Manitoba Government News Release:
Information Services, Room 29, Legislative Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0V8 Telephone: (204) 
945-3746 Fax: (204) 945-3988


November 10, 2005



Labour and Immigration Minister Nancy Allan today announced the review of the Employment Standards Code and invited Manitobans to share their views on issues relating to the code.

"The Employment Standards Code has not been reviewed in 30 years and the workplace has evolved significantly since the 1970s. Today, employers and employees are contending with many new workplace elements," said Allan. "The review will look at increasing flexibility and modernizing protection, coverage and compliance to reflect the realities of the modern economy, the changing face of today’s labour force and the demands on today’s families."

Areas in which the review will be seeking input from individuals and stakeholders include hours of work and overtime provisions, protecting vulnerable workers, improving work-life balance and strengthening compliance.

"We have seen changes in the relationship between work and family, the rise of non-traditional employment relationships, new technologies and countless other developments," said Allan. "With this evolving workplace, it is time to assess the adequacy of our legislation for today’s Manitoba."

As part of the review, written submissions can be sent to the review secretary by mail at Employment Standards Code Review, 614 - 401 York Ave., Winnipeg MB R3C OP8, by fax at 204-948-2085 or by e-mail at Submissions will be accepted until Jan. 16.

Public forums are also planned for:

Winnipeg, Thursday, Dec. 1, 6 to 10 p.m., Winnipeg Convention Centre, 375 York Ave.

Thompson, Tuesday, Dec. 6, Noon to 7 p.m., St. Lawrence Hall, 114 Cree Rd.

Brandon, Wednesday, Dec. 7, Noon to 6:30 p.m., Classroom A, Agricultural Extension Centre, 1129 Queens Ave.

Winnipeg, Monday, Dec. 12, Noon to 4:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Winnipeg Convention Centre, 375 York Ave.

To make a presentation at one of the forums, please contact the review secretary by mail, e-mail or by phone at 1-866-531-0918 no later than Nov. 25. For more information please go to

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