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Post-Adoption Registry

Post-Adoption Registry

What is the Post-Adoption Registry?

The Post-Adoption Registry provides non-identifying information, search and reunion services to eligible family members who were involved in an adoption that was granted in Manitoba. The Registry is operated by the Child Protection Branch of the Department of Family Services and Housing.

Why does Manitoba have a Post-Adoption Registry?

Most people are curious about their background. If they grow up with one or both of their birth parents, they learn about their birth families as a matter of course. Frequently, however, this is impossible for a person who is adopted.

Many adopted people want information about or contact with the families into which they were born. As well, birth families may want information about or contact with children who were placed for adoption.

Who can register?

Adopted adults, birth parents and adult birth siblings can register at any time.

Adoptive parents may register on behalf of an adopted child. However, once the child turns 18, the adoptee may either register on his or her own, or request that the adoptive parents' registration remains active by sending the Registry a signed consent. If the adoptee is an adult, adoptive parents may register only with the adoptee's signed consent.

In the event that the adoptee is deceased, the adoptive parents and any adult adoptive siblings may register on behalf of their deceased child or sibling.

Father and sonWhat happens when I register?

If you register and someone has already registered for contact with you, you will be notified. You will then be able to discuss options for the exchange of identifying information and be assisted with making contact.

If you register and someone has not already registered for contact with you, you may request that the Registry conduct a search on your behalf.

What is non-identifying information?

Non-identifying information is a summary of background information about a birth or adoptive family that was obtained at the time of the adoption. It generally does not include updated information.

The summary may include physical descriptions, religious background, ethnic origin, hobbies and interests and any available health history. Anyone eligible to register is entitled to receive non-identifying information with respect to the same adoption.

What search services are available?

Searches can be done on behalf of anyone entitled to register, subject to any disclosure or contact vetoes on file. The Registry will not search for any person who is not yet 18.

Due to volume and complexity, searches may take a year or more to complete.

The Registry will not facilitate contact without the consent of all concerned. If a family member decides not to share information, refuses contact or files a veto, their wishes will be recorded with the Registry and the person seeking the information will be informed.

Support services are available to help prepare for a reunion or understand why a reunion may not be possible.

What are disclosure and contact vetoes?

Anyone who is eligible to register is entitled to file a written veto.

A disclosure veto prohibits the release of any identifying information about the person who filed the veto.

A contact veto prohibits parties to an adoption from knowingly contacting or attempting to contact the person who filed the veto in any way. Anyone who contravenes a contact veto can be fined up to $20,000.

A written statement providing the reason for filing a veto, medical and social history as well as other relevant non-identifying information may also be included.

A veto can be cancelled at any time by notifying the Registry in writing. Unless a veto is cancelled, it will remain in force even after the death of the person who filed it. A person who has filed a veto or their families, may still be contacted in cases where there are compelling circumstances affecting someone's health or safety.

WomanWhat is the difference between adoptions granted before and after March 15, 1999?

On March 15, 1999 new legislation came into effect called The Adoption Act.

Adoptions granted in Manitoba before this date prohibit the release of any identifying information without the consent of both parties.

Adoptions granted in Manitoba after March 15, 1999 have a greater degree of openness. This allows eligible family members to obtain identifying information once all parties are 18 unless a disclosure veto has been filed with the Registry.

In both cases, it is possible to request that a search be done to locate another party involved in the same adoption to determine whether they wish to register.

What if I was adopted outside of Manitoba?

If your adoption was granted in another province or country, the Registry is unable to provide services. However, the Registry will provide the name and address of an agency you can contact to inquire about services they may have available.

Is there a fee?

There are no fees for Registry services. However, there is a fee (usually $25 to $50 for each search) for the cost of obtaining information from Vital Statistics, if necessary. Individuals receiving income assistance benefits do not have to pay this fee.

How do I register or get more information?

In order to register you must complete a registration form and have your signature witnessed by a lawyer, Commissioner for Oaths or Notary Public.

If you live in Manitoba and would like more information about the Registry or would like to obtain a registration form, contact a Child and Family Services agency or office near you or the Registry. If you live outside of Manitoba, contact the Registry directly.

Manitoba Post-Adoption Registry
201 - 114 Garry Street
Winnipeg MB R3C 4V5
Telephone: (204) 945-6964
Fax: (204) 948-2949 or 945-6717

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