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Statutory Publications

The Manitoba Gazette

The Manitoba Gazette is Published Weekly and Consists of Two Parts.

Part 1   Contains Proclamations, Legal and Government notices required by Provincial Statute or regulation to be published in the Manitoba Gazette.
Part 2 Contains Manitoba Regulations which are required to be published under The Regulations Act.

Gazette Publishing Information

  • All notices must be prepaid by cheques or money order made payable to the Minister of Finance, Visa and Master Card also accepted.
  • Deadline for publishing is Thursday noon, 9 days prior to publication.
  • The Gazette is published every Saturday. If Saturday falls on a holiday, publication will take place on the next day that is not a holiday.

Paper Subscription Services and Rates

Parts 1 & 2 Part 1 only
Part 2 only
April - March $135.85 + PST + GST April - March $90.68 + PST + GST
July - March $101.92+ PST + GST July - March $68.06 + PST + GST
October - March $67.93 + PST + GST October - March $45.44 + PST + GST
January - March $33.97 + PST + GST October - March $22.69 + PST + GST

For further information regarding the above, please contact the Gazette Clerk at
(204) 945-3103. Email - yali@gov.mb.ca


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