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Forest FireForest Fires

Report Forest Fires:

Forest fire season in Manitoba is April 1 to October 15, making spring and summer the most conducive times for forest fires.

People living in close proximity to forested areas or using such area for recreational purposes need to know how to protect themselves in the event of a forest fire.

Tips for Wildland Fire Protection

  • avoid building fires on days of low humidity and high temperature
  • observe burning authorizations recommended for your area by Manitoba Conservation
  • do not build fires close to homes or other property
  • build fires away from trees and dry bushes
  • never leave a fire unattended
  • always make sure a fire is completely put out before leaving

Advance Preparation

  • battery-operated radio
  • flashlights
  • spare batteries
  • first aid kit and essential medication
  • emergency food and water
  • children's emergency supplies (e.g. formula and diapers)
  • review you family's emergency plan and contact information

During Forest Fire Incidents

To protect yourself and your family during fire emergencies:

  • be ready to evacuate all family members, including pets
  • minimize smoke inhalation in the home by closing all windows and doors. A wet towel along the window and door seams will minimize smoke even further.
  • keep the radio on so you can access information about the potential emergency situation
  • stay in touch with your local emergency management offices and follow directions provided

If you must evacuate:

  • follow closely all instructions provided by local authorities
  • make sure you know the safe evacuation routes
  • find out the destination reception centers before you leave (listen for media announcements)
  • if there is time, shut off the water, gas and electricity

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