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Conservation Data Centre Publications

Recent Publications of the Manitoba Conservation Data Centre

This list is effective April 7, 2006 and is sorted chronologically.

Limited copies of manuscripts and reports of CDC publications are available on loan from the Conservation and Environment Library.

PDF documents are available where indicated by this symbol Available as PDF document, and will open in a new window. (Adobe Reader is required to read PDF files. A free PDF reader can be downloaded at the Adobe website.)

Manuscripts & Reports

Foster, C. & C. Hamel. 2006. Available as PDF document Rare Species Surveys of the Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, 2005. [3 MB] MS Report 06-01. Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 43 pp.

Hamel, C. & C. Foster. 2005. Available as PDF document Rare Species Surveys and Stewardship Activities of the Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, 2004. [2.5 MB] MS Report 05-01. Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 38 pp.

Foster, C., C. Hamel & E. Reimer. 2004. Occurrences of rare and uncommon calcareous wetland plants surveyed by the Manitoba Conservation Data Centre in 2003. MS04-02. Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, Winnipeg, MB. 32 pp.

Hamel, C., C. Foster & E. Reimer. 2004. Available as PDF document Rare Plant Surveys and Stewardship in the Rural Municipality of Stuartburn: Including New and Updated Occurrences Resulting From Surveys Conducted in 2003 by the Manitoba Conservation Data Centre. [500 KB] MS04-01. Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, Winnipeg, MB. 12 pp.

Duncan, J.R. 2003.  Manitoba Dragonfly Survey: Citizen’s Monitoring Guide. 34 pp.

Reimer, E. & C. Hamel. 2003. Available as PDF document Rare Species Surveys of the Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, 2002. [2.5 MB] MS 03-02. Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, Winnipeg, MB. 47 pp.

Reimer, E. & C. Hamel. 2003. Rare Species Surveys in Southwestern Manitoba in 2002: Including the Ellice-Archie and Spy Hill-Ellice Community Pastures. MS03-01. Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, Winnipeg, MB. 18 pp.

Hildebrand, J., C. Foster, D. Wood & J. Duncan. 2003.  Manitoba's Nocturnal Owl Survey Annual Report - 2002.  8 pp.

Reimer, E. & C. Hamel. 2002. Available as PDF document Rare Species Surveys of the Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, 2001. [1 MB] MS02-02. Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, Winnipeg, MB. 2002. 35 pp.

Hamel, C. & E. Reimer. 2002. Available as PDF document Rare Plant Surveys of Northwest Angle Provincial Forest, Manitoba. [500 KB] MS02-01. Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, Winnipeg, MB. 18 pp.

Reimer, E. & Greenall, J. (eds.). 2002. Biodiversity Inventory of the Gardenton PFRA Community Pasture. Manitoba Conservation Data Centre, Winnipeg, MB. 61 pp.


Staff names are italicized.

Watkins, W. 2005. Available as PDF document Cougars confirmed in Manitoba. [2.5 MB] Wild Cat News. June Issue:6-8

Bizecki Robson, D., J. Greenall, C. Hamel & C. Foster.2005. Smooth goosefoot rediscovered in Manitoba. Blue Jay 63(2):81-84

Hamel, C.& E. Reimer. 2004. Available as PDF document The St. Lazare Area of Manitoba: a Biodiversity Hotspot. [1 MB] Blue Jay 62(4):203-210

Foster, C.C. Hamel. 2004. Available as PDF document Have You Seen These Rare Water-lilies? [225 KB] Whiteshell Echo. Volume 24, Issue 2.

Reimer, E., C. Hamel & M. Kowalchuk. 2003. Update on the distribution of buffalograss in southwestern Manitoba. Blue Jay 61(2):96-101.

Hinam, H.L. & J.R. Duncan. 2002. Effects of habitat fragmentation and slope on the distribution of three owl species in the Manitoba Escarpment, Canada -- a preliminary analysis.  Pp. 148-161 in Newton, I., R Kavanagh, J. Olsen and I. Taylor (eds.). Ecology and Conservation of Owls. Symposium proceedings from Owls 2000: The biology, conservation and cultural significance of owls.  19-23 January 2000, Manning Clark Centre, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Csiro Publishing, Collingwood, Australia.

Hamel, C. & E. Reimer. 2002. Additional roundleaf monkey-flower populations in Manitoba. Blue Jay 60(4):224-225.

Hamel, C., De Smet, K. & E. Reimer. 2002. New Roundleaf Monkey-flower Occurrences in Manitoba. Blue Jay 60(2):83-87.

Other Extension Materials

Species At Risk Fact Sheets for species listed under Manitoba’s Endangered Species Act (Available in English or French)

Available as PDF document Have You Seen These Rare Trees? [156 KB]

Available as PDF document Eastern Loggerhead Shrike Recovery Newsletter Winter 2004-2005 [333 KB]

External Biodiversity Publications involving CDC staff

Publications are available from respective publishers. Staff names are italicized.

Cannings, S., M. Anions, R. Rainier & B. Stein. 2005. Our Home and Native Land: Canadian Species of Global Conservation Concern. NatureServe Canada, Ottawa, ON. 39 pp.

Smith, A., K. De Smet, & K. Kagume. 2005. Compact Guide to Saskatchewan and Manitoba Birds. Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, AB. 192 pp.

Duncan, J.R. 2003. Owls the World: Their Lives, Behaviour and Survival. Key Porter Books, Toronto, ON. 319 pp.

Bezener, A. & K. De Smet. 2002. Manitoba Birds. Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, AB. 176 pp.

Duncan. J.R. 2002. Foreword pp v-vi in North American Owls: Biology and Natural History. 2nd Ed. Johnsgard, P.A. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington. D.C. 298 pp. 

Takats, D.L., C.M. Francis, G.L. Holroyd, J.R. Duncan, K.M. Mazur, R.J. Canings, W. Harris & D. Holt. 2001. Guidelines for Nocturnal Owl Monitoring in North America. Beaverhill Bird Observatory and Bird Studies Canada, Edmonton, AB. 32 pp.

Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council (CESCC). 2001. Wild Species 2000: The General Status of Species in Canada. Ottawa: Minister of Publics Works and Government Services Canada. 48 pp. + CD.

BioNet Newsletter

The Conservation Data Centre's newsletter "BioNet" is no longer being produced, however, back-issues are all available in PDF format Available as PDF document.

Although the Manitoba Conservation Data Centre maintains high standards of data quality control, it makes no warranty as to the fitness of the information for any purpose, or that the information is necessarily accurate or complete.

The Data User is advised that the Biotics Database maintained by the Data Centre is continually growing as new information is acquired and records are added or updated. Please contact the CDC directly for the most up-to-date information.

Manitoba Conservation Data Centre
Box 24, 200 Saulteaux Crescent
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3J 3W3
Tel: (204) 945-7743
Fax: (204) 945-3077

© 2001 Manitoba Conservation Data Centre

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