence, its ships were a key target of the enemy. By war's end, as many as ________ Canadian Merchant Navy ships would be lost to enemy action.
43 95
102 72
8 Without warning, the Japanese attacked the American fleet in Pearl Harbor on ________, sparking the United States' official entry into the War.
December 7, 1941 August 19, 1942
June 22, 1940 June 22, 1941
9 In 1941, ________ first committed Canadian soldiers to battle.
the sinking of the S.S. Athenia the defence of Hong Kong
Pearl Harbor the Raid on Dieppe
10 On ________, the famous raid on Dieppe took place.
August 19, 1942 June 6, 1941
December 7, 1940 June 22, 1941
11 For their actions during the raid on Dieppe, ________ were awarded the Victoria Cross, the Commonwealth's highest military honour for bravery.
John Robert Osborn and David Vivian Currie John Weir Foote and Charles Cecil Ingersoll Merritt
John Robert Osborn and John Weir Foote Charles Cecil Ingersoll Merritt and David Vivian Currie
12 Of the 6,100 troops who took part in Operation Jubilee, ________ were Canadians.
2,200 4,963
907 3,367
13 Operation Overlord, the long-awaited invasion of Northwestern Europe commonly known as D-Day, took place on ________.
June 6, 1944 July 10, 1944
August 16, 1944 August 25, 1944
14 ________ Canadians landed in Normandy on D-Day and, of these, ________ became casualties.
52,000 - 2,232 33,000 - 1,667
14,000 - 1,074 23,000 - 2,212
15 After the Allied victory in Normandy, Germany could no longer hold France. ________ troops liberated Paris on August 25, 1944.
French and American Canadian and British
Canadian and American French and Canadian
16 ________ was responsible for what was probably Canada's most important victory in the Second World War, the opening of the Scheldt Estuary.
Gen. H.D.G. Crerar Field Marshal Sir B.L. Montgomery
LGen. G.G. Simonds Major-Gen. Christopher Vokes
17 On May 7, 1945, barely two days after the liberation of The Netherlands, Germany capitulated. The formal German surrender was signed in ________.
Berlin, Germany Rheims, France
Antwerp, Belgium Amsterdam, Holland
18 On August 14, 1945, the Second World War came to an end when nuclear bombs were dropped over Japan. The cities hit were ________.
Hiroshima and Tokyo Tokyo and Nagasaki
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nagasaki and Kyoto
19 ________ Canadian men and women enlisted in the military and, of these, ________ gave their lives for peace and freedom.
500,00 - 12,100 94,000 - 1,800
1 million - 45,000 1.5 million - 52,000
20 Among the 3,000 identified Aboriginal members of the Forces, ________ earned decorations for bravery.
5 9
13 17
True or False
21 Approximately 200,000 Canadian soldiers who served in the Second World War were under the age of 21.
True False
22 Women who worked with lumberjacks and loggers during the war were called "lumberjills".
True False
23 The Marshall Plan was a proposal that provided for the channelling of millions in economic aid and technical assistance to rebuild member countries of the Axis powers.
True False
24 The Allied Forces developed tanks with names like Crab and Crocodile that were specially designed to go through the German Army's coastal defences.
True False
25 Allied engineers built a long, flexible pipe called Pluto that ran under the sea from England to Normandy and was capable of carrying thousands of gallons of fuel a day.
True False
26 Homemakers, conscious of the need for aluminum for the aircraft industry, donated perfectly good aluminum cookware to scrap drives.
True False
27 To fool the Germans into thinking they were going to attack Calais, the Allies set up a mock assault force with dummy ships, plywood gliders and rubber tanks.
True False
28 On Remembrance Day, the Cree say "Kahgee pohn noten took". It means "the fighting has ended".
True False
Match the following captions to the photos
29 HMCS New Waterford, commissioned in the Royal Canadian Navy, near Esquimalt, B.C. February 17, 1944.
30 Royal Hamilton Light Infantry carriers on the Beveland Causeway. October 1944. (NAC 41949)
31 Trainees walking to Avro Anson aircraft for navigation flight, No. 1 Air Navigation School, Rivers, Manitoba. June 4, 1941. (NAC PL3138)
32 Workers at Western Steel Ltd, Winnipeg. September 1943. (NAC PA116148)
33 Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill visiting First Canadian Army front near Nijmegen, March 4, 1945, just three weeks after commencement of operation Veritable. (NAC 47374) Left to right: Gen. H.D.G. Crerar, Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke, LGen. G.G. Simonds, Churchill, Field Marshal Sir B.L. Montgomery.
34 An unidentified member of the Canadian Women's Army Corps carrying a gas mask. August 1943. (NAC PA141007)
35 The Cross of Sacrifice, Sai Wan Bay War Cemetery, Hong Kong. (DND 76-142-CAM)
36 A Catalina of No. 413 Squadron in Ceylon. (DND PL10007)
37 Cpl. Huron Brant of Ontario's Bay of Quinte Band was decorated with the Military Medal in Italy in 1943. (Capt. Frank Royal/DND/NAC PA130065)
38 View from RCAF aircraft of a convoy of merchant ships in the North Atlantic. (NAC PA115005)
39 The forged identity card that secret agent Ray LaBrosse used to move around France undetected. (Courtesy Ray LaBrosse)
40 A Canadian Volunteer Service medal with the Overseas Service bar and the Dieppe bar.
Updated: 1999-11-8