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   Business and Economics

October 2004

BSE Decision Making on Retaining Calves Fall 2004


Decision required:  To sell calves after weaning or, to background, or to finish and sell as fats.

To make this decision several areas must be addressed and all alternatives examined.

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Area One: Resources Available

Area Three: Risk Management


Area Two: Financial Management


Area Four: Marketing


Area One: Resources Available

Question 1: What is your feeder management ability?

Answers or information needed:

  • Is your experience in feeding cattle sufficient to manage back grounding or finishing calves?
  • If you have no feeding experience can you access management help if needed?

Question 2: Is there enough feed, bedding, and water supplies to retain calves?

Answers or information needed:

  • Has an inventory and assessment of the quantity and quality of the feed supplies been done?
  • Have rations and a feeding program been developed based on realistic rates of gain?
  • Have benchmarks been established?

Question 3: Are the facilities, labour, and the equipment required adequate?

Answers or information needed:

  • Are the facilities in need of repair or expansion if the calves are retained?
  • Is extra labour required to help in feeding the calves?
  • Does extra processing equipment need to be purchased?

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Area Two: Financial Management

Question 1: Does your financial situation allow you to retain calves?

Answers or information needed:

  • Have you completed a cash flow to see what delaying sales and increasing costs does to your cash position?
  • Is your operating loan limit high enough to cash flow the feeding of your calves?
  • Does your equity position allow you to take the risk of retaining your calves?
  • What is your taxable position if you must sell two calf crops the following year?

Question 2: Is the potential profit benefit in retaining the calves worth the risk?

Answers or information needed:

  • Have you completed a cost of production budget and are your costs above, at, or below the industry standard?
  • Have you researched the market and the potential prices for your product?

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Area Three: Risk Management

Question 1: Can you manage the risk if the decision to keep the calves does not work out?

Answers or information needed:

  • What is your coverage under the CAIS program?
  • What is your debt servicing capacity and can the debt still be serviced if a loss occurs?
  • Is the profit potential high enough so that taking the risk is worth while?

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Area Four: Marketing

Question 1: Can the animals be marketed when required?

Answers or information needed:

  • Will you be able to access the market for your animals when they are ready for sale?
  • Do you have the quantity and quality of animals to get at least average market prices?
  • Are the costs of marketing going to lower the profit margins to the point it will not warrant the risk?

Question 2: What other options do you have?

Answers or information needed:

  • Can you sell any surplus feed you have for a reasonable price?
  • Can you sell your calves instead of feeding them and custom board cows for other producers?
  • Can you afford to send your calves to a custom feedlot and still make a profit instead of feeding them yourself?

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These are some of the questions and information that must be considered before deciding if retaining your calves makes any sense (cents).

For further information see your local Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Office.

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