PACCA - Provincial Advisory Committee on Child Abuse

Welcome to the PACCA Web site

The Provincial Advisory Committee on Child Abuse (PACCA) is a group made up of representatives from a range of provincial government and community organizations. PACCA considers policy issues related to child abuse and makes recommendations to the Executive Director of Child Protection and Support Services, a branch of Manitoba Family Services and Housing. Although the Government of Manitoba supports PACCA and is represented on the committee, PACCA is an independent body.

Our Purpose

The purpose of PACCA is to advocate for the most appropriate and easily accessible support, service and treatment for children in Manitoba who may be victims of abuse.

On This Web site


Publications and guidelines:

In the future, the site will also contain:

  • The PACCA Newsletter
  • PACCA-Related Events
  • Progress of PACCA Committee and Subcommittee Initiatives

Contact Information

If you have questions or would like further information about PACCA, please contact

If you think a child you know is being abused or neglected call the mandated child and family services agency or regional office nearest you.

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