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Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives

February 2002


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Century Farms
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Manitoba Agriculture and Food's Century Farm Program was introduced in early 1981 to honour Manitoba's pioneer farm families. These are families who have been able to maintain a farm unit within their family for 100 consecutive years, or more. The contribution made by these families in Manitoba’s agricultural community, both then and now, deserves to be recognized. To date, almost 1200 family farms have been recognized through the Manitoba Century Farm Program.

Application forms are available:


Categories for the Century Farm Program include
  1. A family which owns and operates a century farm unit continuously for one hundred years or more. The family still resides on a farm, but not necessarily on the exact century farm unit. The farm family is eligible to receive a Century Farm Gate Sign, and Century Farm Certificate. All former owners/ operators/occupants, as determined by the family, are eligible to receive a Century Farm Certificate.

  2. A family which owns a century farm unit continuously for one hundred years or more. It has been operated by the family for a portion of the 100 years. At the present time, the family may or may not live on a farm, or operate the century farm unit. All present and former owners/operators/occupants, as determined by the family, are eligible to receive a Century Farm Certificate.
Manitoba Century Farm Program Instructions
  1. Name and address, etc. of the applicant. If the applicant no longer lives on a farm - Rural Municipality (RM)/Local Government District (LGD) is not applicable. Contact your nearest Manitoba Agriculture and Food Office for assistance as well as sending in your completed form.

  2. These are basic eligibility requirements for the program.

    A. Minimum land size is 50 acres at all times - this is strictly adhered to.

    B. Records and reasonable proof include -

      - Photocopies from Land Titles of Abstract  titles for 100 years.

      - Photocopies of tax assessment rolls to show earliest date of ownership.

      - Letter from RM/LGD office verifying tax assessments for 100 years. Any other documentation located   showing ownership.

  3. This is information about the farm site.

    A. Date original site was first occupied by family

    B. Legal description of original site. This is the legal description which will be recognized on the Century Farm Program Certificate(s).

    C. The Rural Municipality (RM) or Local Government District (LGD) the original site is located.

    D. Original size of farm site in acres. Minimum land size 50 acres.

    E. Current size in acres may be different from original - again the family must own a minimum of 50 acres to meet eligibility requirements.

    F. Documents are required to prove occupancy of site from date recorded in 3A. These documents may include -

      - Land titles/deeds/land abstract - copies may be located at nearest Land Titles Office.

      - Tax assessment roles - these may be located at the RM/LGD office where land site is located. Note: If RM's do not wish to photocopy old assessment roles, a letter from the RM/LGD on official letterhead, indicating family names on assessment roles during the years requested, is also acceptable.
      - Other documentation showing ownership may also be located at Provincial Archives. The Provincial Archivist or clerks will assist in locating information if asked. There are charges for photocopies of documents or microfilm - ask for rates before getting them done.

    G. Including a family history is optional - sometimes a presenter asks for some background information to use as part of their presentation. This can be attached to the application.

  4. Determine category eligibility and check appropriate box.

      Category 1 - eligible for both a Gate Sign and Certificate(s). This category is for those families who own and operate the century farm unit and still live on a farm. They may or may not live on the century farm unit.

      Category 2
      - eligible for Certificate(s) only. This category covers any family who owns a century farm unit, and has operated this unit for a portion of the 100 years. They may or may not live on a farm, or operate the century farm unit at the present time.

  5. Presentation

    A.& B. If family is having an event or presentation, this is required to pass on to a presenter.

    C.  Date and time of event. This is to ensure gate sign and/or certificates are sent out to the Manitoba Agriculture and Food office before the event.

    D. Location of event - if on farm site please include legal description. This will give a presenter directions to the event.

    E.Time of presentation - this may be a specific time during the event, e.g. event may be on June 15 from 2 to 5 p.m. with the presentation at 3 p.m. This is to ensure that the presenter is aware when they are to be present and can plan accordingly.

  6. Name and address of person submitting the application. This will be the person staff will contact if questions arise as well as verifying spelling.

  7. Date submitted

    Please allow at least 4 months for review of the application and preparation of the sign and/or certificate(s). The Program Administrator reserves the right to review the application and make a final decision on eligibility.

Gate Sign - Form CFP-1

Print clearly exactly how you want the sign printed. The spelling and format you give will be used so make sure this is correct. Only those in Category 1 are eligible for a gate sign. The standard format is shown including the name of the family or farm name and the year the original site was established. The sign may be located where the family is currently living.

Note: A, & B are not seen on the signs. They are on the sign layout to show the location of the information required.

A. Name of family/farm. A family may have a preference as to which they want to have included (or both).

B. Year farm site was first established.

The sample sign is included for you to use as reference.

Certificates - Form CFP-2

This list is used to make up the certificates for all living owners/operators/ occupants who have lived on the farm site at some time. Correct spelling is essential so print clearly.

The year indicates when the next family member purchased the century farm unit. The first line is for the year and name of the original owner of the century farm unit. This chronological listing is included on the certificate.

Listing the relationship to the previous owner could include - daughter, son, nephew, niece, stepchild, etc.

Certificates are presented to living descendants only. If extra certificates are required, list on a separate sheet and indicate relationship. A family may have some preference as to who should have certificates. This could include sisters/brothers, sons/daughters, aunts/uncles, stepchildren, etc., depending on the situation.

Once completed, take this application form and accompanying documentation to your local Manitoba Agriculture and Food Office.


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