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Ste. Anne's Hospital, VAC Centre of Excellence

9 March 2004, Maryse Savoie

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

This year, a part-time researcher and a full-time post-doctoral intern were added to the Ste. Anne's Centre research team. Stéphane Guay, Ph.D., researcher, is working on the role of social support in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and on the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural interventions for PTSD. Deniz Fikretoglu, Ph.D., a post-doctoral intern at McGill, is interested in the relationship between PTSD and health services use. Two students, Ms. Anne Préfontaine and Isabelle Cabot, have also undertaken research under the co-direction of Dr. Alain Brunet. Here is an overview of the research projects under way at SAC.

  1. Establishment of a computerized database for clinical and research use. This project, sponsored by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), is aimed at linking the clinics together so that assessments can be standardized across the country. As a corollary, this approach will lead to the creation of a rich clinical database that can be used to answer a number of research questions. Most of the baseline measurements have been selected. A firm has been approached to handle the computer end of the work. Consultations are under way with a number of researchers to identify the measurements to be added to the baseline ones. Persons in charge: Deniz Fikretoglu and Alain Brunet. Approximate total budget: $100,000. Source: VAC.
  2. Validation study of various measurements. The database project brought up the need to validate a number of measurements, such as the quality of life measurement for our clients. This project has been submitted to the ethics committee of the Douglas Hospital. Scheduled date of start of data collection: summer 2004. Persons in charge: Deniz Fikretoglu and Alain Brunet. Approximate budget: $10,000. Source: VAC.
  3. Link between PTSD, pain and fibromyalgia. The validation study mentioned above will include Isabelle Cabot's doctoral research on the link between pain, fibromyalgia and PTSD. Persons in charge: Isabelle Cabot & Alain Brunet. Total budget and source: to be determined.
  4. Effectiveness of CBT for PTSD, including spouses. This year, Stéphane Guay began research to examine the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioural approach (CBT) in the treatment of veterans with PTSD. This approach involves the active participation of the spouse. Participating therapists have been selected, and the research has been given the green light by the ethics committee of the Louis-H. Lafontaine Hospital. The equipment needed for the research has not yet been ordered for administrative reasons. Person in charge: Stéphane Guay. Approximate total budget: $10,000 Source: VAC.
  5. Submission of research projects.Two research projects were recently submitted for a competition set up by National Defence. The first one (Fikretoglu, Guay, & Brunet) will assess the benefits of writing about a traumatic event on physical and psychological health. The second project (Guay, Fikretoglu, & Brunet) will examine the role of social support as a mediating variable between post-traumatic stress disorder and the perception of quality of life. This project will be carried out in partnership with the Halifax OTSSC, headed by Dr. Jetly. Total funding requested for both projects: $200,000. Source: National Defence (DND).
  6. Analyses of the Population Health Survey data - military component. Funding has been allocated to hire a statistician to analyze the data from this major survey. The work should provide important information on future VAC clients, and be written up in prestigious learned journals. Persons in charge: Fikretoglu, Guay, & Brunet. Budget: $40,000. Source: VAC.
  7. Research project on the needs of loved ones living with a Veteran with PTSD. This project, commissioned by the OSSIS, also constitutes the research project of Anne Préfontaine, a Master's student in psychosociology at UQAM. The data have been collected. A preliminary report has been submitted and the final report should be ready in a few months. Persons in charge: Anne Préfontaine and Alain Brunet. Budget: to be determined. Source: OSSIS.
Updated: 2004-3-12