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Honouring and Celebrating the Stories of Their Lives

The Testaments of Honour Historical Archive was created in 1999 to chronicle, on digital video, first-hand

accounts of WW2 veterans. We believe that these remarkable first-person testaments provide a richer, deeper understanding of that chapter of Canadian history.


It's not just what these veterans had to say about their experiences, but the way in which they said it and what

their faces reveal. We believe there is no more compelling way to connect with this history than to have

its participants and witnesses talk to us and say, “This happened to me.” 


Most of them are now gone. But through the Testaments Archive, these men and women will continue to connect with future generations and share their experiences as first-hand witnesses of WW2 as it erupted around them. 

There is much more to be discovered here than a record of names, places, dates, and numbers. These are up close and personal accounts of events that changed the world. Theirs is the singular 'stuff. of everyday lives that

form the fabric of our history.


The Testaments of Honour Historical Archive is a registered non-profit project (Canada Revenue charitable registration # 86640 9576 RR0001). 

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