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about the Branch 


The Forestry Branch of Manitoba Conservation is one of several resource branches responsible for ensuring sustainable resource management for present and future generations of Manitobans.

Under the authority of The Forest Act, the Forestry Branch manages provincial Crown forests by setting forest harvest levels, monitoring forest management activities, ensuring forests are regenerated, providing protection from insects and diseases and collecting revenues for use of Crown timber.

The Forestry Branch also supports forest management programs outside of Crown forests. Through the Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation and the Manitoba Forestry Association, Manitoba Conservation delivers woodlot management programs to private landowners in southern Manitoba.

The department assists co-operating communities with urban forest management, in part, by administering The Dutch Elm Disease Act and Tree Pruners Licencing.

The Branch is comprised of approximately 50 professional, technical and support staff at its Winnipeg head office. These staff set the policy and planning framework for forest management throughout the province and maintain a forest inventory.

Throughout the forest zone, regional forestry staff implement forest management programs on behalf of the department. Regional personnel supervise the forest industry and work with other natural resources managers to provide maximize benefits relating to wildlife, recreation and water to name a few. Regional forestry offices are located in Lac du Bonnet, Steinbach, Gimli, Swan River, The Pas, and Thompson.


Manitoba Conservation Forestry Branch © 2000 - 2003


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