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Treasury Board Secretariat

The Treasury Board Secretariat provides financial and analytical support and advice to the Minister of Finance and Treasury Board. The Secretariat is headed by a Deputy Minister who acts as Secretary to the Board.

Treasury Board is a sub-committee of Cabinet responsible for the overall fiscal management and reporting of the Manitoba government and the establishment of policies required for the effective management of public funds to meet government objectives. This involves assessing proposals put forward by departments in terms of: The current strategic policies and priorities of government; the financial cost or commitment to the government; the economic and/or social benefits to Manitoba; and any political or intergovernmental issues.

In terms of the disbursement or allocation of public funds, Treasury Board is the decision-making body responsible for reviewing the expenditure plans of all departments and agencies funded through the annual estimates process (i.e. amounts that have an impact on the budgetary surplus). This includes: the initial assessment and approval of departments' annual expenditure estimates; decisions on interim departmental submissions over the course of the fiscal year to augment or vary proposed spending plans; and approvals for more specific ongoing expenditure commitments as required.

In the collection of public funds, Treasury Board's role includes reviewing departmental revenue and fee proposals, and input in the development/review of taxation initiatives.

The Financial Administration Act (1997) provides the statutory basis for most of the financial practices followed by departments and agencies. The existence, authority and responsibilities of Treasury Board are also included in the Financial Administration Act. However, the majority of guidelines regarding day-to-day financial management are contained in the General Manual of Administration, which is a collection of Treasury Board directives outlining policy and procedures, authority and approval requirements for departments in the management of programs.

The major functions fulfilled by the Treasury Board Secretariat include:

  • monitoring, analyzing, and reporting on the financial position of the province;
  • planning and coordinating the review and preparation of the annual estimates and participating in the development of the annual budget;
  • providing analyses in support of the efficient and effective utilization/allocation of the province's financial and human resources, both in the context of the annual estimates process and on an ongoing basis throughout the year;
  • undertaking reviews of specific program areas;
  • developing and communicating policies, procedures and guidelines on administrative matters, and maintaining the General Manual of Administration;
  • providing guidance to departments in the identification of potential special operating agency (SOA) candidates and in the development of proposals and business plans as well as monitoring and reporting on the operation of special operating agencies;
  • representing the government and department management in all labour relations and compensation activities within the civil service as well as providing specialized consulting services respecting labour relations and compensation matters within the public sector;
  • providing central administrative services to government-wide employee benefit and insurance programs in accordance with collective agreements, legislation and human resource policies;
  • providing guidance to departments on a government wide planning and performance measurement initiative.

The Secretariat consists of the Office of the Secretary and the following units:

  • Fiscal Planning Office
  • Analytical Units (3)
  • Administrative Policy
  • Compensation Services
  • Negotiation Services
  • Benefits Administration

Office of the Secretary to Treasury Board

The Secretary to Treasury Board is a deputy-level position reporting to the Minister of Finance. The Secretary provides executive management direction to Secretariat staff and advice and guidance to Treasury Board.

Fiscal Planning Office

The Fiscal Planning Office (FPO) is responsible for developing fiscal strategy and planning options for the government of Manitoba. This is accomplished through the maintenance of an effective budget/planning cycle within an overall fiscal framework. The FPO develops, implements and coordinates the annual estimates process, and finalizes the estimates of expenditure and revenue for tabling in the Legislature. The FPO prepares money bills and support information for tabling in the Legislature, and develops and implements such processes that are necessary to maintain the orderly business of government.

The FPO is also responsible for monitoring the fiscal status of the government and preparing reports, ensuring that the government has accurate, timely and relevant information on its fiscal position. Financial and operational information is provided to senior management of the province to facilitate sound financial management of government programs.

Analytical Units

The three analytical units are aligned on a sector basis (Human Services; Economic and Sustainable Development; Community Services) and are responsible for providing ongoing analysis, advice and recommendations in support of the Treasury Board decision-making process, with respect to program, policy and financial direction to departments. The units monitor, analyze and advise on departmental activities, ensuring the effective, efficient and consistent delivery of government policies and priorities. In addition, the analytical units support and assist the activities of the Fiscal Planning Office.

The units are major participants in the development of the annual estimates of expenditure and revenue. They provide advice and guidance to assigned departments in the preparation of their estimates, analyze departmental estimates and evaluate whether they meet fiscal guidelines, and evaluate alternative strategies. They provide advice and recommendations to Treasury Board on program, policy and resource allocation issues, and they communicate and review Treasury Board decisions with assigned departments.

The analytical units provide ongoing advice and analysis to Treasury Board by reviewing departmental Treasury Board submissions and providing assessments and recommendations. Other activities include participating in departmental reviews and studies; providing advice to departments on Treasury Board guidelines and procedures, as well as on various policy and financial issues; monitoring the program and financial status of departments; analyzing and reporting on departmental financial information to ensure compliance with government policy and financial objectives; and working with senior departmental personnel to ensure that the necessary communication between Treasury Board and departments is maintained.

Administrative Policy Office

The Administrative Policy Office (APO) is responsible for two government-wide functions: policy that is part of the ongoing government management process and the planning and performance measurements.

The APO develops, communicates, interprets, monitors and evaluates administrative policies. These policies direct, guide and assist departmental staff in managing government programs and resources in a way that reflects the government's fiscal strategy.

In the development phase of an administrative policy, the APO consults with other sections in the Secretariat and with departments to identify policy-related issues and potential solutions. In some cases, Treasury Board may give specific direction. To communicate administrative policies, the APO publishes the General Manual of Administration and updates it periodically. The APO also advises and provides direction to departments in the interpretation of administrative policies and procedures.

Co-ordination of Special Operating Agencies

The Special Operating Agencies Financing Authority Act received Royal Assent on June 24, 1992 and provides for the establishment of special operating agencies (SOAs). Special operating agencies are service operations, which are granted more direct responsibility for their operating results and have increased management flexibility to encourage entrepreneurship, enhance service, and reduce the cost to government. The Co-ordinator of Special Operating Agencies is responsible for providing guidance to departments in identifying potential SOA candidates and developing proposals and business plans that are reviewed within the annual estimates process.

Labour Relations Division

The Labour Relations Division represents the government and department management in all-labour relations and compensation activities within the civil service. As the secretariat to the Public Sector Compensation Committee of Cabinet, the Division provides government with specialized consulting services respecting labour relations and compensation matters within the public sector. In addition, the division provides central administration of civil service benefit and insurance programs.

The Labour Relations Division is responsible for Compensation and Classification Services, Negotiation Services and Benefits Administration.

Compensation Services

Compensation and Classification Services is responsible for developing, recommending and implementing pay and benefit policies for the civil service and for development and recommendation compensation policies and practices for the broader Manitoba public sector. These responsibilities include the development, operation, evaluation and enhancement of the Government's classification system.

Negotiation Services

Negotiation Services provides a complete range of labour relations services to government by representing management in labour relations activities involving both unionized and non-unionized employees. These activities include negotiation of collective agreements with the bargaining agents representing government employees, administration of collective agreements, and providing labour relations advice respecting non-union employees, and provides upon request labour relations services to crown corporations and government funded agencies.

Benefits Administration

Benefits Administration is responsible for providing central administrative services to government-wide employee benefit and insurance programs in accordance with collective agreements, legislation and personnel policies. Manages the chargeback and recovery of Worker's Compensation costs from government departments and agencies and compiles financial information for statutory benefit and insurance programs. The unit also manages and coordinates the budgeting and financial reporting activities related to employee benefits, as well as providing direction and support to departments regarding the calculation and reporting of seniority service and verification of previous government service.

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