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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

Our Goal: To provide consulting and training that make a difference

Our Purpose: To help managers solve problems, improve organizational effectiveness and develop staff resources to provide better public service.

Training: Our website outlines a variety of workshops in the areas of Leadership Development, Interpersonal Skills Building, Oral and Written Communications, Results Management Skills and Personal Development Skills that are offered both in Winnipeg and in rural areas within the fiscal year.

Customized and In-House Group Training: We will customize any OSD workshop or design new training material to meet your specific needs and improve the effectiveness of your team. We will deliver in-house training specific to your group in a cost-effective manner:

  • training can be scheduled at a time suitable to your workplace - days, evenings or weekends
  • training services can be delivered at a location suitable to your group - inside or outside Winnipeg

For a list of existing workshops on
an in-house basis, please click here.

Consulting: We provide consulting services in the areas of:

  • Leading planning sessions
  • Implementing organizational change
  • Designing organizational structures
  • Facilitating meetings and working groups or committees
  • Building teams
  • Improving work processes
  • Building respectful workplace climate
  • Developing and implementing competency-based human resource management practices
  • Brokering training and consulting services on your behalf
  • Training trainers
  • Planning employee performance feedback and development planning initiatives
  • Supporting Government and Human Resource Policy Support

Assessment: We will assist you to identify your organization and staff development needs and provide you with recommend steps to meet your training requirements.

Current Page:
Province of Manitoba
Civil Service Commission
Organization and Staff Development
Our Services
Consulting and training that make a difference Manitoba