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MGS Geoscience Projects 2006


Precambrian Mapping

  1. Project: Flin Flon Targeted Geoscience Initiative 3 (TGI 3) study

    Responsibility: Harold Gibson (Laurentian University), Renée-Luce Simard (MGS), Sally Pehrsson (GSC), Kelly Gilmore (HBED) and Kate MacLachlan (SIR)

    Location: Flin Flon

    Description: This 5 year collaborative university-industry-government project involves geological mapping and mine studies designed to document the setting of the Flin Flon, 777, and Callinan deposits. The project is focussed on the base metal sulphide zone and host rocks. A primary objective is to establish stratigraphic and structural controls on the base metal mineralization to aid discovery of new ore in the immediate mine area and in adjacent areas where stratigraphically equivalent rocks are exposed. Under the 5 year TGI 3 project begun in 2005, the GSC will undertake a detailed seismic survey of the Flin Flon mine area to develop techniques to aid deep exploration for base metal mineralization.
  1. Project: Geology, geochemistry and tectonostratigraphy of the northern Flin Flon Belt

    Responsibility: Paul Gilbert

    Location: Flin Flon (no field component)

    Description: This project undertook 1:20 000 mapping of a lithologically and structurally complex portion of the Flin Flon Belt that has not been mapped since the 1950’s. Mapping and geochemistry of the volcanic rocks is completed with the following products to be released in 2007: 1) Geoscience Paper (emphasizing geochemistry) and an accompanying 1:50 000 compilation map (will include the Tartan Lake area), and 2) final 1:20 000 maps.
  2. Project: Bird River belt mapping and mineral deposit studies

    Responsibility: Paul Gilbert; graduate students and researchers from Waterloo University; Tim Corkery

    Location: Bird River-Lac du Bonnet

    Description: The objective of this new project is to provide updated geological mapping of poorly mapped portions of the Bird River Belt, as well as thematic mineral deposit and structural studies. This is a collaborative project involving companies (Tanco, Gossan Resources, Mustang Minerals), University of Waterloo (Shoufa Lin and graduate students), and MGS. Geochemical, geochronological, isotopic and lithotectonic investigations will be used to characterize and subdivide the volcanic rocks. Work in 2006 involves MGS mapping of the volcanic rocks and structural and thematic mineral deposit studies by University of Waterloo graduate students.
  3. Project: Surficial and Precambrian bedrock geology studies in Manitoba’s Far North

    Responsibility: Christian Böhm, Scott Anderson, Gaywood Matile

    Location: Far North

    Description: In 2004-2005 new Nd isotope and geochemical analysis of archival samples from the granulite terrains from the Nejanilini Domain of Manitoba’s Far North and bedrock mapping and sampling in the Nejanilini Lake area was undertaken. In 2006-07, mapping and sampling will be extended to the Kasmere Lake area where good boat access and well exposed meta-igneous and supracrustal lithologies of the Ennadai block (southeast Hearne Domain) and of the Wollaston domain exist. Detailed petrographic and structural bedrock mapping will be undertaken at 1:20 000 scale. Laser-ablation (LA-MC-ICPMS) U-Pb zircon dating will be conducted for reconnaissance magmatic and detrital age studies together with Nd isotopic and geochemical analysis of new felsic igneous and sedimentary samples from the Kasmere Lake area. Quaternary mapping and sampling will be conducted in parallel with the bedrock studies.
  4. Project: Superior Boundary Zone projects

    Responsibility: Chris Böhm and researchers from U of Alberta and Waterloo University

    Location: Sipiwesk Lake to Gull Rapids

    Description: Extent, composition, age and geological history of ancient (pre-3.0 Ga) crust within the Superior Boundary Zone (SBZ) are being investigated using detailed mapping, geochemical and isotopic techniques (Sm-Nd whole-rock isotope geochemical and U-Pb/Lu-Hf zircon isotopic studies in collaboration with the University of Alberta Radiogenic Isotope Facility). Parallel studies of the detailed kinematics and geochronology of shear zones in the SBZ (in conjunction with Waterloo University) are designed to place constraints on the tectonic evolution of the area and the timing and mechanism of the uplift of the adjacent Pikwitonei Domain. During 2006 a reconnaissance field excursion, centered on Sipiwesk and Wintering lakes, with research staff from the University of Alberta will be undertaken with a view to initiating a collaborative study of the metamorphic and petrogenetic development of the Pikwitonei Domain.
  5. Project: Northern Superior granite-greenstone integrated mapping initiative

    Responsibility: Chris Böhm and Russell Hartlaub (BC Institute of Technology)

    Location: Bear Lake

    Description: The objectives of this project are to apply an integrated mapping approach to areas in the Northern Superior that provide excellent exposures of both greenstones and granite terrains (Bear and Atik lakes). Existing A-base and preliminary maps as well as high-resolution magnetic maps will be fully used and integrated into the new mapping. Analytical techniques include geochemistry and isotope geology (Nd, U-Pb, Hf) in order to provide a modern multidisciplinary geological synthesis for the area. Additional focus will be aimed on (the controls of) orogenic lode gold mineralization along major bounding shear zones in the project areas.
  6. Project: Thompson Nickel Belt compilation

    Responsibility: Josef Macek, Cathy McGregor and Herman Zwanzig

    Location: Winnipeg (map compilation and report writing)

    Description: Compilation of bedrock geology in the Thompson Nickel Belt (TNB), from company drill core and proprietary data with local re-mapping, has produced a new series of up-to-date geological maps released as Preliminary Maps in 2001. These maps are being updated with new information and a new topographically correct base. In 2006/07 efforts are focussed on completing the compilation maps and writing a report on the Ospwagan Group (host to the Ni mineralization in the TNB). An Open File digital release of geological data collected from historical drill core will be released in 2006.
  7. Project: Wuskwatim and Tullibee lakes corridors

    Responsibility: Herman Zwanzig and John Percival (GSC)

    Location: Wuskwatim and Tullibee lakes area

    Description: This Targeted Geoscience Initiative 3 project aims to 1) delineate the TNB extension west of the main part of the belt, 2) distinguish Proterozoic supracrustal assemblages, various intrusive suites and Archean crustal types that are possible TNB basement, 3) further identify and characterize pre-Hudsonian (>1.85 Ga) domes/crustal slices in the Kisseynew east margin 4) provide isotopic ages and geochemistry for intrusions at the Kisseynew Domain margin. Together with a 2006 TGI 3 aeromagnetic survey, the new mapping and isotopic data produced during this project will be used to update and modernize existing 1:50 000 geological maps.
  8. Project: Sub-Phanerozoic Precambrian compilation

    Responsibility: Cathy McGregor

    Location: Winnipeg (no field component)

    Description: This project involves compiling the sub-Phanerozoic Precambrian geology from oil well, water well, diamond drill core (company and government) and geophysical data. This data set was largely completed in 2005. Public release of the data will take place in 2006-07. This database will greatly facilitate a robust compilation of the sub-Phanerozoic Precambrian geology of the province.
  9. Project: Flin Flon Belt-Kisseynew transition - report

    Responsibility: Herman Zwanzig, Alan Bailes

    Location: Winnipeg (no field component)

    Description: Mapped during the Shield Margin NATMAP project, this area is composed of the same diverse suite of lithotectonic elements as those in the adjacent Flin Flon Belt, but is far more deformed and recrystallized. Geochemical and isotopic characteristics, in conjunction with mapping, have resulted in the recognition and tracing of these lithotectonic elements. A Geoscientific Report accompanied by three 1:50 000 compilation maps will fully document criteria for recognition of the lithotectonic elements and show their distribution. This report, which is scheduled for a 2007 release, will provide important new criteria for implementing exploration projects in this region. As in the Flin Flon Belt, each of the lithotectonic elements in the Kisseynew Belt has different prospectivity for mineral deposits.
  10. Project: Mapping the northern extension of the Thompson Nickel Belt

    Responsibility: Herman Zwanzig, Josef Macek and Chris Böhm

    Location: Minor field work in the Thompson area (mainly Winnipeg based)

    Description: The objective of this project is to delineate TNB extensions using geological mapping, core logging, petrography, aeromagnetic data and isotope geochemistry to distinguish major Proterozoic assemblages and Archean crustal types. Reports on the isotopic work are available as Report of Activities contributions. Some results of this project from the region north of Thompson are being rolled into the updated TNB geological compilation maps. Results from the most northerly part of the TNB extension will lead to production of new 1:50 000 maps. Recognition and tracing of TNB lithologies north and northwest of Thompson has important implications for Ni exploration, resulting in expansion of exploration beyond the previously known extent of the TNB.

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Mineral Deposits

  1. Project: Snow Lake gold metallogeny

    Responsibility: Chris Beaumont-Smith, Alan Bailes

    Location: Snow Lake

    Description: This new project aims to develop a regional gold metallogenic model for the Snow Lake area. The initial fieldwork will focus on structural analysis, geochronology and geochemistry in the New Britannia mine area and on areas of active exploration, including the Northstar Lake and east Wekusko areas. Future fieldwork will address the analysis of additional gold deposits, culminating in a synthesis of gold deposit formation within the tectonic framework of the Snow Lake area. The regional aspect of this project is intended to encourage regional gold exploration and provide support for the more detailed fieldwork of the accompanying PhD project (below).
  2. Project: Snow Lake metamorphic PhD

    Responsibility: Chris Beaumont-Smith, Simon Gagne (McGill), David Corrigan (GSC)

    Location: Snow Lake

    Description: This project represents a cooperative three-year project between the MGS and GSC to support a PhD student based at McGill University. The focus of this study is the effects of medium to high-grade metamorphism on mineral deposits, largely focussed on gold mineralization. Fieldwork will entail the detailed mapping, geochemistry, and isotopic studies of a series of mineral deposits in an attempt to characterize the effects of post-depositional metamorphism on the distribution or possible redistribution of mineralization within the selected deposits. An aspect of this research will be included in the regional gold metallogeny project.
  3. Project: PGE mineralization in the Flin Flon Belt

    Responsibility: Peter Theyer

    Location: Snow Lake

    Description: The objective of this project is to identify, investigate and report on potential sources of economic PGE concentrations in the Flin Flon Belt. Research on PGE potential of the Chisel and Ghost deposit has been completed. A report on the U Pb age determination of the Wonderland Gabbro is scheduled for the Report of Activities in November.
  4. Project: Gold deposits in the Lynn Lake area

    Responsibility: Chris Beaumont-Smith, Christian Böhm

    Location: Lynn Lake

    Description: Structural and mineral deposit study of gold deposits in the Lynn Lake area, focussed on the Johnson Shear Zone (Burnt Timber deposit), Agassiz Metallotect; 1:20 000 mapping in a newly burned areas along the possible strike extensions of the Johnson Shear. Compilation of the entire Lynn Lake Belt is underway, using previous mapping (e.g., Gilbert et al., 1980) and integrating new structural, geochronologic, isotopic, and lithologic information.
  5. Project: Lynn Lake geochronology

    Responsibility: Chris Beaumont-Smith, Christian Böhm

    Location: Lynn Lake

    Description: U-Pb geochronology and Sm-Nd isotopic support of Lynn Lake gold metallogeny projects.
  6. Project: Lynn Lake geochemistry - REE

    Responsibility: Chris Beaumont-Smith, PhD student (McClenaghan), Dave Lentz (University of New Brunswick)

    Location: Lynn Lake - Leaf Rapids

    Description: Precise ICP-MS trace element geochemistry of samples of sulphidic sedimentary rocks and exhalites from the Lynn Lake Belt. Collect samples from available drill cores and known occurrences identified in Mineral Deposit Series reports. Data interpretation and development of new metallotects for VMS and exhalite-related gold.
  7. Project: Winnipegosis komatiites

    Responsibility: Peter Theyer

    Location: TNB-SBZ (no field work)

    Description: Completion of final report for the Winnipegosis Komatiites (Thompson Nickel Belt).
  8. Project: Northern Superior gold metallogeny

    Responsibility: Scott Anderson, Chris Beaumont-Smith, Christian Böhm, Tim Corkery, Alan Bailes

    Location: Oxford – Gods – Sharpe lakes

    Description: Geological and geochemical assessment of orogenic lode gold mineralization along major bounding shear zones in the northern Superior Province. Emphasis in 2006 will be on site-specific visits to active exploration projects.
  9. Project: Rice Lake belt geochronology

    Responsibility: Scott Anderson, Larry Heaman

    Location: Bissett area

    Description: Isotope geochemistry in support of thematic mapping programs in the Rice Lake belt.
  10. Project: Rice Lake belt gold metallogeny

    Responsibility: Scott Anderson

    Location: Bissett area

    Description: 1:20 000 scale geological mapping involving integrated structural, geochemical and geochronological studies. The objective is to document the tectonic evolution of the east end of the Rice Lake belt and the setting of contained Au deposits. This study will further evaluate potential correlations with the prolific Mesoarchean supracrustal assemblages in the Red Lake belt. Work in 2006 will focus on continued detailed mapping in the Gem Lake area.
  11. Project: Thematic PGE-Ni-Cu-oriented mafic-ultramafic studies in SE Manitoba

    Responsibility: Peter Theyer

    Location: SE Manitoba

    Description: Continuation of thematic projects in the Mayville intrusion and Bird River Sill (Maskwa-Dumbarton deposits). A humus sampling survey to investigate the distribution of Pd in surficial waters is being planned for the Page and Euclid Lake area.

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Sedimentary and Industrial Minerals

  1. Project: Past hydroclimatic change in the Winnipeg River basin

    Responsibility: Scott St. George (University of Arizona)

    Location: SE Manitoba

    Description: This project is designed to address climate change in the Winnipeg River basin, using dendrochronology. Plans for 2006: Report of Activities; process and analyse tree-ring network; presentation at meeting on hydropower and climate change; present results at Canadian association of Geographers meeting.
  2. Project: Stratigraphic and Scout Drilling

    Responsibility: Ruth Bezys and Jim Bamburak

    Location: West-central MB area

    Description: Drilling program carried out in support of mapping, industrial and metallic mineral programs. Anticipated 2006 requirements include: five stratigraphic drillholes in support of SBZ investigations, mainly Silurian and Devonian targets.
  3. Project: Phytoremediation of mine tailings

    Responsibility: Sylvie Renault (U of Manitoba)

    Location: SE Manitoba

    Description: To develop effective strategies to revegetate mine tailings, by studying test plots on existing mine tailings in southeast Manitoba. Plans for 2006: 1) Continued field work; 2) Report of Activities.
  4. Project: TGI 2 Williston Basin Architecture and Hydrocarbon Potential

    Responsibility: Ruth Bezys

    Location: SW Manitoba

    Description: To develop a seamless 3D geological model of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Products will include structure and isopach maps of each stratigraphic unit of interest, databases, geophysical interpretations, hydrogeological interpretations and hydrocarbon assessments. Preliminary Lower Paleozoic maps were released April 25, 2005; website. Final maps and report to be completed December 2006.
  5. Project: CAMIRO – Thompson Nickel Belt

    Responsibility: Mary Doherty (ALS Chemex; project leader), Beth McClenaghan (GSC), Doreen Ames (GSC), Ingrid Kjarsgaard (consultant for GSC research), Gaywood Matile (MGS)

    Location: Thompson

    Description: The TNB has a large (100 km) glacial dispersal train of Cr-diopside that was detected in a GSC/MGS regional till sampling program a few years ago. One of the objectives of this new project is to determine which rocks these grains are derived from. Preliminary results of the 2005 sample data were presented in a poster at the 2006 Cordilleran Round-up. Work for 2006 will involve data processing and a small sampling program.
  6. Project: Bentonite and industrial minerals

    Responsibility: Jim Bamburak

    Location: S Manitoba

    Description: Client support in the field and in the office on Industrial Minerals (bentonite, silica sand, etc.) and Phanerozoic-hosted metallic mineral deposits. Preparation of an open file report on non-swelling calcium bentonite potential of the Morden-Miami area for release by April 2007; attend and chair conference in Vancouver (Oct. 2006).
  7. Project: Superior Boundary Zone/ Camperville gravity low project

    Responsibility: Jim Bamburak

    Location: Winnipeg

    Description: Investigation of basement structures along the Superior Boundary Zone in southwest Manitoba and to investigate the Camperville Gravity Low Anomaly. No field component. Completion of geoscientific paper and open file manuscripts for publication by April 2007; Convention presentation.
  8. Project: 3D Geological model of southern Manitoba

    Responsibility: Gaywood Matile, Greg Keller

    Location: Southern Manitoba (south of 55°)

    Description: No field component. Having completed the 3D model for southeastern Manitoba and the Lake Winnipeg basin, work now will progress westward and northward. This project will build on the TGI 2 Williston Basin project by utilizing the newly created database of drillhole picks, and then model the Quaternary sediments on top. The 3D Geological Model project will be contributing to two groundwater projects: 1) study of Tertiary channels cut into the bedrock surface, in cooperation with the Water Branch; and 2) study of groundwater resources and climate change in the Assiniboine delta in cooperation with the University of Manitoba Faculty of Engineering.

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Database and compilation projects

  1. Project: Manitoba Stratigraphic Database

    Responsibility: Glenn Conley, Ruth Bezys

    Location: SW Manitoba

    Description: The objective of this project is to gather all Phanerozoic data for the province into the Manitoba Stratigraphic Database (MSD). MSD is intended to serve as a reference dataset for the entire Phanerozoic subsurface stratigraphy of the province. Yearly updates are conducted. The database includes all oil and gas wells, Manitoba core holes, water wells, mineral exploration drill holes and Manitoba Hydro wells.
  2. Project: Manitoba kimberlite indicator database

    Responsibility: Greg Keller, Christian Böhm, Gaywood Matile

    Location: All Manitoba

    Description: This database contains all available kimberlite indicator mineral survey data for Manitoba. Information includes sample location, sample preparation methods, reference data, as well as microprobe analyses of heavy mineral grains. This database is presently web-enabled and will be updated as new data becomes available.
  3. Project: Manitoba surficial geology map compilation

    Responsibility: Gaywood Matile, Greg Keller, Paul Lenton

    Location: All Manitoba

    Description: All of the most current published surficial geology maps for Manitoba are being compiled into one coherent queriable GIS database. Products will include sets of maps for all of Manitoba (54 - 1: 250 000, 4 - 1: 500 000 and 1 - 1: 1 000 000 scale) with standardized legends and with geology draped on the provincial digital elevation model (SRTM). Completion is targeted for this fiscal year (2006/07).
  4. Project: Manitoba geochronology database

    Responsibility: Christian Böhm, Paul Lenton, Greg Keller, Alan Bailes, Chris Beaumont-Smith, Tim Corkery, Ric Syme

    Location: All Manitoba

    Description: GIS database containing all published geochronology data for Manitoba. The data has been released as a digital report comprising an Microsoft ACCESS© database with custom interface and supporting custom query function and the ability to export queries to spreadsheets or GIS shape files.
  5. Project: Manitoba mineral occurrence database

    Responsibility: Paul Lenton, Glenn Conley, Tim Corkery, Peter Leskiw

    Location: All Manitoba

    Description: Design and implementation of a comprehensive Oracle© web-enabled database to manage mineral occurrence data in Manitoba. The initial database structure has been designed using Microsoft ACCESS© and all of the mineral occurrence data in the Mineral Deposit Series publications has been entered. A data entry system for Oracle© is currently under development. The assessment files that have recently come open will be reviewed and new mineral occurrences added to the database.
  6. Project: Manitoba 1:250 000 geology compilation

    Responsibility: Tim Corkery, Dorne Lindal, Paul Lenton, Len Chackowsky, Alan Bailes, all geological staff

    Location: All Manitoba

    Description: Compilation of the geology of Manitoba at 1:250 000 scale into a seamless GIS database. The database will comprise geology polygons with a rich set of data attributes defined for each polygon. The initial target is to provide a higher-detail base geology layer for the departmental Internet Map Server, and for deriving an updated 1:1 000 000 Geology of Manitoba map.
  7. Project: Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series

    Responsibility: Dorne Lindal, Tim Corkery, Len Chackowsky

    Location: All Manitoba

    Description: Continue the long term compilation of the geology of Manitoba at 1:250 000 scale. The output of this program is a series of high-quality printed 1:250 000 compilation maps that include marginal notes, regional overviews, and summaries of pertinent point information such as geochronology and mineral occurrences.
  8. Project: Geophysical data compilation

    Responsibility: Paul Lenton

    Location: All Manitoba

    Description: Compilation of an inventory of digital geophysics data available in the open assessment files. Where possible the data will be converted into an readily-accessible file format. The objective is to make this data available for download through an Internet Map Server project.
  9. Project: Aggregate resources inventory

    Responsibility: Heather Groom

    Location: SW Manitoba

    Description: Field checks for aggregate deposits in the RM's of Ste. Rose du Lac and McCreary for development plan input. Plans for 2006: compilation, field checks; completion of previous field maps and database update.
  10. Project: Land use evaluations

    Responsibility: Heather Groom

    Location: SE Manitoba

    Description: Aggregate assessment of candidate sites for Protected Areas program; testing as required.
  11. Project: Phanerozoic and Sub-Phanerozoic linear structures in southwest Manitoba

    Responsibility: Jim Bamburak

    Location: SW Manitoba

    Description: This project will involve compiling an inventory of all published structural linear features in Manitoba and entered into a database, in cooperation with Alberta and Saskatchewan. Plans for 2006: enter all information into database; Convention presentation; visit with provincial partners.

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