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Manitoba's Five-Year Plan for Child Care
Manitoba's Five-Year Plan for Child Care

About the Manitoba Child Care Program

The Manitoba Child Care Program oversees the operation of child care in the province. The Program is committed to accessible, high-quality child care for children from 12 weeks to 12 years of age and offers a number of valuable services.

What we do

The Manitoba Child Care Program:

  • licenses and monitors child care centres and family child care homes according to The Community Child Care Standards Act and Regulations;
  • provides grants and program assistance to eligible child care facilities;
  • works to place children with special needs into child care settings through the Children with Disabilities Program;
  • classifies all child care assistants and early childhood educators who work in licensed child care centres;
  • assigns a child care coordinator and subsidy advisor to work with each licensed facility; and
  • provides child care subsidies to eligible families to help with the cost of care through the Subsidy Program.

Child Care Subsidies

The Manitoba Child Care Program provides subsidies for child care fees. For families that apply and qualify, the program pays part of the child care fees to the child care facility. The family pays the rest.

To be eligible for a child care subsidy, a family's net income must be under a certain amount and the parents must show they need care because they:

  • have a job;
  • are looking for a job;
  • are attending school or a training program;
  • have a special need based on a family plan that the parent, professional and a child care provider will complete; or
  • have a medical need and are undergoing treatments.

Families can use the online Subsidy Estimator to see if they are eligible for a subsidy and then they can apply for a subsidy online.

Our Online Services

We offer a range of Online Services to parents, child care facilities and those who wish to obtain classification as a child care worker. Choose from the menu on the left-hand side of this page or visit the Child Care Online main page for more information.

For More Information

For more information about the Manitoba Child Care Program, contact us .

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