Skip Top Navigation The Nature Conservancy - Environmental Conservation Organizations, Land Trust, conservation non-profit and charityAbout Us: The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.

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nature magazine

Conservation Science

The Nature Conservancy's field guide to nature

The Nature Conservancy's Great Places nature e-newsletter

nature magazine

nature magazine

Read highlights from the Winter 2006 issue and find out how you can subscribe.

nature gift – adopt an acre – rescue the reef – nature gift – nature holiday – nature Christmas- environment giftt

nature podcast: nature stories about nature, the outdoors, people, conservation, and science

Charity Navigator gives The Nature Conservancy its highest rating! Feel confident that your donation will protect the Last Great Places on Earth.

Venus flytrap

Venus fly trap – plant poaching – plant poacher – carnivorous plant - Venus flytrap – plant theft

Poachers were stealing Venus flytraps from a Conservancy preserve. Learn how we fought back…with a botanical sting operation.

Natural Capital

Natural Capital – ecosystem services – value nature – Gretchen Daily – environment market – Yangtze River conservation – Eastern Arc – China conservation

Can we put a value on what nature gives us? The Natural Capital Project aims to make conservation mainstream by doing just that.

Awesome Photos

In Response to Place – nature photo – nature photography - Annie Leibovitz – William Wegman – Sally Mann – Lee Friedlander

Works by Leibovitz, Wegman, Freidlander and more mark the last run of In Response to Place, our critically acclaimed photo exhibition.

Nature Stories

ice hotel - Sweden ice hotel - nature stories - nature podcast - Bill Hammack – Arctic hotel

Experience a stay in Sweden’s Ice Hotel, where your room’s 20 degrees Fahrenheit and you’re surrounded by 3,000 tons of snow and ice.

Nature pictures (left to right, top to bottom): © TNC (Gift Giving); © Harold E. Malde (Venus Fly Trap); © Mark Godfrey/TNC (Natural Capital); © Richard Misrach (In Response to Place); © Amy Somrak (Ice Hotel)

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