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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Conflict and War

Topics: Conflict and War

Royal 22nd Regiment: Canada's Fighting 'Van Doos'
Topic timespan: 1914-1999

1939-1945: A Soldier's War
Topic timespan: 1939-1945

Topic: Royal 22nd Regiment: Canada's Fighting 'Van Doos'

During the First World War, Canada decided to create a military unit that would represent its French-speaking population. As...
(10 TV Clips, 12 Radio Clips)

Topic: 1939-1945: A Soldier's War

From 1939 to 1945 Canadian soldiers, sailors and air force personnel lived and died in lands far from home....
(17 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

On Every Front: Canadian Women in the Second World War
Topic timespan: 1939-1945

Canada's Forgotten PoW Camps
Topic timespan: 1940-1999

Topic: On Every Front: Canadian Women in the Second World War

Canadian women were not allowed to fight during the Second World War but they did just about everything else....
(7 TV Clips, 16 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Canada's Forgotten PoW Camps

While few people remember it now, Canada was home to thousands of German and Italian prisoners during the Second...
(8 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Relocation to Redress: The Internment of the Japanese Canadians
Topic timespan: 1941-1997

The Contentious Legacy of Dieppe
Topic timespan: 1942-1999

Topic: Relocation to Redress: The Internment of the Japanese Canadians

As Canadian soldiers were fighting overseas in the name of democracy, at home the federal government was staging the...
(10 TV Clips, 14 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: The Contentious Legacy of Dieppe

It has been called the most controversial battle Canadians have ever fought. On Aug. 19, 1942, after nearly three...
(12 TV Clips, 14 Radio Clips)

Reports from Abroad: Matthew Halton
Topic timespan: 1942-1956

The Italian Campaign
Topic timespan: 1943-1945

Topic: Reports from Abroad: Matthew Halton

"This is Matthew Halton of the CBC." So began Halton's war broadcasts. His reports were at times...
(6 TV Clips, 16 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: The Italian Campaign

A full year before the D-Day landings in Normandy, there were the Allied invasions of Sicily and Italy. Canada...
(8 TV Clips, 15 Radio Clips)

D-Day: Canadians Target Juno Beach
Topic timespan: 1944-2003

Love and War: Canadian War Brides
Topic timespan: 1944-1999

Topic: D-Day: Canadians Target Juno Beach

They sailed in under cover of darkness to smash down the walls of "Fortress Europe." On June 6, 1944,...
(13 TV Clips, 15 Radio Clips)

Topic: Love and War: Canadian War Brides

Surrounded by falling bombs, strict rationing and nightly blackouts, a generation of young women found love. They were the...
(9 TV Clips, 12 Radio Clips)

Continuing the Fight: Canada's Veterans
Topic timespan: 1944-2002

Life after Auschwitz
Topic timespan: 1945-2004

Topic: Continuing the Fight: Canada's Veterans

Those who served during Canada's wars expected danger at the hands of the enemy. But they were ill prepared...
(9 TV Clips, 11 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Life after Auschwitz

Six decades after Auschwitz was liberated, the biggest and most brutal Nazi death camp remains a potent symbol of...
(9 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Victory! The End of the War in Europe
Topic timespan: 1945

Countdown to Victory: The Last Days of War in Europe
Topic timespan: 1945

Topic: Victory! The End of the War in Europe

May 8, 1945, was a day to celebrate. It was VE-Day, the long-awaited moment when the Allied forces triumphed...
(5 TV Clips, 16 Radio Clips)

Topic: Countdown to Victory: The Last Days of War in Europe

Day by day, the news got better as the Second World War wound down in Europe. Sixty years ago,...
(12 Radio Clips)

Shadows of Hiroshima
Topic timespan: 1945-2004

The Gouzenko Affair
Topic timespan: 1945-1987

Topic: Shadows of Hiroshima

With a blinding flash and a sky-high fireball, the world's first atomic bomb exploded over the Japanese city of...
(7 TV Clips, 11 Radio Clips)

Topic: The Gouzenko Affair

On Sept. 5, 1945, just after the end of the Second World War, a Russian cipher clerk named Igor...
(9 TV Clips, 3 Radio Clips)

Fleeing Justice: War Criminals in Canada
Topic timespan: 1947-2001

One for all: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Topic timespan: 1947-2003

Topic: Fleeing Justice: War Criminals in Canada

They committed acts of immense brutality and terror in their own countries. And then, seeking safe haven, they...
(10 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Topic: One for all: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Its goals were lofty and practical: to protect the free world and each other. Attacking one member of NATO...
(10 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Forgotten Heroes: Canada and the Korean War
Topic timespan: 1950-1999

Canada and the Fight Against Apartheid
Topic timespan: 1952-1994

Topic: Forgotten Heroes: Canada and the Korean War

It is called Canada's "Forgotten War." Over 500 Canadians died in the United Nations' struggle to repel the communist...
(8 TV Clips, 11 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Canada and the Fight Against Apartheid

For almost 50 years, South Africa was ruled by apartheid — a brutal system of racial separation that kept...
(20 TV Clips, 12 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

Peacekeepers and Peacemakers: Canada's Diplomatic Contribution
Topic timespan: 1954-2003

Canada's Secret War: Vietnam
Topic timespan: 1954-2003

Topic: Peacekeepers and Peacemakers: Canada's Diplomatic Contribution

Canada has enjoyed a reputation for diplomacy ever since Lester B. Pearson came up with a novel solution –...
(9 TV Clips, 6 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Canada's Secret War: Vietnam

Vietnam may have been America's war but Canada was heavily involved — for and against. Canada harboured American draft...
(10 TV Clips, 11 Radio Clips)

Cold War Culture: The Nuclear Fear of the 1950s and 1960s
Topic timespan: 1955-1975

Peacekeeper to the World
Topic timespan: 1956-2003

Topic: Cold War Culture: The Nuclear Fear of the 1950s and 1960s

With superpowers in the east and west testing powerful new weapons, the Canadian race for self-preservation took off in...
(8 TV Clips, 11 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Peacekeeper to the World

For half a century, Canada's Blue Berets have defused escalating tension and conflict with their peacekeeping missions. The...
(9 TV Clips, 10 Radio Clips)

Dr. Gerald Bull: Scientist, Weapons Maker, Dreamer
Topic timespan: 1958-1991

Norad: Watching the Skies
Topic timespan: 1959-2002

Topic: Dr. Gerald Bull: Scientist, Weapons Maker, Dreamer

Dr. Gerald Bull was like a figure in a spy novel, designing arms for some of the world's harshest...
(7 TV Clips, 4 Radio Clips)

Topic: Norad: Watching the Skies

One of the most terrifying visions of the Cold War was the spectre of Soviet bombers and nuclear missiles...
(11 TV Clips, 5 Radio Clips)

Seeking Sanctuary: Draft Dodgers
Topic timespan: 1965-2000

The October Crisis: Civil Liberties Suspended
Topic timespan: 1970

Topic: Seeking Sanctuary: Draft Dodgers

No one expected the Vietnam War to play out as it did. With thousands of young men fighting...
(13 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

Topic: The October Crisis: Civil Liberties Suspended

In October 1970, tanks roamed city streets and soldiers in full battle gear raided homes in their hunt for...
(15 TV Clips, 7 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

The Oka Crisis
Topic timespan: 1989-2000

The 1991 Gulf War
Topic timespan: 1990-2001

Topic: The Oka Crisis

In the summer of 1990, all eyes were on the small town of Oka for a showdown between native...
(8 TV Clips, 4 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: The 1991 Gulf War

Unlike any conflict before, the Gulf War of 1991 played out in a brave new world of biological warfare....
(31 TV Clips, 3 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic

The Somalia Affair
Topic timespan: 1992-1997

Witness To Evil: Roméo Dallaire and Rwanda
Topic timespan: 1993-2005

Topic: The Somalia Affair

Canadian peacemakers were lauded as heroes when they went into an untamed land ruled by rebels. Their mission,...
(21 TV Clips, 3 Radio Clips)

Educational activities about this topicEducational activities about this topic
Topic: Witness To Evil: Roméo Dallaire and Rwanda

With more than 800,000 people slaughtered in 100 days the Rwandan genocide stands as one of the most horrific...
(13 TV Clips, 8 Radio Clips)

"On This Day"