Francais The Bath Profile

About the Profile

The Profile

The Maintenance Agency



The Bath Profile and SRW

Related Profiles

The following Profiles have implemented the Bath Profile as the core of their Profile. They are compatible supersets of the Bath Profile.

Interoperability testing

Interoperability between diverse information systems in the networked environment presents complex and, at times, confounding challenges. William E. Moen (E-mail :, School of Library and Information Sciences, University of North Texas, is the principle investigator of a project that will address these challenges. The project will design and demonstrate test methods and metrics to assess interoperability between systems using ANSI/NISO Z39.50 and the Bath profile. The Z39.50 Interoperability Testbed ( focuses on semantic interoperability between systems providing access to online library resources.


The following link to publications, presentations, and other documentation concerning the Z39.50 Protocol and the Bath Profile.




Z39.50 Targets

The following web sites provide the information you need to configure your client for searching. They may, or may not, be Bath compliant.




The Bath Profile
Z39.50 Maintenance Agency homepage
Library and Archives Canada homepage