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Smith Falls District Collegiate Institute - "Lest We Forget"

The "Lest We Forget" project was created by Blake Seward, a history teacher at Smiths Falls District Collegiate Institute in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Concerned that the contributions of those who died serving in the First World War have been largely forgotten, Mr. Seward realized that researching individual veterans would be an exciting way to make history come alive in the classroom. Students would be given the opportunity to document the life stories of the men and women who served in the First World War.

Students are tasked with researching and writing about individuals who served in the First World War whose names are listed on the local cenotaphs. Essentially, students become experts on the service persons they investigate and contribute to the wartime histories of their communities.

World War One Survivors
Baker, Sherman Richard Doughton, Edward John Lucas, Lorne Sanford
Botham, Carmen Gallagher, Fred E. Mantle, Levi
Boyd, William J. Hagan, Henry A. McCallum, Frederick Harold
Charles, William Harper, John Mustard, Clifford
Connell, John A. Harrington, Albert South, William Ernest
Craig, Harold Allan Hyslop, George Strachan, George
Daughen, William Ince, George Victor Wood, Donald

World War One Casualties
Baker, William Riley Fumerton, Frank Morrissey, Frank Everette
Bellamy, Edward Gallagher, Edward Murdock, Charles Lorne
Bigham, George Gallagher, James Earle O' Meara, Albert
Bulleid, George Eccles Garton, W.C. Burton O'Brien, Bernard
Bush, Norman Earle Gervin, Walter Palmer, Clarence
Chalmers, Harry Alexander Gibbons, John Joseph Perkins, John B.
Clifford, Frank Gilroy, Sidney Wellington Phillips, Earle Merrit
Clinton, John Grant, Baxter Polk, Herbert C.
Condie, John Gray, Walter Powell, Thomas
Cooke, William Henderson, Robert Prior, Frank Henry
Copplo, Dominic Holland, Sydney Quackenbush, Hubert
Couch, Stanley Hurlbert, Rexford Rice, Russell Ira
Craig, William Benson Johnston, Frank Leonard Riley, Addison
Cranston, Harry Joynt, William Robinson, George
Cross, Everett Kidd, William J Rowlands, Robert P.
Davidson, Harwood Leeland, Leonard Shearer, James Douglas
Dillabough, Homer Reuben Lees, Peter Sheppard, Arthur John
Dobson, E.W. Swiftsure Leonard, John G. Speight, William
Dodds, Alexander Lett, Herbert P. Splane, Howard
Donovan, Dennis Lucas, David Henry Stilwell, Charles R.
Doughton, David Henry Lucas, Lorne Wark, Lawrence A. (Glen)
Driscoll, William Ambrose McGregor, Ellis Webb, Herbert
Edmunds, Charles Mainse, Clarence Weedmark, Gordon
Ferguson, Clarence Mansfield, Stephen Arthur Williston, Isabelle
Field, Alfred Martin, Stanley Winnihan, Elmer
Field, George McGill, Joseph James Wood, Sherwood
Forbes, Adolph McShane, James Yates, Clement Oswald
Foster, John F. P. Megert, Elton  

The 23 students, along with their history teacher Blake Seward, visited France and Belgium for eight days in October 2004. Their tour was the final chapter for the "Lest We Forget" project during which they visited the Canadian National Archives to research the lives and deaths of Smiths Falls area First and Second World War soldiers.

From October 15-23, the students visited 11 war cemeteries that are meticulously maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. The students placed more than a 1050 Canadian flags next to Canadian soldiers' headstones.


Updated: 2005-3-7